Feiras e conferências
A GITEX Africa é uma feira anual de tecnologia e startups que acontece em Marrakesh, no Marrocos. Este evento é uma plataforma para líderes globais, inovadores e legisladores discutirem sobre uma ampla gama de assuntos, abrangendo desde nuvem de missão crítica, IoT e tecnologia cibernética até avanços em IA, metaverso, computação quântica, programação e sustentabilidade.

Como o evento de tecnologia e startups mais global e colaborativo da Europa, a GITEX EUROPE é um catalisador para a economia digital do continente, promovendo poderosas parcerias público-privadas.
É nela que os inovadores de tecnologia do mundo, líderes governamentais e gigantes da indústria se reúnem para acelerar a transformação tecnológica e moldar um futuro global conectado.

Este é um evento especial para parceiros Wialon da América Latina que convenientemente acontecerá antes da Exposec, a principal exposição de segurança do Brasil. Ele proporcionará um cenário perfeito para networking, discussão das tendências da telemática regional e troca de conhecimentos. Os participantes também ficarão sabendo sobre as últimas atualizações do Wialon diretamente da equipe por trás dele, tudo isso em um ambiente dinâmico e acolhedor.

Fleet management hub
A Exposec é uma das maiores feiras de segurança não só do Brasil, mas de toda a América Latina. Em 2025 ela trará atualizações de produtos e serviços nos segmentos de segurança eletrônica, privada, pessoal, patrimonial e corporativa. Pela segunda vez o time Wialon levará para a Exposec sua famosa Fleet management hub, com os últimos avanços da telemática e IoT.
Visite a Exposec para saber mais sobre nossos produtos e conhecer as soluções de nossos parceiros.
Quer expor conosco? – Descubra os detalhes em expo.gurtam.com/exposec

Traditional Wialon partner conference for the members of Wialon community from Latin America. We organize it annually one day before Expo Seguridad Mexico begins.

Fleet management hub
A Expo Seguridad é um dos principais eventos de segurança da América Latina. Ela reúne expositores que apresentam novos produtos e soluções e usuários finais nacionais e internacionais focados no setor de segurança. O time Wialon estará lá com seu icônico fleet management hub, demonstrando as mais recentes e comprovadas tecnologias de IoT e telemática.

Fleet management hub
Há mais de 30 anos, a Feira Internacional de Segurança ESS+ vem gerando oportunidades de negócios e abrindo novos mercados para o setor de segurança na América Latina. A feira destaca os avanços em segurança eletrônica, segurança cibernética, segurança contra incêndio e segurança no local de trabalho.

A Telematics & Connected Mobility é uma importante feira do setor oferecida pela Gurtam. Este grande encontro apresentará as inovações de todos os produtos da Gurtam e do cenário mais amplo da telemática. O evento combina uma feira de tecnologia com apresentações de especialistas sobre assuntos importantes do setor, fornecendo insights sobre tendências de negócios, desenvolvimento de software e soluções técnicas dos times de P&D.
Junte-se a nós para expandir seu conhecimento e fazer networking com profissionais de telemática do mundo todo.

O Encontro da comunidade Wialon Dubai é uma conferência para parceiros Wialon especialmente do Oriente Médio e da África. Em 2025 ele acontecerá um dia antes da GITEX GLOBAL, a maior feira de tecnologia da região. Neste evento, nossos parceiros compartilharão suas ideias e projetos com a comunidade, conversar sobre as últimas tendências de telemática e IoT e expandir suas redes de contatos comerciais.

Fleet management hub
A GITEX é o maior evento do campo de tecnologias de ponta do ano no Oriente Médio. A feira reúne seis exibições demonstrando inovações e ampliando os horizontes do futuro digital. Como sempre, o evento trará tanto marcas regionais como os top players do mundo inteiro.
Participe da feira com o Wialon ou visite nosso fleet management hub para conhecer as últimas tendências em telemática e IoT.

Wialon fleet management hub
A GITEX é o maior evento do campo de tecnologias de ponta do ano no Oriente Médio. A feira reúne seis exibições demonstrando inovações e ampliando os horizontes do futuro digital. Como sempre, o evento trará tanto marcas regionais como os top players do mundo inteiro.
Participe da feira com o Wialon ou visite nosso fleet management hub para conhecer as últimas tendências em telemática e IoT.

