Meitrack T633L

Meitrack T633L
Fabricant: Meitrack
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Afin d'identifier le boîtier Meitrack T633L les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Meitrack T633L
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Meitrack T633L pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21910

893 unités Meitrack T633L connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.04% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
event_code Event Code
valid GPS status
gsm_signal GSM signal
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision
mileage Total accumulated mileage km
engine_hours Total accumulated runtime
battery battery charge V
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply V
fuel_percent Percentage of remain fuel %
temp_N Temperature sensor N value °C
wln_accel_max Maximum acceleration value g
wln_brk_max Maximum deceleration value g

LLS fuel sensor N temperature


LLS fuel sensor value


LLS fuel sensor frequency


Driver fatigue alert:

  • 01 - Mild fatigue
  • 02 - Moderate fatigue
  • 03 - Severe fatigue
  • 04 - Distraction alert
  • 05 - Absence alert
  • 06 - On Phone Call alert
  • 07 - Smoking alert
  • 08 - Yawning alert

ignition Ignition status

Tire position
Tire position:7~5bit indicate the vehicle head or trailer:000(B): Vehicle head, 001(B):Trailer 1,010(B): Trailer 2, 011(B): Trailer 3,100(B): Trailer 4, 4~0bit indicate the tire number:For example, 00001(B), indicating the first tire


Tire pressure value:
Formula :obtained value x 0.025


Tire temperature value:
Formula: obtained value – 50


Tire status:
Bit7: indicates the battery voltage status of the transmitter. 0: normal voltage; 1: low voltage.
Bit6:Whether to receive data from the transmitter. If you do not receive data from the transmitter within 15 minutes, the parameter value will be reset to 1. Bit5:reserved.
Bit4:When the value is 1, the air pressure is high.
Bit3:When the value is 1, the air pressure is low
Bit2:indicates temperature status. 1: high temperature; 0: normal temperature.
Bit1~Bit0:indicates the alert status. 00: no alert; 01: fast air leak alert; 10: slow air leak alert; 11: tire inflation alert.


System Flag:
Bit 0: Whether to modify the EEP2 parameter. When the parameter value is 1, the EEP2 parameter is modified.
Bit 1: Indicates the ACC status. When the parameter value is 1, the ACC is on. Bit 2: Indicates the anti-theft status. When the parameter value is 1, the tracker is in the arming state.
Bit 3: vibration flag. When the parameter value is 1, the tracker is vibrating.
Bit 4: moving flag. When the parameter value is 1, the tracker is moving.
Bit 5: Whether to connect the external power supply. When the parameter value is 1, the external power supply is connected.
Bit 6: Whether the tracker is charging. When the parameter value is 1, the tracker is charging.
Bit 7: Whether to enable the sleep mode. When the parameter value is 1, the sleep mode is enabled.
Bit 8: Whether to connect the FMS. When the parameter value is 1, the FMS is connected.
Bit 9: Whether to enable the FMS function. When the parameter value is 1, the function is enabled.
Bit 10: Whether to connect the Mobileye. When the parameter value is 1, the Mobileye is disconnected.
Bit 11: Whether to connect the Mobileye. When the parameter value is 1, the Mobileye is connected.
Bits 12–31: reserved.

outputs_status Indicates the status values of eight output ports. Bits 0–7 correspond to status of output ports 1–8.
geo_fance_number Number of Geo-fence

Clutch switch:
0: The clutch pedal is released
1: The clutch pedal is pressed.


Parking brake switch:
0: Do not apply the brake.
1: Apply the brake.


Cruise control system:
0: The cruise control system is switched off.
1: The cruise control system is switched on.

acc_pedal Accelerator pedal position %
can_fuel_lvl CAN bus fuel level %
fuel_level_proc Fuel level, should be divided by 100 %
veh_speed_taho Vehicle speed (based on the tachograph) km/h
veh_speed_wheel Vehicle speed (based on the wheel) km/h
engine_speed Engine speed rpm
eng_cool_temp Engine coolant temperature °C
run_time Run time h
total_fuel_cons Total fuel consumption l
total_eng_run_tm Total engine run time h
high_res_veh_dist High resolution vehicle distance m
service_dist Service distance km
axle_weight Axle weight kg

Temperature sensor {ind_sens} value

accel_x Indicates the instantaneous acceleration of the XYZ axis when a crash alarm is triggered mg
accel_y Indicates the instantaneous acceleration of the XYZ axis when a crash alarm is triggered mg
accel_z Indicates the instantaneous acceleration of the XYZ axis when a crash alarm is triggered mg

Tachograph performance:
0: normal performance
1: performance analysis

act_eng_torque Actual engine torque %
act_eng_tor_speed Actual engine torque at current speed %
amb_air_temp Ambient air temperature °C

Input port status
Bits 0–31 correspond to status of input ports 1–31.When the parameter value is 0, the port is inactive. When the parameter value is 1, the port is active.

netw_id Network ID
netw_ver Network version

Network type:
0: No Network,
1: Mobile Network,
2: WIFI (Reserved),
3: LAN (Reserved)

netw_descr Network descriptor

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