Skypatrol SP7600 Series

Skypatrol SP7600 Series
Fabricant: Skypatrol
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Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Capteurs numériques
  • Communication via TCP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Skypatrol SP7600 Series les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Skypatrol SP7600 Series
ID unique: serial

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Skypatrol SP7600 Series pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21570

7 unités Skypatrol SP7600 Series connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.01% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
acc ACC status. 0 - off, 1 - on
avl_driver Serial number of ibutton
cidN The identifier of GSM base station N
device_status Device status. Each bit represents one kind of event
diN_freq Digital input N frequency Hz
diN_pulse Digital input N pulse
dtt_event_status DTT data event status
engine_hours Engine hours hour
event_id Event ID
event_status Event status identifier
geo_fence Geofence number that is triggered
geo_fenceM_N Number M to N Geofences status. Each bit represents each Geofence, bit 0 to bit N-M+1 represents Geofence M to Geofence N. 0 - outside Geofence or there is no Geofence assigned to device, 1 - inside Geofence
geo_local_tm Local time when Geofence event is triggered
geo_speed Speed when Geofence event is triggered km/h
geo_status Bit field. Bit0: 1 - over speed, 0 - speed is normal. Bit1: 1 - inside Geofence, 0 - outside Geofence
gps_fix GPS fix. 1 - fixed, 0 - not fixed
gsm_level Signal strength, range is 0 to 5
lacN The zone code of GSM base station N
mccN Mobile country code (base station N)
mncN Mobile network code (base station N)
mileage Accumulated mileage of a vehicle m
omn_freq Frequency value. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
omn_level Relative level. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
omn_temp Temperature. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor °C
pwr_ext External power supply voltage Volt
pwr_int Backup battery voltage Volt
reg_status GSM registration status
rssiN Signal strength (base station N) dBm
sender_addr The network address of the message sender. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
tsN Temperature sensor value. N - sensor serial number °C
x_axis_accel X axis acceleration magnitude value g
y_axis_accel Y axis acceleration magnitude value g
x_axis_brake X axis braking magnitude value g
y_axis_brake Y axis braking magnitude value g
x_axis_corner X axis cornering magnitude value g
y_axis_corner Y axis cornering magnitude value g
x_axis_fr_col X axis front collision magnitude value g
y_axis_fr_col Y axis front collision magnitude value g
x_axis_rear_col X axis rear collision magnitude value g
y_axis_rear_col Y axis rear collision magnitude value g
x_axis_turnover X axis turnover magnitude value g
y_axis_turnover Y axis turnover magnitude value g
pgn65262_1 Engine coolant temperature (43-40=3) °C
pgn65262_2 Fuel temperature (80-40=40) °C
pgn65262_3 Engine oil temperature °C
pgn65262_4 Turbo oil temperature °C
pgn65262_5 Engine intercooler temperature °C
pgn65262_6 Turn on engine intercooler thermostat °C
pgn61444_1 Engine torque mode
pgn61444_2 Driver’s demand engine-percent torque
pgn61444_3 Actual engine-percent torque
pgn61444_4 Engine RPM. Need to multiply by 0.125
pgn61444_5 Address of the controller
pgn61444_6 Engine starter mode
pgn61444_7 Engine requirement
pgn65132_1_1 Work status of driver 1
pgn65132_1_2 Work status of driver 2
pgn65132_1_3 Vehicle movement
pgn65132_2_1 Time related status of driver 1
pgn65132_2_2 Driver card, driver 1
pgn65132_2_3 Vehicle over speed
pgn65132_3_1 Time related status of driver 2
pgn65132_3_2 Driver card, driver 2
pgn65132_3_3 Vehicle over speed
pgn65132_4_1 System event
pgn65132_4_2 Operating information
pgn65132_4_3 Performance of driving recorder
pgn65132_4_4 Direction indicator
pgn65132_5 Driving recorder output shaft speed (must be divided by 256) km/h
pgn65132_6 Vehicle speed (must be divided by 256) km/h
pgn65257_1 Trip fuel consumption L
pgn65257_2 Total fuel consumption (need to multiply by 0.5) L
pgn65226_1_1 Status of protection lamp
pgn65226_1_2 Status of amber warning lamp
pgn65226_1_3 Status of red stop lamp
pgn65226_1_4 Status of fault indicating lamp
pgn65226_2_1 Protection lamp flash
pgn65226_2_2 Amber warning lamp flash
pgn65226_2_3 Red stop lamp flash
pgn65226_2_4 Fault indicating lamp flash
pgn65226_3 SPN, the lowest 8 valid bits of SPN
pgn65226_4 SPN, the second byte of SPN (The highest valid bit is bit 8)
pgn65226_5_1 FMI (The highest valid bit is bit 5)
pgn65226_5_2 SPN, the third byte of SPN (The highest valid bit is bit 8)
pgn65226_6_1 count
pgn65226_6_2 Conversion mode of SPN

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