O Encontro da comunidade Wialon Dubai é uma conferência para parceiros Wialon especialmente do Oriente Médio e da África. Em 2024 ele acontecerá um dia antes da GITEX GLOBAL, a maior feira de tecnologia da região. Neste evento, nossos parceiros compartilharão suas ideias e projetos com a comunidade, conversar sobre as últimas tendências de telemática e IoT e expandir suas redes de contatos comerciais.

O Transport Innovation Forum, agendado para outubro de 2024 em Vilnius, serve como um ponto de encontro para líderes da indústria de transporte, governantes e experts em tecnologia. O evento foca nos últimos avanços do setor de logística e transporte e nas tecnologias de ponta que estão moldando o futuro da mobilidade. Ele oferece uma oportunidade para profissionais participarem de discussões e compartilharem insights nos desenvolvimentos inovativos do transporte na capital da Lituânia.

A Securex é a principal feira de segurança e combate a incêndios do continente. Os produtos e serviços mais recentes e populares para mitigação de riscos de segurança da África são exibidos aqui. Anualmente, o evento reúne milhares de profissionais do setor e visitantes de mais de 35 países.

IoT zone
A Exposec é uma das maiores feiras de segurança não só do Brasil, mas de toda a América Latina. Em 2024 ela trará atualizações de produtos e serviços nos segmentos de segurança eletrônica, privada, pessoal, patrimonial e corporativa. Pela segunda vez o time Wialon levará para a Exposec sua famosa zona IoT, com os últimos avanços da telemática e IoT.
Visite a Exposec para saber mais sobre nossos produtos e conhecer as soluções de nossos parceiros.
Quer expor conosco? – Descubra os detalhes em expo.gurtam.com/exposec

Este é um evento especial para parceiros Wialon da América Latina que convenientemente acontecerá antes da Exposec, a principal exposição de segurança do Brasil. Ele proporcionará um cenário perfeito para networking, discussão das tendências da telemática regional e troca de conhecimentos. Os participantes também ficarão sabendo sobre as últimas atualizações do Wialon diretamente da equipe por trás dele, tudo isso em um ambiente dinâmico e acolhedor.

A GITEX Africa é uma feira anual de tecnologia e startups que acontece em Marrakesh, no Marrocos. Este evento é uma plataforma para líderes globais, inovadores e legisladores discutirem sobre uma ampla gama de assuntos, abrangendo desde nuvem de missão crítica, IoT e tecnologia cibernética até avanços em IA, metaverso, computação quântica, programação e sustentabilidade.

Bab Jdid, Boulevard Al Yarmouk
IoT zone
Expo Seguridad is one of the leading security events in Latin America. It brings together exhibitors presenting new products and solutions, national and international end-users focused on the security sector. The Wialon team will be there with its iconic IoT zone, demonstrating the latest and well-proven IoT and telematics technologies.

Traditional Wialon partner conference for the members of Wialon community from Latin America. We organize it annually one day before Expo Seguridad Mexico begins.

InterContinental Presidente Mexico City
Global Sources is the world’s largest electronics trade fair. It’s held annually in April, showcasing over 3,800 booths of the latest electronics. The event highlights sought-after products in consumer electronics, computers and accessories, gaming, automotive electronics, outdoor electronics, audio and video, and electronic components.

The IoT India Expo is a leading technology event in the region, taking place in New Delhi. It aims to bring together established businesses, startups, investors, and tech enthusiasts working in the IoT industry. The event will highlight IoT innovations across various sectors, including smart cities, industrial IoT, data analytics, and others. Wialon will be part of the exhibition, showcasing its capabilities in the Internet of Things realm to the event’s diverse audience.

The grand partner conference will take place in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius, the city where the Wialon headquarters is located. Partners from all over the world will gather to network and celebrate the evolution of telematics and IoT technologies during the three-day event.

The Fleet Europe Summit is the leading international conference for all Fleet and Mobility Leaders. Every year, over 1.200 decision makers and influencers attend from more than 35 countries. The Fleet Europe Summit is the largest international event organized for the most important corporations in Europe and beyond.

