MettaX MC201

MettaX MC201
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características MettaX MC201:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Caja negra
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Guardado de vídeos de eventos
  • Transmisión en directo
  • Guardado manual de vídeos
  • Reproducción de grabaciones

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de MettaX MC201 en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: MettaX MC201
ID único: custom

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración MettaX MC201 para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 22656

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 9 unidades MettaX MC201 — es 0.03% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Video monitoring conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida

Parameter value




Alarm flag (Bits1-32):

Bit1: 1: Emergency alarm, trigger after triggering alarm switch

Bit2: 1: Over speed alarm

Bit3: 1: Driving alarm malfunction

Bit4: 1: Risk warning

Bit5: 1: GNSS module malfunction

Bit6: 1: GNSS antenna was notconnected or cut

Bit7: 1: GNSS antenna short circuited

Bit8: 1: The terminal main power undervoltage

Bit9: 1: The terminal main power is turned off

Bit10: 1: Terminal LCD or displaymalfunction

Bit11: 1: TTS module malfunction

Bit12: 1: Camera malfunction

Bit13: 1: Road transportcertificate IC card module malfunction

Bit14: 1: Over speed warning

Bit15: 1: Fatigue driving warning

Bit16-Bit18: Reserve

Bit19: 1: The accumulated overspeed driving time of the day

Bit20: 1: Timeout parking

Bit21: 1: Enter and exit the area

Bit22: 1: Enter and exit the route

Bit23: 1: The driving time of theroute is not enough/too long

Bit24: 1: Off track alarm

Bit25: 1: Vehicle VSS malfunction

Bit26: 1: Abnormal fuel capacityof vehicle

Bit27: 1: The vehicle is stolen(through vehicle burglar alarm)

Bit28: 1: Illegal ignition of vehicle

Bit29: 1: Illegal displacement ofvehicle

Bit30: 1: Collision warning

Bit31: 1: Rollover warning

Bit32: 1: Illegal open doorsalarm (when the terminal not set up, it’s not judged illegal open doors)


Status (Bits 1-32):

Bit1: 0: ACC off; 1: ACC on

Bit2: 0: Not positioning; 1: Positioning

Bit3: 0: North latitude; 1: South latitude

Bit4: 0: East longitude; 1: West longitude

Bit5: 0: Running status; 1: Stop running status

Bit6: 0: Latitude and longitude are not encrypted by secret plug-ins; 1:

Latitude and longitude are encrypted by secret plug-ins

Bit7-Bit8: Reserve

Bit9-Bit10: 00: Empty load; 01: Half load; 02: Reserve; 3: Full load

(It can be used for empty/heavy passenger car and empty/full load

status of the truck, manual input or sensor acquisition)

Bit11: 0: Vehicle oil line is normal; 1: Vehicle oil line disconnect

Bit12: 0: Vehicle circuit is normal; 1: Vehicle circuit disconnect

Bit13: 0: Vehicle door unlocked; 1: Vehicle door locked

Bit14: 0: Door 1 close; 1: Door 1 open (front door)

Bit15: 0: Door 2 close; 1: Door 2 open (middle door)

Bit16: 0: Door 3 close; 1: Door 3 open (back door)

Bit17: 0: Door 4 close; 1: Door 4 open (door of driver’s seat)

Bit18: 0: Door 5 close; 1: Door 5 open (user-defined)

Bit19: 0: No GPS positioning; 1: GPS positioning

Bit20: 0: No Beidou positioning; 1: Beidou positioning

Bit21: 0: No GLONASS positioning; 1: GLONASS positioning

Bit22: 0: No Galileo positioning; 1: Galileo positioning

Bit23-32: Reserve




Fuel volume


Speed driving rec


Alarm event ID


Overspeed alarm


Position type


Section ID


Route alarm




Driving time alarm


Driving time


Driving results


Video related alarm

Bit 1 Video signal loss alarm

Bit 2 Video signal occlusion alarm

Bit 3 Storage unit failure alarm

Bit 4 Other video equipment failure alarm

Bit 5 Over passengers alarm

Bit 6 Abnormal driving behavior alarm

Bit 7 Special alarm recording reaches the storage threshold alarm

Bit 8-32 Reserved


Video signal loss alarm status (Bits 1-32),

bit1-bit32 respectively indicate the 1~32 logical channels, and the corresponding bit is 1 means the video channel is lost.


