Falcom FOX-EN

Falcom FOX-EN
Fabricante: FALCOM GmbH
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Falcom FOX-EN en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Falcom FOX-EN
ID único: imei

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Falcom FOX-EN para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 20870

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 85 unidades Falcom FOX-EN — es 0% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
STATE Unit state
soft_version Software version
hard_version Hardware version
pwr_ext Main power voltage V
pwr_int Internal battery voltage V
counterN Counter input N
temp_int Processor temperature °C
mileage Odometer
valid Position validity: A - valid, V - invalid
gsm_state GSM state
sys_state System state
user_text User text

Ignition State - state of the ignition pin:

gg_do0 Digital Output State 0
gg_do1 Digital Output State 1
gg_do2 Digital Output State 2

Device Security State - state of the device security (password protected or not).
0: No password secured
1: Password secured (Changes on the device can be made only with

hdop GPS DOP - the current DOP value (GPS position accuracy error) of the device.
gg_gvsmps GPS Vehicle Speed.mps m/s
gg_gvpd GPS Valid Position Date - the last date from the last known valid GPS position.
gg_gvpdt GPS Valid Position Time - the last time from the last known valid GPS position.
gg_gcn GSM Caller Number - the phone number of that incoming call.
cell_id Cell ID
lac GSM Local Area Code
gsm GSM Signal Strength
gg_1wl 1Wire List - the ids of the connected sensors.
gg_fapp FMS AccPedalPosition - current accelerator pedal position. %
gg_fer FMS EngineRPM - engine speed. rpm
gg_fteh FMS TotalEngineHours - total engine hours. h
gg_fflpc FMS FuelLevelPerCent - the fuel level from the first tank. %
gg_ffl2pc FMS FuelLevel2PerCent - fuel level from the second tank. %
gg_ffr FMS FuelRate l/h
gg_ftfu FMS TotalFuelUsed - the total used fuel. liter
gg_fvs FMS VehicleSpeed - the wheel based vehicle speed. km/h
gg_fm FMS Maintance - the remaining distance to the next regular maintenance. km
gg_fvd FMS VehicleDistance - the high resolution total vehicle distance. m

FMS Driver1TimeState:
0 - Normal
1 - 15 min bef. 41⁄2 h
2 - 41⁄2 h reached
3 - 15 min bef. 9 h
4 - 9 h reached
5 - 15 min bef, 16 h
6 - 16 h reached
9 - Other
14 - ERROR
15 - not available


FMS Driver2TimeState:
0 - Normal
1 - 15 min bef. 41⁄2 h
2 - 41⁄2 h reached
3 - 15 min bef. 9 h
4 - 9 h reached
5 - 15 min bef, 16 h
6 - 16 h reached
9 - Other
14 - ERROR
15 - Not available


GPRS Traffic Information


GSM SMS Number - Phone number of the last incoming SMS. No value will be shown if there was no SMS received after the system has been started.


GSM Last Received SMS - the text of last incoming SMS.

gg_getr GPS Eco-Drive Trip Result

GPS Eco-Drive Data - data of the trip from the trip is started until the user request is performed.


Harsh Acceleration Value AxisX

gg_hbvax Harsh Braking Value AxisX

Harsh Acceleration Value AxisY

gg_hbvay Harsh Braking Value AxisY
gg_1wts1 1Wire Temperatur Sensor1 - temperature of the fist 1-Wire sensor connected. °C

1Wire Temperatur Sensor2 - temperature of of the second 1-Wire sensors connected.


FMS Driver1CardState - card state of the driver 1:
0 – Not present
1 – Present
err – Device error
n/a – Value not available


FMS Driver1WorkingState - working state of the Driver 1:
0 - Rest
1 - Available
2 - Work
3 - Drive
7 - n/a


FMS Driver2CardState - card state of the driver 2:
0 – Not present
1 – Present
err – device error
n/a – value not available


FMS Driver2WorkingState - working state of the Driver 2 based on FMS standard:
0 - Rest
1 - Available
2 - Work
3 - Drive
7 - n/a

cst_str String with user text data.
sats_view Number of satellites in view.
sats_prnN Satellite PRN number.
sats_elN Satellite elevation degrees
sats_azN Satellite azimuth degrees
sats_snrN Satellite signal to noise ratio dB

Operating mode:
M: Manual, operate in 3-D mode.
A: Automatically choose 2-D or 3-D mode.


Fix mode:
1: Fix not available
2: 2-D fix
3: 3-D fix

sats_prn_u PRN numbers of satellites in use
pos_dil Position dilution of precision
hrz_dil Horizontal dilution of precision
vrt_dil Vertical dilution of precision

Mode Indicator:
N=No Fix,
A=Autonomous Fix,
D=Differential Fix,
E=Estimated/Dead Reckoning Fix


0: unregistered,
2: Not registered, but searching,
3: Registration denied,
4: Unknown
5: roaming


Phone activity status:
0: ready;
1: unavailable;
2: unknown;
3: ringing;
4: call in progress.

operator Network operator name
alt_cst Altitude
speed_cst Speed
course_cst Course
lls_lvl_lt Fuel level value in litres lt

Lid status:
0 - close
1 - open

fmsN FMS parameter data with N field number
fms37_axisM Axle weight witn M index of axis kg

- To use a custom message format, you must specify it in the unit properties in the field "Use custom message format".

- A custom format must be following: protocols_in_hex,usertext + &(entry),register usertext like text.
- Options in the field "usertext + &(entry)" should be separated by a " | " character .
- If you want to register all incoming data in the field "usertext + &(entry)" as text, then set 1 else 0.
- If you want to register any parameter with a custom name, this name must be written before &(entry). For custom name use the letters of the Latin alphabet, digits, and underscores.
- If you want to register the custom text parameter, you should begin the parameter name with a "gg." and specify the value after the " = " character .

- Use parameter name "gg_hcc" or "gg_hcvc" before "Course" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_hcs" or "gg_hcvs" before "Speed.kmh"entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_ai0" or "gg_ai0" before "IO0" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_ai1" or "gg_ai1" before "IO1" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_ai2" or "gg_ai2" before "IO2" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_havax" or "gg_hbvax" before "Attitude" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_havay" or "gg_hbvay" before "Attitude" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_fd1cs" or "gg_fd1ws" before "FMS.TC_DRV1_STATE" entry to clarification.

- Use parameter name "gg_fd2cs" or "gg_fd2ws" before "FMS.TC_DRV2_STATE" entry to clarification.

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