Praça das Indústrias 1
IoT zone
GITEX is the major event of the year in the Middle East in the field of cutting-edge technologies. The exhibition brings together six shows displaying innovations and uncovering the horizons of the digital future. As usual, the event will unite both the regional brands and top players from around the world.
Participate in the expo with Wialon or visit our IoT zone to learn about the latest trends in telematics and IoT.

Dubai World Trade Center
The conference for the Wialon partners mainly from the Middle East and North Africa. In 2023, it will take place one day before GITEX GLOBAL, the biggest tech show in the region. At the event, the partners will share their ideas and projects with the community, discuss the latest telematics and IoT trends, and expand the network of business contacts.

Following last year’s success, the Fleet Latam Conference will be back again in Mexico City, on September 25th and 26th 2023. 2 days entirely dedicated to the LatAm Fleet trends, challenges, ecosystems, threats and opportunities, where people will be learning, sharing, networking and even getting inspired by our international expertise in fleet and mobility.

Hotel Marquis Reforma, Av. Paseo de la Reforma 465
IoT zone
Exposec is one of the biggest security shows not only in Brazil but in the entire Latin America. In 2023, it will bring products and services updates in the electronic, private, personal, property, and corporate security segments. For the first time, the Wialon team will bring its famous IoT zone with telematics and IoT developments to the exhibition.
Visit Exposec to learn more about our products and get acquainted with our partners’ solutions.
Want to exhibit with us? – Find out the details here expo.gurtam.com/exposec.

Securex is the continent’s leading security and fire trade exhibition. The latest and most popular products and services for security risk mitigation in Africa are exhibited here. Annually, the event gathers thousands of industry professionals and visitors from more than 35 countries.

The Great British Fleet Event is a 2-in-1: an exhibition and a conference that bring fleet decision makers and suppliers together in a focused, business-to-business networking environment. Wialon team will be there with a booth to present the platform’s capabilities to local telematics service providers. At the conference, Aliaksandr Kuushynau, Head of Wialon, will also deliver a talk about how to transform fleet management with video telematics.

Stadium MK, Stadium Way West, Milton Keynes, UK
IoT zone
Expo Seguridad is one of the leading security events in Latin America. It brings together exhibitors presenting new products and solutions, national and international end-users focused on the security sector. The Wialon team will be there with its iconic IoT zone, demonstrating the latest and well-proven IoT and telematics technologies.

The Commercial Vehicle Show is the largest and most comprehensive road freight transport, distribution, and logistics event in Great Britain. With all the latest vehicles, trailers, equipment, and technology on display, the show will be unmissable for thousands of fleet owners. Wialon team will visit the event. Join us there to talk all things telematics!
Please, schedule a meeting via email sales@gurtam.com.

Traditional Wialon partner conference for the members of the Wialon community from Latin America. We organize it annually one day before Expo Seguridad Mexico begins. The event will allow the partners from the region to connect with like-minded people, share their ideas and projects with the Wialon community, and discuss the latest and upcoming telematics and IoT trends.

InterContinental Presidente Mexico City
Online conference from world's largest IoT organization IoT M2M council. Olga Zhunusova, Head of the New Sales Team at Wialon, will join the conference on March 8th. Olga will talk about what businesses can expect using video telematics and what is the future of a growing trend of video solutions in fleet management.

GITEX GLOBAL is the major event of the year in the Middle East in the area of cutting-edge technologies. The exhibition brings together six shows displaying innovations and uncovering the horizons of the digital future. As usual, the event will unite both the regional brands and top players from around the world.
Participate in the expo with Wialon or visit our IoT zone to learn about the latest trends in telematics and Internet of Things.

Join the global IoT celebration powered by Wialon expertise. For the third time in a row, we will award the best telematics and IoT projects worldwide. This year, the IoT project of the year award ceremony will be complemented by expert reports uncovering the technologies that made these projects happen. The event will be held offline and live-streamed.
Please follow the news to join the ceremony on time.

