motion_status_N |
indicates the movement status 0 is not moving 1 is moving
pressure |
The force exerted by the substance inside a container, measured in units psi |
temp3 |
Represents temperature values. The unit is Celsius and the range is from -127 to +127. |
btah_channels |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Channels numbers.
speed_drvng_rec |
The recorded speed of a vehicle while it was being driven. |
city_id |
An identification number corresponding to a specific city. |
gsm |
Refers to the Global System for Mobile Communications, a standard developed to describe protocols for second-generation digital cellular networks. |
mielta_device_name |
The name of a device |
btah_mot_ev_count_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Means detected motion count.
iccid |
10-byte SIM card ICCID number.
btah_humidity_# |
Represents humidity values in percentage, ranging from 0 to 100%. |
btah_manufactur_id_# |
Represents the manufacturer ID. |
oil_perc |
Oil volume percentage
humidity2 |
Represents the humidity level, which indicates the amount of moisture in the air. |
tco_driver_name |
Driver's name
bor_accel_y |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Acceleration (X, Y, Z)
accel_y |
The Y-axis component of acceleration, indicating the vehicle's movement in the vertical direction. |
mac_N |
MAC ID, where N is number of channel Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor
veh_id |
Represents the vehicle identification number, a unique code to identify individual motor vehicles. |
cmd_sent |
Indicates a command that has been sent to a device or system. |
bor_manufactur_data |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Manufacturer ID
btah_mac_# |
The MAC address of a Bluetooth device, used for identifying and connecting to the device. |
battery_lvl |
The level of charge remaining in the vehicle's battery, expressed as a percentage. |
tilt_y |
The Y-axis component of tilt, indicating the vehicle's inclination in the vertical direction. |
temp1 |
Temperature measurement in degrees Celsius. |
bora_manufactur_id_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Manufacturer ID
mielta_accel_y |
Acceleration value in the Y direction. |
tkstar_light_alarm |
A notification indicating the activation of a light-related alert or warning. |
alarm_status |
Indicates whether an alarm is active or inactive. |
abnormal_driving_alarm |
Indicates whether there is an alarm for abnormal driving behavior. |
temp5 |
Temperature measurement in degrees Celsius. |
tco_insert_card |
card status 1: Professional qualification certificate IC card is inserted (driver goes to work); 2: The IC card of the professional qualification certificate is removed (the driver is off duty).
battery |
Indicates the state of the battery switch, where 1 represents the battery switch-off and 0 represents the battery switch-on. |
humidity3 |
Humidity level expressed as a percentage. |
device_roll_N |
indicate the device roll.The device roll can be determined from -180 to 180 degrees.
memory_fault_alarm |
Indicates whether there is an alarm for a memory fault. |
fuel_tank_lvl_N |
Fuel tank height, N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
fuel_meter_data_type |
Oil table data type 0-percent 1-Oil gauge value
ie_auth_status |
ibutton extension protocol. Authorization status Byte1: 0x00 Unauthorized 0x01 Authorized
mielta_accel_x |
Acceleration value in the X direction. |
tco_ic_card_read |
0: IC card reading success; 1: Card reading failed because the card key authentication failed; 2: Card reading failed because the card is locked; 3: Card reading failed because the card was pulled out; 4: Card reading failed due to data verification error. The following fields are valid only when the IC card reading result is equal to 0.
mielta_fuel_meter_stability |
Indicates whether the fuel meter is stable, allowing for calibration. |
fuel_meter_stability |
Instrument frequency stability status 0 unstable 1 stable,
btah_humidity_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Humidity
manufacturer |
Identification of the manufacturer. |
voltage |
The amount of electrical power, often measured in volts. |
position_type |
Indicates the type of positioning used |
manufacturer_data |
Manufacturer ID
humidity1 |
Humidity is the amount of water vapor present in the air, measured as a percentage. |
oil |
Oil gauge value
accel_z |
Represents the acceleration measurement along the Z-axis, part of a three-dimensional acceleration data set. |
bor_vbat |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Battery voltage
he_hum_{n} |
Humidity extension protocol humidity
start_time |
The time at which an event or process begins. |
oil_level_N |
Oil volume percentage, N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
vbat_N |
Battery voltage, N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
bor_fuel_level_stab |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Fuel tank height status Bit1: 0 unstable 1 stable
hibernation_mode |
A mode where the device consumes minimal power, typically used when it is not active. |
manufacturer_id_N |
Manufacturer ID, N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
te_temp_{n} |
Temperature Extension Protocol Temperature
chrg_volt |
The voltage level used for charging the device's battery. |
bor_cover_sensor |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Sensor status: 0 Not activated 1 Activated
bora_mac_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). MAC ID
tco_qual_cert_code |
Professional qualification certificate code
bora_state_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Working status Bit0: 1 Normal 0 Abnormal
odometer |
A device that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle. |
tilt_z |
The tilt or angle measurement on the Z-axis, often used in devices to detect orientation or movement. |
bor_temp |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Temperature
tco_notif_body_name |
Issuing agency name
alm_arm_state |
Indicates whether the alarm system is armed or disarmed. |
pwr_saving_mode |
Indicates the power saving mode status |
eas_ext_alarm_status |
Extended alarm status bit
afgm_oil_perc |
AIBOX fuel gauge, mileage upload. Oil volume percentage
tilt_x |
Represents the tilt or inclination in the X direction. |
mielta_accel_z |
Represents the acceleration in the Z direction. |
cover_sensor |
Sensor status 0 Not activated 1 Activated
bor_accel_x |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Acceleration (X, Y, Z)
afgm_mileage |
AIBOX fuel gauge, mileage upload. Mileage
alm_id |
Represents an alarm identification number. |
accel_(x/y/z) |
Acceleration (X, Y, Z)
tco_insert_time |
Card insertion/removal time. The following fields are valid and filled only when the tco_insert_card is 1.
