Ruptela FM Tco4

Ruptela FM Tco4
Fabricant: Ruptela
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Nombre des unités

En ligne
Nombre total
Caractéristiques Ruptela FM Tco4:
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • Sending data to multiple servers
  • Compteur kilométrage intégré
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • ECO driving
  • Compatibilité avec Garmin
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Identification du conducteur
  • Capteurs numériques
  • Téléchargement des fichiers à partir du tachygraphe
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Ruptela FM Tco4 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Ruptela FM Tco4
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Ruptela FM Tco4 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 20913

10069 unités Ruptela FM Tco4 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.41% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
avl_driver IButton value
axle_N_weight Axle N weight
bat_alertN Tire N sensor battery alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - warning
battery Battery Voltage
battery_current Battery Current
can_acc_pedal CANBUS AccPedal position
can_amb_air_temp CANBUS ambient air temperature
can_axle_loc CANBUS Axle location
can_axle_weight CANBUS Axle1 weight
can_breaks CANBUS BreakS
can_clutchs CANBUS ClutchS
can_coolant_temp CANBUS coolant temperature
can_cruisecs CANBUS CruiseCS
can_diagnostic CANBUS diagnostics supported
can_distance CANBUS Distance

CANBUS driver 1 card

0=Card not present,
1=Card present


CANBUS driver 2 card

0=Card not present,
1=Card present


CANBUS driver 1 time

1=15 min bef. 4 ½ h,
2=4 ½ h reached,
3=15 min bef. 9 h,
4=9 h reached,
5=15 min bef. 16 h,
6=16h reached,
15=not available


CANBUS driver 2 time

1=15 min bef. 4 ½ h,
2=4 ½ h reached,
3=15 min bef. 9 h,
4=9 h reached,
5=15 min bef. 16 h,
6=16h reached,
15=not available

can_eng_hours CANBUS Engine Hours
can_eng_plcs CANBUS Engine PLCS
can_first_driver_id1 CANBUS First Driver Id 1
can_first_driver_id2 CANBUS First Driver Id 2
can_fms CANBUS FMS software
can_fuel_economy CANBUS fuel economy
can_fuel_rate CANBUS fuel rate
can_fuel_used CANBUS Fuel used

CANBUS handling information

0=no handling information,
1=handling information

can_hfrc CANBUS HRFC
can_horas CANBUS horas
can_over_speed CANBUS over speed
can_pto CANBUS PTO
can_ptostate CANBUS PTOstate
can_request CANBUS request supported
can_rpm CANBUS RPM
can_second_driver_id1 CANBUS Second Driver Id 1
can_second_driver_id2 CANBUS Second Driver Id 2
can_service_dist CANBUS service distance
can_sys_event CANBUS system event
can_techograph CANBUS tachograph
can_tech_org_speed CANBUS tachograph vehicle speed
can_tech_perf CANBUS tachograph performance
can_temp_refr CANBUS refrigerator temperature
can_tire_loc CANBUS Tire location
can_veh_id CANBUS Vehicle Full Id
can_veh_id1 CANBUS Vehicle Id 1
can_veh_id2 CANBUS Vehicle Id 2
can_veh_id3 CANBUS Vehicle Id 3
can_veh_motion CANBUS vehicle motion
can_wbspeed CANBUS WBSpeed
com_loss_alertN Sensor loss of communication alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - loss of communication
course_record Course record
current_profile Current Profile
ddd Smart card data
distance_record Distance record
driver_act Driver activity
driver_status_changed Shows if driver status has changed
driver_status Driver status
eng_rpm_max Engine RPM max
eng_rpm_min Engine RPM min
eng_temp Engine temperature
eng_temp_max Engine temperature max
eng_temp_min Engine temperature min
fuel_lvl Fuel level %
gsm_operator GSM Operator
gsm_signal GSM Signal Strength
harsh_braking Harsh braking
hdop HDOP
ID IButton value
io_1_24 Tacho_ddd_available
io_1_25 Security_info
io_2_18 Fuel counter 1
io_2_19 Fuel counter 2
io_2_20 Fuel counter 3
io_2_21 Fuel counter 4
io_4_31 External PDFD panel info
io_caused IO Data ID which caused record
io_N_M Number M parameter of N bytes
last_driver_status Last driver status
leak_alertN Tire N leakage alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - leakage detected
modem_temp Modem temperature
movement_sens Movement Sensor
msg_received Garmin text message has been received
msg_status_received Garmin status message has been received
odometer Virtual Odometer
pcb_temp PCB Temperature
power Power Supply Voltage
pr_thN Tire N Pressure Threshold Detection. Indicates the pressure state of tire N. States: 0 - extreme over pressure, 1 - over pressure, 2 - no warning pressure, 3 - under pressure, 4 - extreme under pressure, 5 - not defined, 6 - error indicator, 7 - not available
rcu_statusN Tire N RCU status. 0 - no warning, 1 - loss of RF reception function, 2 - loss of RS485 network communication, 4 - loss of CAN network communication

CANBUS direction indicator


s_modeN Tire N sensor mode

Max speed

speed_min Min speed
tco_driver1_id TCO first Driver Full ID
tco_driver1_id1 TCO first Driver ID 1
tco_driver1_id2 TCO first Driver ID 2

TCO first driver state

1=Driver available,
7=not available

tco_driver2_card TCO second driver card
tco_driver2_id TCO second Driver Full ID

Duradtion of current activity for first driver

tco_driver2_id1 TCO second Driver ID 1
tco_driver2_id2 TCO second Driver ID 2

TCO second driver state

1=Driver available,
7=not available

tco_activity_tm2 Duradtion of current activity for second driver
tco_tacho_tm Сurrent tachograph time in seconds
tco_distance TCO Dsitance
tco_driver1_card TCO first driver card
tco_reg_num1 TCO registration number 1
tco_reg_num2 TCO registration number 2
tco_rpm TCO RPM
tco_trip TCO trip
tco_veh_id TCO Vehicle Full ID
tco_veh_id1 TCO Vehicle ID 1
tco_veh_id2 TCO Vehicle ID 2
tco_veh_id3 TCO Vehicle ID 3
tco_veh_speed TCO vehicle speed
temp_sens_0 Temperature Sensor 0
temp_sens_1 Temperature Sensor 1
temp_sens_2 Temperature Sensor 2
temp_sens_id0 Temp sensor ID 0
temp_sens_id1 Temp sensor ID 1
temp_sens_id2 Temp sensor ID 2
time_record Time record
tire_locN Tire N location. The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward). The high order 4 bits (MSB) represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle
tire_pressureN Tire N pressure kPa
tire_tempN Tire N temperature °C
t_thN Tire N Temperature Threshold Detection. Indicates the temperature state of tire N. States: 0 - over temperature, 1 - no warning temperature, 2 - under temperature, 3 - not available / error indicator / not defined
vehicle_dist Vehicle distance

X/Y/Z-axis acceleration

engine_on ECO engine on timer (IO 139) s

Picture source ID:
0 - Camera A folder on SD card
1 - Camera B folder on SD card
2 - PortA camera memory
3 - PortB camera memory

pic_quantity Quantity of stored pictures
pic_nameN Picture file name witn N number

Picture deleting result:
0 - Error
1 - OK


Sleepiness monitor, look_away,
0: no driver found,
1: look single point,
2: look away


Sleepiness monitor, sleep,
0: no driver found,
1: No sleepiness,
2: Sleep

wln_accel_max maximum acceleration value g
wln_brk_max maximum deceleration value g
wln_crn_max cornering g

To the "Unique ID" field you need to enter IMEI without the leading 0.

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