Ruptela FM Pro3

Ruptela FM Pro3
Fabricante: Ruptela
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Ruptela FM Pro3:
  • Caja negra
  • Soporta GLONASS
  • Envío de datos a varios servidores
  • Odómetro incorporado
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Sensores ADC
  • Datos de CAN
  • Soporta Garmin
  • Gestión remota vía GPRS
  • Indentificación del conductor
  • Sensores Digitales
  • Gestión remota vía SMS
  • Modificación del parámetro "speed"
  • Comunicación vía TCP
  • Comunicación por UDP

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Ruptela FM Pro3 en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Ruptela FM Pro3
ID único: imei

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Ruptela FM Pro3 para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 20380

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 1269 unidades Ruptela FM Pro3 — es 0.05% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
avl_driver IButton value
axle_N_weight Axle N weight
bat_alertN Tire N sensor battery alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - warning
battery Battery Voltage
battery_current Battery Current
can_acc_pedal CANBUS AccPedal position
can_amb_air_temp CANBUS ambient air temperature
can_axle_loc CANBUS Axle location
can_axle_weight CANBUS Axle1 weight
can_breaks CANBUS BreakS
can_clutchs CANBUS ClutchS
can_coolant_temp CANBUS coolant temperature
can_cruisecs CANBUS CruiseCS
can_diagnostic CANBUS diagnostics supported
can_distance CANBUS Distance
can_driver1_card CANBUS driver 1 card
can_driver1_state CANBUS driver 2 state
can_driver1_time CANBUS driver 1 time
can_driver2_card CANBUS driver 2 card
can_driver2_time CANBUS driver 2 time
can_eng_hours CANBUS Engine Hours
can_eng_plcs CANBUS Engine PLCS
can_first_driver_id1 CANBUS First Driver Id 1
can_first_driver_id2 CANBUS First Driver Id 2
can_fms CANBUS FMS software
can_fuel_economy CANBUS fuel economy
can_fuel_rate CANBUS fuel rate
can_fuel_used CANBUS Fuel used
can_handle_inf CANBUS handling information
can_hfrc CANBUS HRFC
can_horas CANBUS horas
can_over_speed CANBUS over speed
can_pto CANBUS PTO
can_ptostate CANBUS PTOstate
can_request CANBUS request supported
can_rpm CANBUS RPM
can_second_driver_id1 CANBUS Second Driver Id 1
can_second_driver_id2 CANBUS Second Driver Id 2
can_service_dist CANBUS service distance
can_sys_event CANBUS system event
can_techograph CANBUS tachograph
can_tech_org_speed CANBUS tachograph vehicle speed
can_tech_perf CANBUS tachograph performance
can_temp_refr CANBUS refrigerator temperature
can_tire_loc CANBUS Tire location
can_veh_id CANBUS Vehicle Full Id
can_veh_id1 CANBUS Vehicle Id 1
can_veh_id2 CANBUS Vehicle Id 2
can_veh_id3 CANBUS Vehicle Id 3
can_veh_motion CANBUS vehicle motion
can_wbspeed CANBUS WBSpeed
com_loss_alertN Sensor loss of communication alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - loss of communication
course_record Course record
current_profile Current Profile
ddd Smart card data
distance_record Distance record
driver_act Driver activity
driver_status_changed Shows if driver status has changed
driver_status Driver status
eng_rpm_max Engine RPM max
eng_rpm_min Engine RPM min
eng_temp Engine temperature
eng_temp_max Engine temperature max
eng_temp_min Engine temperature min
fuel_lvl Fuel level %
gsm_operator GSM Operator
gsm_signal GSM Signal Strength
harsh_braking Harsh braking
hdop HDOP
ID IButton value
io_1_24 Tacho_ddd_available
io_1_25 Security_info
io_2_18 Fuel counter 1
io_2_19 Fuel counter 2
io_2_20 Fuel counter 3
io_2_21 Fuel counter 4
io_4_31 External PDFD panel info
io_caused IO Data ID which caused record
io_N_M Number M parameter of N bytes
last_driver_status Last driver status
leak_alertN Tire N leakage alert. 0 - no warning, 1 - leakage detected
modem_temp Modem temperature
movement_sens Movement Sensor
msg_received Garmin text message has been received
msg_status_received Garmin status message has been received
odometer Virtual Odometer
pcb_temp PCB Temperature
power Power Supply Voltage
pr_thN Tire N Pressure Threshold Detection. Indicates the pressure state of tire N. States: 0 - extreme over pressure, 1 - over pressure, 2 - no warning pressure, 3 - under pressure, 4 - extreme under pressure, 5 - not defined, 6 - error indicator, 7 - not available
rcu_statusN Tire N RCU status. 0 - no warning, 1 - loss of RF reception function, 2 - loss of RS485 network communication, 4 - loss of CAN network communication
return can_direction CANBUS direction indicator
s_modeN Tire N sensor mode
speed_max Max speed
speed_min Min speed
tco_distance TCO Dsitance
tco_driver1_card TCO first driver card
tco_driver1_id TCO first Driver Full ID
tco_driver1_id1 TCO first Driver ID 1
tco_driver1_id2 TCO first Driver ID 2
tco_driver1_state TCO first driver state
tco_driver2_card TCO second driver card
tco_driver2_id TCO second Driver Full ID
tco_driver2_id1 TCO second Driver ID 1
tco_driver2_id2 TCO second Driver ID 2
tco_driver2_state TCO second driver state
tco_reg_num1 TCO registration number 1
tco_reg_num2 TCO registration number 2
tco_rpm TCO RPM
tco_trip TCO trip
tco_veh_id TCO Vehicle Full ID
tco_veh_id1 TCO Vehicle ID 1
tco_veh_id2 TCO Vehicle ID 2
tco_veh_id3 TCO Vehicle ID 3
tco_veh_speed TCO vehicle speed
temp_sens_0 Temperature Sensor 0
temp_sens_1 Temperature Sensor 1
temp_sens_2 Temperature Sensor 2
temp_sens_id0 Temp sensor ID 0
temp_sens_id1 Temp sensor ID 1
temp_sens_id2 Temp sensor ID 2
time_record Time record
tire_locN Tire N location. The low order 4 bits represent a position number, counting left to right when facing in the direction of normal vehicle travel (forward). The high order 4 bits (MSB) represent a position number, counting front to back on the vehicle
tire_pressureN Tire N pressure kPa
tire_tempN Tire N temperature °C
t_thN Tire N Temperature Threshold Detection. Indicates the temperature state of tire N. States: 0 - over temperature, 1 - no warning temperature, 2 - under temperature, 3 - not available / error indicator / not defined
vehicle_dist Vehicle distance
accelerometer_x X-axis acceleration

Y-axis acceleration

accelerometer_z Z-axis acceleration
engine_on ECO engine on timer (IO 139) s

To the "Unique ID" field you need to enter IMEI without the leading 0.

You can connect Garmin device to communicate with driver.
Garmin firmware version should be 5.40 or higher.
Ruptela FM Pro3 firmware version should be 03.00.01 or higher.

You can also download an example of object configuration file for Ruptela FM Pro3 to be used in Wialon GPS tracking software. When creating an object, import this configuration file by selecting "Import from File" option. This way you will create a pre-configured object with some sensors. Do not forget to specify the unique Id of Your device.

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