direction |
Refers to the compass direction |
ie_ibutton |
ibutton extension protocol. ibutton data
alm_time |
Refers to the time when an alarm was triggered. |
end_time |
Indicates the time when a specific event or process ends. |
air_quality2 |
Refers to a second measurement or assessment of air quality. |
bor_oil_volume_level |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Oil volume percentage 0..100 %
device_temp |
The temperature of the device. |
channels |
number of channels
bora_fuel_tank_lvl_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Fuel tank level height
alm_type |
This parameter refers to the type of alarm, possibly indicating different alert categories or levels. |
device_pitch_N |
indicates the device spacing range from -90 to 90 degrees
btah_manufactur_id_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Manufacturer ID
lrore_oil_data_{n} |
Long Run Oil Rod Extension Protocol Oil data
hdop |
Horizontal dilution of precision, indicating the accuracy of GPS horizontal position. |
ead_ext_alarm_status |
Extended alarm data bit 2
mielta_fuel_tank_heigh |
The height of the fuel tank, which can be calibrated when stable. |
btah_vbat_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Battery voltage
vbat |
Battery voltage
tkstar_pos_status |
The status of the positioning, potentially indicating whether the device has a valid GPS fix. |
bora_vbat_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Battery voltage
le_ad_{n} |
Load Extension Protocol
mark_N |
Mark BIT 0 – Temperature value present. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting the temperature value. BIT1 – Humidity value present. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting humidity values. BIT2 – Magnetic sensor present. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting magnetic sensor BIT3 – Magnetic sensor status (1 magnetic field detected/0 magnetic field not detected) BIT4 – Motion sensor counter. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting motion BIT5 – Motion sensor angle. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting angle, BIT6 – Low battery indicator. 0 – Indicates that the device battery level is from 100% to 15 BIT7 – Battery voltage value present. 1 means the device is reading and transmitting the battery voltage
fuel_level_stability |
Fuel tank height status 0 unstable 1 stable
user_msg |
A message or notification intended for the user. |
motion_event_count_N |
The value indicates that the device has detected a total of motion events.
temp2 |
A secondary temperature reading or measurement. |
oil_volume_level |
Oil volume percentage
alm_thre1 |
Threshold for triggering an alarm or alert. |
device_humidity |
This refers to the humidity level detected by the device, which is expressed as a percentage. |
bor_fuel_meter_stab |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Instrument frequency stability status Bit0: 0 unstable 1 stable
jore_cur_liq_lvl_{n} |
Jiutong Oil Rod Extension Protocol. Current liquid level in ten thousandths, the maximum value is 10000.
state_N |
Working status Bit0: 1 Normal 0 Abnormal N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
fuel_tank_height |
Fuel tank height
jore_cur_adj_oil_{n} |
Jiutong Oil Rod Extension Protocol. Current adjusted oil level value, 0-4095.
accel_x |
This represents the acceleration measurement along the X-axis, showing how quickly the vehicle or device is speeding up or slowing down in that direction. |
mileage |
bora_channels |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Channels numbers
alm_lvl |
The level or severity of an alarm. |
humidity4 |
Indicates the level of humidity, expressed as a percentage between 0 and 100. |
content_{n} |
Content data
ev_pwr_ext |
External voltage
afgm_fuel_meter_type |
AIBOX fuel gauge, mileage upload. Oil table data type
tracking_mode |
Refers to the method used to monitor the location of a vehicle |
btah_device_pitch_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Angle
driving_time |
The amount of time a vehicle has been in motion |
bora_temp_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Temperature
alarm_event_id |
An identifier for a specific alarm event, used to track and manage alerts |
bor_accel_z |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Acceleration (X, Y, Z)
bora_oil_level_{n} |
Bluetooth oil rod array protocol (0x0121). Oil volume percentage
btah_temp_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Temperature
btah_motion_status_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Movement status. If the device is not moving 0. If it is 1 the device is moving.
btah_mac_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. MAC ID
temperature |
iv_pwr_int |
Internal voltage
tkstar_displacement_alarm |
This parameter refers to an alert triggered when a significant movement |
device_name |
Device name
tco_cert_term |
Certificate validity period
content_id_{n} |
Content id
device_model |
This parameter refers to the specific model identifier of a device. |
temp_N |
temperature, N is a Bluetooth oil rod number in a queue
device_status |
This parameter indicates the current operational state |
afgm_oil |
AIBOX fuel gauge, mileage upload. Oil gauge value.
dev_type |
This parameter refers to the category |
jore_cur_oil_lvl_{n} |
Jiutong Oil Rod Extension Protocol. Divide by 100 to get the current oil level in liters, such as 384.09L.
tkstar_vibration_alarm |
Indicates whether the vibration alarm is switched on or off. |
workstate |
Indicates the working status, where a specific bit pattern signifies normal or abnormal operation. |
imei |
A unique identifier for a mobile device, used for tracking and identification. |
btah_mark_{n} |
Bluetooth temperature and humidity sensor. Info byte.
bor_device_name |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Device name
ie_check_status |
ibutton extension protocol. Check-in and check-out status Byte0: 0x00 Check-out, 0x01 Check-in, 0xff Unknown error
bor_fuel_tank_height |
Bluetooth oil rod protocol. Fuel tank height