Totem Tech - AT09

Totem Tech - AT09
Fabricant: Totem Tech
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Caractéristiques Totem Tech - AT09:
  • 3G

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Totem Tech - AT09 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Totem Tech - AT09
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Totem Tech - AT09 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 20992

206 unités Totem Tech - AT09 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.01% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

Alarm code Status

Bit 32: Panic button. (1=SOS, 0= without SOS)

Bit 31: ACC IN1 (1= ignition ON, 0= ignition OFF)

Bit 30: Over speed (1= over speed, 0= without over speed)

Bit 29: External power (1= with supply power, 0= without supply power)

Bit 28: GEO fence(out) (1=out alarm, 0= none out alarm)

Bit 27: GEO fence(in) (1= GEO in alarm, 0= without in alarm)

Bit 26: GPS antenna drop (1= GPS antenna drop alarm, 0= GPS antenna is ok)

Bit 25: GPS module error (1= module error, 0= GPS module is ok)

Bit 24: Output1 (1= digital output1 in high level, 0= digital output1 in low level)

Bit 23: Output2 (1= digital output2 in high level, 0= digital output2 in low level)

Bit 22: Output3 (1= digital output3 in high level, 0= digital output3 in low level)

Bit 21: Output4 (1= digital output4 in high level, 0= digital output4 in low level)

Bit 20: IN2 (digital input 2) (1= digital intput2 has been triggered, 0= digital input2 without triggering)

Bit 19: IN3 (digital input 3) (1= digital intput3 has been triggered, 0= digital input3 without triggering)

Bit 18: IN4 (digital input 4) (1= digital intput4 has been triggered, 0= digital input4 without triggering)

Bit 17: Shocking (1= shocking alarm, 0= without shocking). Status will show ‘1’ if it’s in shocking even shock alarm has been disabled.

Bit 16: Idle (1= Idle speed alarm, 0= without idle speed)

Bit 15: Inner battery in low level (1= inner battery voltage is low, 0= inner battery voltage is ok)

Bit 14: Unauthorized Driving (1= Unauthorized driving, 0 = without unauthorized driving)

Bit 13: GPS status (1= GPS fixed, 0= No GPS fixed)

Bit 12: Inner batter in charging (1= battery charge, 0= batter not charging)

Bit 11: GSM jamming detection( 1= GSM jamming available, 0= GSM jamming available)

charge_indicator Charge indicator: A=1: charging, A=0:Non-charging;
pwr_int Battery voltage. V
pwr_ext External power source. V
adc 1-4 Collected voltage. Two analog sensors. V
tmp_1-2 Temperature. Two sensors. °C
lac Location area code.
cell_id Cell ID
gps_stat Status GPS: A: GPS fixed, V: No GPS signal
pdop Position dilution of precision
mileage Mileage between last pcs GPRS message and current data. m
data_type Package flag

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