Hotel Address Fountain Views
The annual partner ranking is changing its format this year: instead of Wialon TOP 50 Global, we will single out 7 regional rankings according to the regions of Wialon operation. In each of the rankings, we will mark ten telematics service providers that connected the biggest number of units to Wialon over the past year.
The award ceremony will take place offline during the Telematics Vilnius conference. We will publish the results on the Wialon blog and other channels.

Our grand annual conference is back! In 2022, it will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, the home for Gurtam’s headquarters. Join us for face-to-face networking, educational, business and technical presentations, and more. Visit our office on August 19 to meet the Wialon specialists and discuss all things GPS tracking and IoT.
Please follow the news not to miss official registration dates and other important announcements about the conference. Until then, we suggest you have a look at the calendar and make sure you will be able to attend the most important partner event of the year.

Our traditional annual ranking of hardware manufacturers has been highlighting the brands that had the biggest number of devices connected to Wialon over the past year. This time, we will hold the GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10 award ceremony within the Telematics Vilnius conference.
Join us to find out who wins this year and also to get first-hand insights about the world of telematics devices.

Expo Seguridad México is one of the leading security events in Latin America that brings together exhibitors presenting new products and solutions, attendees, national and international end-users focused on the security sector.

Traditional Gurtam partner conference for the members of Gurtam community from Latin America. We organize it annually one day before Expo Seguridad Mexico begins.

Hotel Presidente Intercontinental, Castillo A1-A2
Exposec is the biggest security show not only in Brazil but in entire Latin America. In 2021, it will bring products and services updates in the Electronic, Private, Personal, Property, and Corporate Security segments. Increase the exposure level of your brand or product to a qualified audience here.

Africa’s leading security and fire trade exhibition with the broadest range of products and services on the continent. It gathers thousands of industry professionals and visitors from over 45 countries.

Hikvision Innovation Summit is hosted by Hikvision, an IoT solution provider with video as its core competency, in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. The Summit will focus on exciting innovations to come and how solutions created in collaboration with technology partners can expand markets.
The event will feature presentations from the industry experts, including Wialon. Valery Cherkasova, Lead Business Development Manager (Europe) at Wialon, will talk about what video telematics can offer for fleet management.

Hikvision Europe Office, Hoofddorp
MWC Barcelona is the largest event in the connectivity and mobile communications industry, bringing together the latest innovations and cutting-edge technology, such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and сloud services.
The Wialon team participates again and will be delighted to meet the Wialon community in Barcelona! Come over to our booth to reconnect, reimagine, and reinvent together.

CES is a large-scale technology exhibition that has taken place in Las Vegas, the US, since 1967. The event is a ground for the most top-notch technologies and state-of-the-art products in the field. The industry’s most influential brands such as Facebook, Amazon, IBM, Canon, HP, AMD, and many others are the featured exhibitors at CES.
Visit the Wialon booth at the exhibition to see our developments and discuss the newest trends in telematics and IoT.

LVCC (Las Vegas Convention Center)
The event will take place in Las Vegas, the USA, one day before the CES technology exhibition. Wialon is gathering the partner community to take stock of the past year and share plans for the future. Our speakers are also going to discuss the best Wialon and flespi use cases of 2021 and the peculiarities of the sales strategies for digital products.

SAHARA Las Vegas
GITEX is the largest and most inflencial tech show in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. The expo 2021 actually unifies six shows that encapsulate the interconnected power of tech. Gurtam expects to meet with a number of top players of the local and international telematics market there.

Streamax MENA is an online conference organized by Streamax, China, a renowned manufacturer of complex video monitoring solutions. Kseniya Dolia, VP of Technology Partnerships, Wialon, will present on the topic “Why video telematics is worth the price for commercial fleets.” Viewers will learn how video monitoring helps fleet owners reduce risks and avoid unnecessary expenses.

The Global Sources Consumer Electronics Show is a trade fair, which is held in Hong Kong on a semi-annual basis. Hundreds of exhibitors from across Asia present electronic products and accessories together with a wide range of technologies in the sphere of consumer electronics here.

