Naturelink NL01

Naturelink NL01
Fabricante: Naturelink
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Naturelink NL01:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Caja negra
  • BLE
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Acelerómetro
  • Datos de CAN
  • Gestión remota vía GPRS
  • Sensores Digitales
  • Gestión remota vía SMS
  • Comunicación vía TCP

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Naturelink NL01 en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Naturelink NL01
ID único: imei

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Naturelink NL01 para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 22632

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 50 unidades Naturelink NL01 — es 0% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
ibeacon_auxiliary_major# IBeacon auxiliary device major number
ela_sensor_#_humidity ELA official configuration software: humidity sensor value. Multiple sensor data can be uploaded at the same time.
x_acceleration_value X axis acceleration value
engine_load_percentage_at_current_speed Engine load percentage at the current speed
engine_fuel_filter Engine fuel filter sensor value
maintenance_mileage Mileage before maintenance
ela_sensor_#_alarm_type ELA official configuration software: alarm type value. Multiple sensor data can be uploaded at the same time.

Current network format, possible values:







fms_firmware_version FMS Firmware version
ela_sensor_#_battery_voltage ELA official configuration software: battery voltage sensor value. Multiple sensor data can be uploaded at the same time.
ibeacon_auxiliary_minor# IBeacon auxiliary device minor number
trip_max_speed Max speed during a trip
escort_battery_voltage Battery voltage of an escort sensor
ibeacon_realtime_minor# Ibeacon device minor value
operation_hours Operation hours
phone_number Phone number
ela_sensor_#_alert_type ELA official configuration software: alert type value. Multiple sensor data can be uploaded at the same time.
ela_sensor_#_temperature ELA official configuration software: temperature sensor value. Multiple sensor data can be uploaded at the same time.
call_time Call log event: call time
rfid_number RFID Card number
axle_load Axle load
ibeacon_realtime_major# IBeacon device major
driver_login_status Status of the driver login
ibeacon_realtime_mac# IBeacon device MAC address
over_speeding_duration Duration of over speeding
total_vehicle_mileage Total vehicle mileage
external_voltage External voltage
ibeacon_auxiliary_mac# IBeacon auxiliary MAC address
vin Vehicle identification number
call_type Incoming call alarm type
status_information Common status information
cruise_controll Cruise control mode status
photo_name Name of the photo which registered on the Wialon
battery_voltage Battery voltage
based_on_wheel_speed Wheel speed
temperature_serial Temperature sensor serial number
engine_torque Engine torque
remaining_fuel_volume Remaining fuel volume
y_acceleration_value Y axis acceleration value
ibeacon_realtime_uuid# IBeacon device UUID
driver_authorization_status Drive
frame_id Message frame ID

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