Huabao HB 1AL

Huabao HB 1AL
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Caractéristiques Huabao HB 1AL:
  • E-seal

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Huabao HB 1AL les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Huabao HB 1AL
ID unique: custom

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Huabao HB 1AL pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22007

108 unités Huabao HB 1AL connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.08% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
odometer Vehicle odometer km
fuel_volume Fuel capacity %
speed_drvng_rec The speed of driving record function km/h
alarm_event_id Alarm event id
overspeed_alarm Existance of overspeed alarm

Overspeed/route alarm location type
0 - No specific location
1 - Circular region
2 - Rectangle region
3 - Polygon region
4 - Route


Overspeed/route/driving time alarm section id
If the location type is 0, without this field

route_alarm Existance of route alarm

Direction of route alarm
0 - In
1 - Out

driving_time_alarm Existance of driving time alarm
driving_time Driving time s

Driving result
0 - Shortage
1 - Too long


Extended vehicle signal status
0 - The near beam light signal
1 - The high beam light signal
2 - Right turn signal
3 - Left turn signal
4 - Brake signal
5 - Reverse signal
6 - Fog signal
7 - Profile light signal
8 - Horn signal
9 - Air conditioning state
10 - Neutral signal
11 - Retarder working state
12 - ABS working state
13 - Heater working state
14 - Clutch working state
15 - Reserved

adc_0 Analog quantity 1
adc_1 Analog quantity 2
adc_2 Analog quantity 3
adc_3 Analog quantity 4
gsm Wireless communication network signal strength
user_msg Custom message
sdeviceid_# Lock device # ID number
scardid_# RFID card # number
spower_# Lock # Battery percentage

Lock # status
0 - 0:seal tempered normal, 1:seal tempered error
1 - Lock rope status. 1 means lock rope is inserted. Otherwise,0
2 - The status of Slave and master bluetooth connection, 1 means slave disconnect from master, otherwise 0.
3 - Back cap status. 1 means closing status. Otherwise, 0.
4 - Back cap alarm. 1 means back cap open alarm. Otherwise, 0
5 - 1 means unlock alarm, otherwise, 0.
6 - Cut off rope alarm. 1 means lock rope cut alarm, otherwise, 0
7 - Lock motor stuck alarm. 1 mean motor is stuck. Otherwise, 0.
8 - Low battery alarm,1 means low power alarm. Otherwise, 0.
9 -
Swipe unauthorized card alarm (IllegalCard),1 means swiped unauthorized RFID card alarm. Otherwise, 0.

mes_id Terminal general response message id

Terminal general response message result:
0 - Success / Confirmation;
1 - Failed;
2 - Message in error;

event_# Event report ID
ans_trigger Terminal transmission message trigger id
ans_cmd Terminal transmission message

State flag:
0 - 0: ACC turn off 1: ACC turn on;
1 - 0: Without positioning 1: Positioning;
2 - 0: Northern latitude 1: Southern latitude;
3 - 0: East longitude 1: West longitude;
4 - 0: Operation state 1: Stop operation state;
5 -
0: Latitude and longitude without security card encryption, 1: Latitude and longitude have security card encryption;
6-7 - Reserved;
8-9 - 00: empty; 01: half, 10: retention; 11: full (can be used for bus air, car and truck load, which is usually crowded with a large number of state, said manual input or sensor get);
10 - 0: Vehicle fuel circuit normal 1: Vehicle fuel circuit abnormal;
11 - 0: Vehicle circuit normal 1: Vehicle circuit abnormal;
12 - 0: Door unlock 1: Door lock;
13 - 0: First door close 1: First door open;
14 - 0: Second door close 1: Second door open;
15 - 0: Third door close 1: Third door open;
16 - 0: Fourth door close 1: Fourth door open;
17 - 0: Fifth door close 1: Fifth door open;
18 - 0: Not using GPS satellite for positioning; 1: use GPS satellite positioning;
19 - 0: Not using Beidou satellite for positioning; 1: use Beidou satellite positioning;
20 - 0: Not using GLONASS satellite for positioning; 1: use GLONASS satellite positioning;
21 - 0: Not using Galileo satellite for positioning; 1: use Galileo satellite positioning;
22-31 - Reserved.


Alarm flag:
0 - 1: SOS alarm, trigger alarm switch;
1 - 1: over-speed alarm;
2 - 1: fatigue driving;
3 - 1: pre-warning
4 - 1: GNSS module break down;
5 - 1:GNSS antenna unconnected or be cut off;
6 - 1: GNSS antenna short circuit;
7 - 1: Power Supply power under voltage;
8 - 1: Cut Off Power Supply;
9 - 1: Terminal LCD or display break down;
10 - 1: TTS module break down;
11 - 1: camera module break down;
12-17 - Reserved;
18 - 1: The accumulative total driving timeout;
19 - 1: parking timeout;
20 - 1: exit and entrance region;
21 - 1: exit and entrance route;
22 - 1: driving time shortage/ too long;
23 - 1: Route deviation alarm;
24 - 1: Vehicle VSS fault;
25 - 1: Vehicle fuel anomaly;
26 - 1: Vehicle anti-theft(by vehicle anti-theft device);
27 - 1: Vehicle illegal ignition;
28 - 1: Vehicle illegal displacement;
29 - 1: Collision alarm;
30-31 - Reserved.


Device status (Bits 1-16)

1: Whether located by LBS, 1 means located by LBS, 0 means not LBS

2: Enter Geo-fence alarm,(InFenceAlarm), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

3: Exit Geo-fence alarm,(OutFenceAlarm), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

4: Steel String cut alarm,(LockCutOff), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

5: Vibration alarm,(Vibration, SealTempered), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

6: need to be confirmed, 1 means need to be confirmed. 0 means no need to be confirmed.(MessageAck)

7: Steel String status:(LockRope), 1 means rope inserted, 0 means not inserted

8: Motor Lock status:(LockStatus), 1 means lock, 0 means unlock.

9: Unlocking alarm(LockOpen), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

10: Wrong password alarm ( Input the incorrect password more than 5 times.) (PasswordError), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

11: Swipe unauthorized RFID tag alarm (IllegalCard), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

12: Low battery alarm(LowPower), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

13: Open Back cover alarm(UnCoverBack), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm

14: Back Cap status:(CoverStatus), 1 means back cap close status,0 means back cap opening

15: Motor fault alarm/lock stuck status(LockStuck), 1 means Motor fault alarm, 0 means norm

16: Electric quantity, indicated by hexadecimal, 0x64 means the current battery is 100. (Power)

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