The IoT project of the year is the world’s first competition of telematics and IoT projects. In 2020, the competition got more than 100 project entries and announced winners in 16 nominations. Such media as Forbes and Business Insider covered the event. This year, we will choose the best IoT projects again. We are waiting for all the members of the world telematics community to join the award ceremony online.

This telematics conference is organized by Fleetbook – the Wialon partner from Kazakhstan. Katsiaryna Klopava, Senior Business Development Manager (CIS, Ukraine, Georgia), and Roman Sushchevsky, Wialon Implementation Manager, will tell the audience about the analytical reports, integrations with various apps and systems, and other advantages of Wialon as part of the “Wialon in the world of telematics. Functionalities and application scope” report. Leading telematics hardware manufacturers such as Teltonika, Mielta, Escort Group will also speak at the conference.

Arista event hall, 2b Inkarbaeva str.
Wialon TOP 50 Global is the most famous and large-scale rating established by Gurtam. It features partners who connected the largest number of units to Wialon within the last 12 months. This year, the award ceremony will take place online on September 9. Join the livestream and celebrate the achievements of the telematics community together with other Wialon partners.

GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10 is the rating of hardware manufacturers whose devices were most frequently connected to Wialon within the last 12 months. This year, Gurtam will honor the best manufacturers for the third time in a row. The award ceremony will take place online on August 19, 4:00 p.m. (UTC+3). We invite the entire Wialon community to join the stream!

MWC Barcelona is the largest mobile event in the world, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology alongside today’s most influential visionaries.

Fira Gran Via
The online conference is held by one of the largest IoT communities in the world, the IoT M2M Council. This event brings together IoT technologies and solutions for various fields created by the leading expert companies from different countries. The program of the conference includes panel discussions and keynote presentations with use cases.
On June 24, at 6:30 p.m. (UTC+3), Kseniya Dolia, VP of Technology Partnerships, Wialon, will speak at the event about the advantages of versatile hardware-agnostic IoT solutions implementation during a crisis.

On April 14, the 10th anniversary conference of manufacturers, integrators, and operators of transport management systems will be held.
The speakers will discuss how the telematics market has changed over the past year, what customers expect from telematics today and what solutions will be in demand tomorrow. Experts from Gurtam will take the floor to share their international experience in implementing a monitoring system and promoting telematics services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Первое оффлайновое событие Gurtam в 2021 пройдет за день до «Навиторинга». Партнерское сообщество соберется, чтобы пообщаться в неформальной обстановке и послушать о том, как в Gurtam прошел непростой 2020 год и куда движется Wialon. Здесь же дадим старт IoT project of the year 2021.
UPD: Регистрация на событие завершена! К сожалению, количество мест ограничено, чтобы мы могли обеспечить безопасность участников.

For over 50 years, CES has been a global platform for innovation. And despite this year, the conference is going online, CES 2021 will continue to be a platform for launching products, interacting with global brands, and shaping the tech industry's future. Take the chance to attend the virtual global tech exhibition and get new ideas from the tech leaders' keynotes in a health-friendly manner. Please note that Gurtam is a participant of CES 2021, the all-digital event, and would be pleased to showcase our online booth. See you online!

The telematics conference and exhibition, which has been running for ten years, is the central meeting and learning place for the industry's best. This year, the event is hosted online and promises even more interaction. Two hundred participants worldwide will share their knowledge and experience, learn, and communicate. The event is intended for anyone interested in telematics technology, fleet management, mobility, commercial vehicles, IoT, communications, and data management.

GITEX is the biggest tech show in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. The motto of the expo 2020 is “Inspiring the next decade of breakthroughs,” which means that all the latest technologies will be showcased here. Gurtam exhibits at a large IoT zone again with a number of top players of the local and international telematics market.

The conference for Gurtam partners from the Middle East region. In 2020, it will take place one day before GITEX GLOBAL, the biggest tech show for the region, begins.

Waldorf Astoria Dubai
The COVID-19 pandemic corrected plans regarding the next Telematics conference in Minsk – we canceled the event and moved the award ceremonies to the virtual space. GPS Hardware Manufacturers TOP 10 is the rating honoring the success of the hardware companies whose devices were most frequently connected by the Wialon community over the last 12 months. Wialon TOP 50 Global is the rating honoring the companies that connected the biggest number of units on the Wialon GPS tracking system over the last 12 months.

