Jointech JT701D

Jointech JT701D
Fabricant: Jointech
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Caractéristiques Jointech JT701D:
  • E-seal

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Jointech JT701D les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Jointech JT701D
ID unique: serial

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Jointech JT701D pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22068

2117 unités Jointech JT701D connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 1.58% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

Event source type has the following event sources:
1:Swipe authorization card;
2:Swipe illegal card;
3:Swipe the vehicle ID cards bound;
4:password unlock;
5:record to lock automatically;

swipe_auth_card Swipe authorization card value
swipe_card_id Swipe illegal card value
swipe_veh_id_bound Swipe the vehicle ID cards bound value
pass_unlock Password unlock value
auto_lock Record to lock automatically value

The current mileage, calculated under vibration status


Indicated the quantity of connected GPS, the figure will be 0 if the device is located by LBS.

vichle_id The Vehicle ID connected with this device.

Device’s status or alarms. byte 1 at right side, byte3 at left side, the detail is as follows:
BIT 1 Whether located by LBS, 1 means located by LBS, 0 means located by GPS
BIT2Enter Geo-fence alarm, 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT3 Exit Geo-fence alarm, 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT4 Steel String cut alarm, 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT5 Vibration alarm, 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT6 need to be confirmed, 1 means need to be confirmed. 0 means no need to be confirmed.
Real time data,this BIT fixed 0;
Alarm data ,this BIT fixed 1;
Re-uploading data ,this BIT fixed 1;
BIT7 Steel String status: 1 means strings inserted, 0 means disconnect
BIT8 Motor Lock status: 1 means lock, 0 means unlock.

BIT9 Unlocking alarm 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT10 Wrong password alarm ( Input the incorrect password more than 5 times.) 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT11 Swipe unauthorized RFID tag alarm 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT12 Low battery alarm 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT13 Open Back Cap alarm 1 means trigger this alarm, 0 means normal.
BIT14 Back Cap status: 1 means back cap close status,0 means back cap opening
BIT15 Motor fault alarm 1 means Motor fault alarm ,0 means normal.
Other BITS Reserved


Electric quantity, indicated by hexadecimal, 0x64 means the current battery is 100%, accuracy is 5%,if the value is 0xFF, means the USB is charging.

cell_id Cell ID
lac LAC

Indicates the strength of GSM signal. The maximum value for GSM signal strength is 31.


Serial number, Sending one more data, increase1. Range: 0x00~0xFF.

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