Autofon Omega v2

Autofon Omega v2
Fabricante: AutoFon
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Autofon Omega v2:
  • Caja negra
  • Posicionamiento Wi-Fi
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Comunicación por UDP

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Autofon Omega v2 en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Autofon Omega v2
ID único: imei

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Autofon Omega v2 para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 21958

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 457 unidades Autofon Omega v2 — es 0.02% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida

Type of package:

  • 2 - setup
  • 16 - state
  • 17 - operator info
  • 18 - navigation data
  • 23 - service
  • 24 - custom text data

sim_count SIM card count
sys_name_cyr System name (cyrillic)
sys_name_latin System name (latin)
setup_valN Setup value, where N is index of field
prof_count Profile count

State of the Nth profile

  • 1 - ON
  • 0 - OFF

profN_task Profile tasks (bit mask)
profN_evts Profile events (bit mask)
profN_st_and_ch Profile needed states and checks
rcvrs_count Receivers count
rcvrN_phone_count Phones count
rcvrsN_phoneM Mth phone number for Nth receiver
rcvrN_ip_count IP count
rcvrN_addrM Mth IP address for Nth receiver
rcvrN_email_count Email count
rcvrN_emaiM Mth email for Nth receiver
task_wait_attemptsN Count of attempts to execute Online-waiting task for Nth sim
task_wait_t_sN Time of online after succesful execution of Online-waiting task for Nth sim
task_wait_t_fN Time of online after unsuccesful execution of Online-waiting task for Nth sim
task_dial_attemptsN Count of attempts to execute Dialing task for Nth sim
task_dial_t_sN Time of online after succesful execution of Dialing task for Nth sim
task_dial_t_fN Time of online after unsuccesful execution of dialing task for Nth sim
task_sms_attemptsN Count of attempts to execute "Send SMS" task for Nth sim
task_sms_t_sN Time of online after succesful execution of "Send SMS" task for Nth sim
task_sms_t_fN Time of online after unsuccesful execution of "Send SMS" task for Nth sim
task_gprs_attemptsN Count of attempts to execute "Send GPRS" task for Nth sim
task_gprs_t_sN Time of online after succesful execution of "Send GPRS" task for Nth sim
task_gprs_t_fN Time of online after unsuccesful execution of "Send GPRS" task for Nth sim

Count of sim settings.


Access point source

  • 0 - mayak
  • 1 - set by user

sim_set_acc_p_nameN Access point name

Source of the ussd request

  • 0 - mayak
  • 1 - set by user

sim_set_usddN ussd string
sms_constr_info Constructor of "INFO" SMS type (bit mask)
sms_constr_lbs Constructor of "LBS" SMS type (bit mask)
sms_constr_navi Constructor of "NAVI" SMS type (bit mask)
sats_seen_gnss Number of visible GNSS satellites
sats_seen_gps Number of visible GPS satellites
loc_find_t Time of location seeking s

Motion state

  • 0 - no motion
  • 1 - motion
  • 2 - undefined

bb_count Black box count

State package reason (bit mask):

  • 0 - execution of "state" task
  • 1 - monitoring package "state"
  • 2 - data type (0 - one operator, 1 - network scanning)
  • 4 - execution of "anti-evacuator-start: state" task
  • 5 - execution of "anti-evacuator-motion: state" task
  • 6 - execution of "anti-evacuator-stop: state" task
  • 7 - duplication of info to email

alarm_clockN Alarm clock
alarm_clockN_per Alarm clock period m

Mayak work mode

  • 0 - usual
  • 1 - search mode
  • 2 - search mode is absent


Reserve channel. Remaining time of tasks execution in case of main channel failure

res_loc_find_t Reserve channel. The remaining time of tasks execution when the main channel works properly m
bat_perc Battery level %
bat_v Battery voltage V
consumed_pwr Consumed power mA*h
consumed_t Consumed power time m

-100 - failure


State of the button, inputs, outputs and etc:

  • 0 - button is pressed
  • 1 - input (+) is active
  • 2 - input (-) is active
  • 3 - external power source
  • 4 - USB power
  • 5 - USB connection
  • 6 - Availability of motion/stop info
  • 7 - motion
  • 8 - output channel state

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