Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713

Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713
Fabricant: Xiamen Lenz
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Caractéristiques Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Boîte à mémoire

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713
ID unique: custom

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22160

2 unités Xiamen Mobile DVR LZ8713 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
phone_number SIM card phone number
ip Dynamic IP of the terminal
signal_quality Current signal quality
driver_id Driver ID
route_no Route No

Type of data:

0x03-QS01 passenger flow statistics
0x07-QS01 passenger flow statistics (updated regularly)

prev_site_n Previous site number
dist_stations Distance between stations

GPS valid marking:
0x41 valid
0x56 invalid

mileage Accumulated mileage km

Vehicle condition alarm state. The meaning of counting each digit from the end to the front
1: reserved
2: Overspeed: Overspeed is 1, normal is 0
3: Sudden braking: Sudden braking is 1, normal is 0
4: Stay overtime at any point: timeout is 1, normal is 0
5: User button alarm: alarm is 1, normal is 0
6: GPS antenna short circuit: alarm is 1, normal is 0
7: GPS antenna open circuit: alarm is 1, normal is 0
8: GPS signal alarm: no signal over time 1, normal 0
9: The driver dials the phone (the terminal will go offline at this time).
10: GPS information: valid as 1, invalid as 0
11: Operational status: 1 in operation, 0 in non-operational state
12: Up and down: Up line is 1, down line is 0
13: Stop: at 1 inside the station, 0 outside the station
14: Starting station: at 1 inside the station, 0 outside the station
15: Terminal: at 1 inside the station, 0 outside the station 1
16: Gas station: at 1 inside the station, 0 outside the station
17: Parking lot: 1 inside the station, 0 outside the station
18: Cash drawer open flag: open 1, not open 0
19: Door opening and closing signal to the station: 1 for abnormality, 0 for normal
20: Signal for opening and closing doors during driving: 1 for abnormal, 0 for normal
21: Cross-border alarm: alarm is 1, normal is 0
22: Positioning module type: Beidou is 1, GPS is 0
23: The input low level is 1, the default is 0
24: Supplementary transmission data flag: Supplementary transmission is 1, normal is 0
25: Positioning tracking flag: Positioning tracking is 1, normal is 0
26: Roll call mark: roll call is 1, normal is 0
27: The input high level is 1, the default is 0
28: The input high level is 1, the default is 0
29: Fatigue driving sign: Fatigue driving is 1, the default is 0
30: Battery alarm: low level alarm is 1, default 0
31: Vehicle power-off flag: the power-off state is 1, the default is 0
32: Camera flag: camera position 1, default is 0

pass_flow_m_id Passenger flow meter ID
num_people_on Number of people on the bus
num_people_off Number of people getting off

Door status:
0x00-open the door
0x01-close the door

query_num_closed_door For query use only, query the number of closed doors
data_serial_num Data serial number, the passenger flow meter accumulates count, cleared to 0 after power failure
num_people_on_prev_stop Number of people boarding at the previous stop
num_people_off_prev_stop Number of people getting off at the previous stop
meter_fault The identification of the passenger flow meter failure when its value is 0x01

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