Teltonika FMB630

Teltonika FMB630
Fabricant: Teltonika
Forum de discussion

Nombre des unités

En ligne
Nombre total
Caractéristiques Teltonika FMB630:
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • Double SIM/2 SIM
  • Compatibilité avec GLONASS
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Connexion de caméra
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • Compatibilité avec Garmin
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Capteurs numériques
  • MobilEye support
  • Gestion à distance via SMS
  • Modification du paramètre "speed"
  • Téléchargement des fichiers à partir du tachygraphe
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Teltonika FMB630 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Teltonika FMB630
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Teltonika FMB630 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21451

1319 unités Teltonika FMB630 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.05% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
gsm GSM signal strength level 0 (lowest) – 5 (highest) (I/O property 21)
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision (I/O property 20 or 182)
pdop Position Dilution of Precision (I/O property 181)
mcc Mobile country code
mnc Mobile network code
lac Location area code
cell_id Cell ID
pwr_ext Power supply voltage (I/O property 66) V
pwr_int Battery voltage (I/O property 67) V

Value of special I/O property, where N - property ID in AVL packet
Detiled description is placed in the Specification

driver_code_reversed reverse value of ibutton
vin Vehicle identification number for FMS elements
vin2 Vehicle identification number for tachograph data elements
tco_drive_recognize (io_183)

Drive Recognize

(not set)
tco_activity_type1 (io_184)

Driver 1 Working State:

0 - Rest;
1 - Driver available;
2 - Work;
3 - Drive;
4 - Error;
5 - Not available.

(not set)
tco_activity_type2 (io_185)

Driver 2 Working State:

0 - Rest;
1 - Driver available;
2 - Work;
3 - Drive;
4 - Error;
5 - Not available.

(not set)
tco_over_speed (io_186)

Tachograph Over Speed

(not set)
tco_driver1_card_presence (io_187)

Driver 1 Card Presence

(not set)
tco_driver2_card_presence (io_188)

Driver 2 Card Presence

(not set)
tco_driver1_related_state (io_189)

Driver 1 Time Related States

0 – normal;
1 – 15 min before 4.5h;
2 – 4.5h reached;
3 – 15 min before 9h;
4 – 9 h reached;
5 – 15 min before 16h;
6 – 16h reached;
7 – 12 reserved;
13 – Other;
14 – Error;
15 – Not available.

(not set)
tco_driver2_related_state (io_190)

Driver 2 Time Related States

0 – normal;
1 – 15 min before 4.5h;
2 – 4.5h reached;
3 – 15 min before 9h;
4 – 9 h reached;
5 – 15 min before 16h;
6 – 16h reached;
7 – 12 reserved;
13 – Other;
14 – Error;
15 – Not available.

(not set)
tco_speed (io_191)

Vehicle Speed

tco_distance (io_192)

Odometer - Total vehicle distance

tco_trip_distance (io_193)

Trip Distance - Current vehicle distance

tco_tacho_tm (io_194)


tco_vrn (io_231, io_232)

Vehicle Registration Number Part1 + Part2

(not set)
tco_vin (io_233, io_234, io_235)

Vehicle Identification Number Part1 + Part2 + Part3

(not set)
tco_card1_ims (io_222)

Card 1 Issuing Member State (NationNumeric as described in EEC 3821_85)

(not set)
tco_card2_ims (io_223)

Card 2 Issuing Member State (NationNumeric as described in EEC 3821_85)

(not set)
tco_driver1_id (io_195, io_196)

Driver 1 ID MSB + Driver 1 ID LSB

(not set)
tco_driver2_id (io_197, io_198)

Driver 2 ID MSB + Driver 2 ID LSB

(not set)
tco_continuous_driving_tm1 (io_56)

Driver 1 Continuous Driving Time

tco_continuous_driving_tm2 (io_57)

Driver 2 Continuous Driving Time

tco_break_tm1 (io_58)

Driver 1 Cumulative Break Time

tco_break_tm2 (io_59)

Driver 2 Cumulative Break Time

tco_activity_tm1 (io_60) Driver 1 Selected Activity Duration sec
tco_activity_tm2 (io_61)

Driver 2 Selected Activity Duration

tco_cumulative_driving_tm1 (io_69)

Driver 1 Cumulative Driving Time

tco_cumulative_driving_tm2 (io_77)

Driver 2 Cumulative Driving Time

tco_data_source (io_48)

Tacho Data Source

(not set)

Detailed description of parameters is available in the document.

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