MWC Barcelona is the largest mobile event in the world, bringing together the latest innovations and leading-edge technology alongside today’s most influential visionaries.

Fira Gran Via
CES has been the world's gathering place for innovators and breakthrough technologies for 50 years. It showcases more than 4,500 exhibiting companies, including manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more. Gurtam is exhibiting at the ATrack booth.

MWCA is the key event in the sphere of IT-technologies in North, Central, and South America. Nearly 1,000 participating companies showcased innovative products and services that will influence the future of the industry at MWCA 2018.

One day before the US biggest mobile technologies exhibition, we bring together the brightest minds of our partner community. Listen to inspiring thinkers and innovators from Gurtam and Technology Partners who will co-exhibit with us at MWC Los Angeles.

DoubleTree by Hilton Los Angeles Downtown
GITEX is one of the biggest IT events in the Middle East region and in the world. Representatives of international companies get a unique opportunity to present their latest solutions around AI, blockchain, robotics, cloud and other trends. The figures speak for themselves: 21 halls with 4,000 exhibitors across 24 sectors, attendees from over 120 countries.

The conference for Gurtam partners from the Middle East and Africa. It takes place annually one day before GITEX, one of the biggest events in the world of IT-technologies.

International Commercial Vehicle Show COMTRANS takes place in Moscow, Russia, every other year. It is the leading fair for commercial vehicles in Russia, CIS, and Eastern Europe. In 2017, when it was held for the last time, over 20,000 industry specialists visited the event, 217 companies from 17 countries of the world presented their solutions.

TelematiX, the 10-th milestone Gurtam partner conference in Minsk. In 2019, it promises to be a blast bringing together our English- and Russian-speaking partners from all over the world. More ideas, experience, presentations, workshops, and networking!

79 Pritytskogo st.
Exposec or International Security Fair is the biggest security fair of Latin America with more than 800 exhibiting brands and over 45 thousand professionals visiting it in 2018. In its 22nd edition, it brings products and services updates in the Electronic, Private, Personal, Property and Corporate Security segments.

Securex is Africa's leading security and fire expo focused on security and fire protection with the widest range of products and services. For over 25 years, it has gained the reputation of the largest trade show of its kind on the continent. It gathers thousands of industry professionals across both the public and private sectors.

Expo Seguridad Mexico is an industry touchstone in Latin America. It brings together the most outstanding exhibitors every year and receives thousands of visitors interested in security products and solutions. Manufacturers, distributors, integrators alongside with national and international users meet here.

The conference for Gurtam partners from Latin America. It is organized each year one day before Expo Seguridad Mexico, one of the major exhibitions for the companies working in the security sphere.

Hotel Geneve Mexico City
The annual conference of telematics software and hardware developers and manufacturers. The biggest event in the Russian transport telematics.

GITEX is one of the biggest events in the world of IT-technologies. Here the representatives of international companies get a remarkable opportunity to build and develop their businesses in the markets of the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.

Gurtam conference for the company's partners from the Middle East. Takes place each year prior to GITEX.

Sheraton Grand Hotel
MWCA is the key event in the sphere of IT-technologies in North, Central, and South America. More than one thousand companies from these regions come here each year to present their most innovative products.

One day before the US biggest mobile technologies exhibition, we bring together the brightest minds of our partner community. Listen to inspiring thinkers and innovators from Gurtam and Technology Partners who will co-exhibit with us at MWCA.

DoubleTree by Hilton Los Angeles Downtown
Intersec Buenos Aires is the fair for all the wholesalers, suppliers, integrators and manufacturers of the Fire, Security and Safety industry in South America.

Gurtam partner conference for English speaking integrators. It is also held each year in Minsk office. Partners from the Middle East, American, Asian and other regions come here to share their best practices.

79 Pritytskogo st.
Gurtam partner conference for Russian speaking integrators. It is organized annually in Minsk office and gathers the representatives of the companies from the Russian Federation and the countries of CIS.

79 Pritytskogo st.
CEBIT 2018 is going to become an excellent scene for an outstanding lead generation. The exhibitors will use the potential of digitization to its fullest presenting products and solutions in a highly immersive way.

