iON Connect

iON Connect
Fabricant: iRZ Monitoring
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Compatible avec Wialon:
  • ECO driving

Afin d'identifier le boîtier iON Connect les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: iON Connect
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration iON Connect pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21147

86 unités iON Connect connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.12% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
fwere_curr_vers The current firmware version

Flag of the firmware change result:
0 – manufacturer's firmware
1 – firmware changed by command from the server
2 – firmware changed by command from the device

gsm_level CSQ - GSM level

1 - Perfect
2-3 - Great
4-6 - Good
7-8 - Medium
9-20 - Below average
>20 - Bad

lls_level_# Fuel level sensor №#
lls_temp_# Fuel temperature sensor №# °C
input# Universal input #
param_209 RTC time, UNIC UTC
pwr_ext The voltage of the externalpower. mV
pwr_int The voltage ofthe internal battery mV
reload_flag Flag of the device reboot reason
scid1 SCID SIM-card №1
scid2 SCID SIM-card №2

Device working mode:
0 – base mode
1 – power saving mode 1
2 – power saving mode 2
3 – power saving mode 3 (deep sleep)


The difference between acceleration value and threshold acceleration value

param_106_1_2 The speed of vehicle, when harsh acceleration event was detected km/h
param_106_2_1 The difference between braking value and threshold braking value g/1000
param_106_2_2 The speed of vehicle, when harsh braking was detected km/h
param_106_3_1 The difference between lateral acceleration value and threshold lateral acceleration value g/1000
param_106_3_2 The speed of vehicle, when lateral acceleration event was detected km/h
param_106_4_1 The difference between vibration value and threshold vibration value g/1000
param_106_4_2 The speed of vehicle, when vibration event was detected km/h

Device status flag (bitwise parameter):
bit0 - (SIM): 0 – work on SIM1, 1 – work on SIM2
bit1 - (GPS): 0 – work on an external GPS antenna, 1 – on internal
bit2 - (GSM): 0 – work on an external GSM antenna, 1 – on internal
bit3 - (Accelerometer): 1 – there is movement on the accelerometer, 0 – there is no movement
bit4 - (Energy saving): 0 – normal mode, 1 – power saving mode
bit5 - (Energy saving): 1 – sleep mode
bit4 and bit5 - (Energy saving): 1 – deep sleep mode
bit6 (Coordinates validity): 0 – valid, 1 – not valid


Coordinates validity:
0 - valid
1 - not valid

fwere_base_vers The base firmware version
relod_flag Reboot reason flag

Hull button status:
0 – open
1 – close


State of the user compartment button:
0 – open
1 – close

fwere_base_new Base firmware version
fwere_curr_new Current firmware version
DI# DI state witn # number
sim_open SIM-opening button
hull_open Hull opening button
acc_temp Temperature in the device
temp_gsm GSM module temperature
temp_mk MK temperature
temp_sim Temperature of the SIM
param_104_1_1 Security state flag 1
param_104_1_2 Security state flag 2
param_104_1_3 Security state flag 3
param_104_2 Total running time of the engine h
param_104_3 Total mileage km
param_104_4 Total fuel consumption l
param_104_5 Fuel level in the tank l
param_104_6 Engine speed rpm
param_104_7 Engine temperature °C
param_104_8 Vehicle speed km/h
param_104_9 Axle 1 load 0.1kg
param_104_10 Axle 2 load 0.1kg
param_104_11 Axle 3 load 0.1kg
param_104_12 Axle 4 load 0.1kg
param_104_13 Axle 5 load 0.1kg
param_104_14_1 Accident controller 1
param_104_14_2 Accident controller 2
param_104_14_3 Accident controller 3
param_104_14_4 Accident controller 4
param_104_15 AdBLUE fluid level
param_104_16_1 State of agricultural machinery flag 1

State of agricultural machinery flag 2


State of agricultural machinery flag 3


State of agricultural machinery flag 4


State of agricultural machinery flag 5

param_104_17 Time of harvesting h
param_104_18 Harvested area Ha
param_104_19 Productivity 0.01 Ha/h
param_104_20 Quantity of harvested crop t
param_104_21 Moisture of grain 0.1%
param_104_22 Separator's RPM rpm
param_104_23 Concave clearance on output mm
param_104_24 Accelerator pedal position %
param_104_25 Engine load %
cmd_answer Command answer

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