Autofon Mayak SE+

Autofon Mayak SE+
Fabricant: AutoFon
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Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Capteurs numériques
  • Gestion à distance via SMS
  • Communication via TCP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Autofon Mayak SE+ les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Autofon Mayak SE+
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Autofon Mayak SE+ pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21831

392 unités Autofon Mayak SE+ connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.02% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
mcc Mobile Country Code
mnc Mobile Network Code
lac Location Area Code
cell_id Cell Tower ID
gsm_level GSM signal strength
pwr_int Power supply internal battery Volt
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision
tm_interval Work mode of device: (0 - periodic, 1 - uninterrupted)
sms_reg_timeout Waiting time of SMS, after reception of the gsm-module, in minutes (from 2 to 9)
bbox_available The presence of black box: (0 - no, 1 - yes)
agps_available Presence AGPS
lang Interface language (0 - Russian, 1 - English)
accel_sens accelerometer sensitivity (from 1 min. to 9 max.)
accel_idle Accelerometer: the continuous rest to start fixing the beginning of movement (from 1 to 9 minutes x10)
accel_event Accelerometer (0 - no action, 1 - Alarm 2 - online at the event, 3 - online at the event + notification
accel_mode Accelerometer (0-off, 1 - fixing driving, 2 - Hold the parking, 3 - fixing driving + hold the parking, 4 - fixing turning angle, 5 - fixing blow, 6 - fixing fall (temporarily unavailable))
max_audio_ctrl_tm the maximum time audio control (from 1 to 9) minute
max_sms_alarm_timeout send sms with coordinates after any alarm event is triggered (NOT NOTICE) (0 - no, 1 - yes)
sms_g_mode type sms mode G (0 to 9)
max_sats_search_tm maximum satellites search time (1 to 9) minute
sms_low_bat Availability sms notification battery low (0 - no, 1 - yes)
button_mode Mode button (0 - no reaction, 1 - Alarm, 2 - online when pressed, 3 - online by clicking + notification)
ext_pwr_mode external power supply (0 - no reaction, 1 - alarm at startup, 2 - alarm when off, 3 - alarm at startup. and off, 4 - online at startup, 5 - online at startup. + notification at startup., 6 - online at startup. + notification when OFF, 7 - online at startup. + notification at startup. and off.)
ext_input_mode external input (0 - no reaction, 1 - alarm when activated (circuit to weight), 2 - Online Activation, 3 - Online Activation + notification)
temp Temperature C
rtc_tm current time rtc

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