Xirgo XT-2469

Xirgo XT-2469
Forum de discussion

Nombre des unités

En ligne
Nombre total
Caractéristiques Xirgo XT-2469:
  • 4G/LTE
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Accéléromètre
  • Communication via UDP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Xirgo XT-2469 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Xirgo XT-2469
ID unique: serial

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Xirgo XT-2469 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21751

686 unités Xirgo XT-2469 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.93% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
reason Reason Code
obd_accel OBD Harsh Accel Value Mph/s
obd_brake OBD Harsh Brake Value Mph/s
obd_eng_rpm Obd Engine Rpm Rpm
hdop Hdop
odo Odometer m
obd_mpg Obd MPG
pwr_ext Vehicle battery voltage V
sig_str Signal Quality
obd_fuel_level Obd Fuel Level %
packet_seq Packet Serial Number
packet_id Packet ID
acc_max Max Accel mG
acc_duration Accel Event Duration sec
wake_reason Wake Reason Value
boot_status Boot Status Value
apn_index Apn Index
pwr_int Internal Battery V
gps_odo Odometer m
obd_vin Obd VIN

OBDII Odometer

obd2_oil_life OBDII Oil life
obd2_tpms_lf OBDII TPMS LF
obd2_tpms_rf OBDII TPMS RF
obd2_tpms_lr OBDII TPMS LR
obd2_tpms_rr OBD2 TPMS RR
obd2_tpms_lri OBD2 TPMS LRI
obd2_tpms_rri OBD2 TPMS RRI
obd2_tpms_spr OBD2 TPMS SPR
obd2_dr_sbelt OBDII driver seatbelt
OBD2_ps_sbelt OBD2 passenger seatbelt
obd2_fuel_level OBD2 fuel level
obd2_airbag OBDII airbag
obd2_gear OBDII gear
obd2_pbs OBDII parking brake status
obd2_pbl OBDII parking brake lamp

DTC: Malfunction Indicator Lamp
0x80 = Malfunction Indicator Lamp,
0x40 = Red Stop Lamp,
0x20 = Amber Warning Lamp,
0x10 = Protect Lamp,
0x08 = Flashing Malfunction Indicator Lamp,
0x04 = Flashing Red Stop Lamp,
0x02 = Flashing Amber Warning Lamp,
0x01 = Flashing Protect Lamp,
0x00 = No Lamp

ecu_count DTC: Number of vehicle electronic control units that are reporting fault codes
ecu_id1 DTC: Unique identifier for ECU

DTC: System Associated with code
P = Powertrain,
B = Body,
C = Chassis,
U = Network,
S = Sub-system ID (J1587),
0 = (ascii 0) no system associated – dtc code (pid/spn) defines specific system
# - number

dtc_# DTC: dtc code, # - number

DTC: Fault Mode Identifier
# - number

!In case you're using CoAP firmware, use Xirgo XT-2469 (CoAP) device type.

In Wialon there's an option for uploading configuration file which describes messages’ configuration from the device. To do that, please specify the configuration file in the field "Configuration file" of the advanced settings of the device type in Wialon (wrench icon). Format: pcr|mask.

For example, a file may contain: 10|010304060708090b0a131514120c which means that the packet id = 10 with parameters 01, 03, 04, etc. will be parsed. The next packet should be described with a new line.

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