Device status (Bits 1-16) 1: Whether located by LBS, 1 means located by LBS, 0 means not LBS 2: Enter Geo-fence alarm,(InFenceAlarm), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 3: Exit Geo-fence alarm,(OutFenceAlarm), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 4: Steel String cut alarm,(LockCutOff), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 5: Vibration alarm,(Vibration, SealTempered), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 6: need to be confirmed, 1 means need to be confirmed. 0 means no need to be confirmed.(MessageAck) 7: Steel String status:(LockRope), 1 means rope inserted, 0 means not inserted 8: Motor Lock status:(LockStatus), 1 means lock, 0 means unlock. 9: Unlocking alarm(LockOpen), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 10: Wrong password alarm ( Input the incorrect password more than 5 times.) (PasswordError), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 11: Swipe unauthorized RFID tag alarm (IllegalCard), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 12: Low battery alarm(LowPower), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 13: Open Back cover alarm(UnCoverBack), 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means norm 14: Back Cap status:(CoverStatus), 1 means back cap close status,0 means back cap opening 15: Motor fault alarm/lock stuck status(LockStuck), 1 means Motor fault alarm, 0 means norm 16: Electric quantity, indicated by hexadecimal, 0x64 means the current battery is 100. (Power)