The video signal blocks the alarm state (Bits 1-32)

bit1-bit32 respectively indicate the 1~32 logical channels, and the corresponding bit is 1 indicates that the video channel is blocked by the video channel.


Memory fault alarm status (Bits 1-16),

bit1-bit12 respectively indicate the 1~12 main memory,

bit13-bit16 respectively indicate the 1~4 disaster recovery storage devices,

and the corresponding bit is 1 means the memory is faulty.


Abnormal driving alarm (Bits 1-16)





Veh. signal status


User mesage


Vehicle status, the same as state_flag


Additional information ID

  1. 0x64 - driving assist warning information
  2. 0x65 - driver behavior monitoring function warning information
  3. 0x70 - violent driving warning information
  4. 0x14 - Video-related alarm
  5. 0x15 - Video signal loss alarm
  6. 0x16 - Video signal blockage alarm
  7. 0x17 - Memory fault alarm
  8. 0x18 -Driving behavior alarm


Alarm time threshold


Warning threshold 1

When alm_type is 0x01~0x03, this bit is warning gravity acceleration threshold in 1/100g; when alm_type is 0x04~0x07, this bit is warning speed threshold in km/h.


Warning threshold 2

This bit is reserved when alm_type is 0x01~0x03; when alm_type is 0x04~0x07, this bit is warning engine speed threshold in RPM.



0x01: normal work

0x02: standby mode

0x03: Upgrade maintenance

0x04: Device is abnormal

0x10: Disconnect


Alarm status, bits(1-32)

Bitwise setting: 0 means no, 1 means yes

bit1: cameraabnormal

bit2: Main memory exception

bit3: Auxiliary memory exception

bit4: Infrared fill light is abnormal

bit5: abnormal speaker

bit6: Abnormal battery


bit11: Communication module error

bit12: The positioning module is abnormal



Warning level:

  • 0x01: Level 1 warning
  • 0x02: Level 2 warning


According to the warning sequence, starting from 0 and accumulates circularly, without distinguishing warning types.


Sign status.

  • 0x00: Not available
  • 0x01: Start sign
  • 0x02: End sign

This field is only applicable to warnings or events with start and end sign types.


Leading vehicle speed. Range: 0~250, valid only when warning types are 0x01 and 0x02, and fill in 0x00 when not available.


Leading car/pedestrian distance


Deviation type:

  1. 0x01: Left deviation
  2. 0x02: Right deviation
  3. Only valid when warning type is 0x02, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.


Road sign type

  • 0x01: Speed limit sign
  • 0x02: Height limit sign
  • 0x03: Weight limit sign
  • Only valid when warning types are 0x06 and 0x10; fill in 0x00 when not available.


Road sign data. Data identified on road signs, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.

fat_deg Fatigue degree. Range 1~10. The larger the value, the more severe the fatigue. Only valid when warning type is 0x01, fill in 0x00 when unavailable.

tkstar_base_st_area_code - Area code
tkstar_base_st_contry_code - Country code
tkstar_base_st_oper_num - Operator number
tkstar_base_st_towe_num - Tower number
tkstar_bat_charge - Battery charge percentage
tkstar_displacement_alarm - Extended alarm status
tkstar_iccid - SIM card ICCID number
tkstar_motion_status - (00)Still to motion; (01)Move to rest;
tkstar_pos_status - (00) Not positioned; (10) WiFi positioning; (01) GPS
tkstar_term_built_in_volt - the internal voltage value

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