International Security Fair is the main event and technological showcase of Latin America for the security sector with more than 800 exhibiting brands and a visiting of 42 thousand professionals.

Securex is the exhibition focused on security and fire protection with the widest range of products and services. For more than 25 years it has gained the reputation of the largest trade show of its kind on the continent today.

Annual conference of telematics software and hardware developers and manufacturers. The biggest event in the Russian transport telematics.

NAFA Institute & Expo is the largest event of the fleet management industry! The perfect opportunity to increase your networking power and become the part of the largest community of fleet professionals.

The event organized specially for the manufacturers of GPS/GLONASS devices, GPS monitoring providers and software developers where one can get an insight into the latest developments of telematics technologies in the Russian Federation and the countries of CIS.

Expo Seguridad Mexico is an industry touchstone, bringing together the most outstanding exhibitors every year and receiving nearly 16,000 visitors interested in security products and solutions.

The conference for our partners from Latin America. It is organized each year prior to Expo Seguridad Mexico, one of the main exhibitions for the companies working in the security sphere.

It is the world’s largest electronics trade fair. It’s held annually in April showcasing over 3,800 booths of the latest electronics.

The partner conference of Gurtam Uzbek integrator, International Monitoring Group. The participants will deliver reports on the current trends and innovations of the global and regional telematics market.

Telematics MEA is one of the largest exhibitions in the Middle East dedicated to telematics issues. Representatives of global companies come here to share their best practices, to get acquainted with the latest developments in this sphere and to get an insight into the Middle East and Africa region.

SmartWitness, a world leading designer, manufacturer, and supplier of in-vehicle cameras, recorders, and software, organizes the conference for its partners to discuss the issues that telematics market faces these days and the latest solutions in the industry.

The conference of the leading manufacturers and integrators of the GPS monitoring market. Here they discuss the latest solutions, trends and needs of the market, cooperative work of clients, integrators, marketing and sales departments, and some other issues of the telematics market.
Hotel Bratislava
During Smart Fleet Management Middle East the speakers will discuss the importance of telematics in Smart City concept development. They will also talk about the latest trends and best practices in fleet management.

Dusit Thani
The largest B2B transport and logistics exhibition in Poland. Here you could learn the latest market trends and get acquainted with the most advanced technologies of the year 2017.

GITEX is the largest high-tech exhibition in the Middle East region where the leading innovative companies present their latest developments in IoT, AR and VR spheres, as well as in the smart cities technologies and robotics industry.

With carefully selected speakers Telematics Conference SEEurope represents the best opportunity to hear about the latest achievements in telematics, logistics, and transport and also about the particularities of the regional market.

Over 1,000 exhibitors gathered in San Francisco with representation from North, Central, and South America to bring the attendees the newest technologies and most innovative products available with a strong focus on Silicon Valley, innovation, gaming and virtual reality.

ESS Security Fair Bogota is one of the most significant exhibitions in security sphere in Latin America. Within the framework of this event you can attend more than 90 open conferences and get acquainted with the solutions of more than 300 key stakeholders of the security market.

It is one of the most promising events in the African region in terms of business connections creating and development, best practices sharing and technological solutions promotion on both African and international markets. Participation in this exhibition is a an excellent chance to present recent innovations and make connections with the leading companies in the region.

The biggest industry event for the manufacturers of GPS/GLONASS devices, GPS monitoring providers and software developers in the Russian Federation.

Key stakeholders discuss here the latest IoT trends, cyber security, cloud solutions and artificial intelligence. Visitors can get a deep insight into a current state of the digital world and make connections with local companies.

Expo Seguridad Mexico is the largest exhibition of security products and solutions in Latin America, where manufacturers, distributors, integrators along with national and international users meet.

Gurtam partner conference for our Latin-American community that is organized prior to Expo Seguridad Mexico, exhibition for the companies working in the security sphere.

Hotel Royal Reforma
Telematics Conference Middle East & Africa offers a great possibility to meet key stakeholders and to hear about global trends in telematics, transport and logistics and also to get an insight into the Middle East and Africa region.