Roadefend RDT401BU

Roadefend RDT401BU
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Caractéristiques Roadefend RDT401BU:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Boîte à mémoire
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Event video
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Live stream
  • Manual video saving
  • Playback
  • Communication via TCP

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Roadefend RDT401BU les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Roadefend RDT401BU
ID unique: custom

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Roadefend RDT401BU pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22157

417 unités Roadefend RDT401BU connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 1.4% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

Alarm flag (Bits1-32):

Bit1: 1: Emergency alarm, trigger after triggering alarm switch

Bit2: 1: Over speed alarm

Bit3: 1: Driving alarm malfunction

Bit4: 1: Risk warning

Bit5: 1: GNSS module malfunction

Bit6: 1: GNSS antenna was notconnected or cut

Bit7: 1: GNSS antenna short circuited

Bit8: 1: The terminal main power undervoltage

Bit9: 1: The terminal main power is turned off

Bit10: 1: Terminal LCD or displaymalfunction

Bit11: 1: TTS module malfunction

Bit12: 1: Camera malfunction

Bit13: 1: Road transportcertificate IC card module malfunction

Bit14: 1: Over speed warning

Bit15: 1: Fatigue driving warning

Bit16-Bit18: Reserve

Bit19: 1: The accumulated overspeed driving time of the day

Bit20: 1: Timeout parking

Bit21: 1: Enter and exit the area

Bit22: 1: Enter and exit the route

Bit23: 1: The driving time of theroute is not enough/too long

Bit24: 1: Off track alarm

Bit25: 1: Vehicle VSS malfunction

Bit26: 1: Abnormal fuel capacityof vehicle

Bit27: 1: The vehicle is stolen(through vehicle burglar alarm)

Bit28: 1: Illegal ignition of vehicle

Bit29: 1: Illegal displacement ofvehicle

Bit30: 1: Collision warning

Bit31: 1: Rollover warning

Bit32: 1: Illegal open doorsalarm (when the terminal not set up, it’s not judged illegal open doors)


Status (Bits 1-32):

Bit1: 0: ACC off; 1: ACC on

Bit2: 0: Not positioning; 1: Positioning

Bit3: 0: North latitude; 1: South latitude

Bit4: 0: East longitude; 1: West longitude

Bit5: 0: Running status; 1: Stop running status

Bit6: 0: Latitude and longitude are not encrypted by secret plug-ins; 1:

Latitude and longitude are encrypted by secret plug-ins

Bit7-Bit8: Reserve

Bit9-Bit10: 00: Empty load; 01: Half load; 02: Reserve; 3: Full load

(It can be used for empty/heavy passenger car and empty/full load

status of the truck, manual input or sensor acquisition)

Bit11: 0: Vehicle oil line is normal; 1: Vehicle oil line disconnect

Bit12: 0: Vehicle circuit is normal; 1: Vehicle circuit disconnect

Bit13: 0: Vehicle door unlocked; 1: Vehicle door locked

Bit14: 0: Door 1 close; 1: Door 1 open (front door)

Bit15: 0: Door 2 close; 1: Door 2 open (middle door)

Bit16: 0: Door 3 close; 1: Door 3 open (back door)

Bit17: 0: Door 4 close; 1: Door 4 open (door of driver’s seat)

Bit18: 0: Door 5 close; 1: Door 5 open (user-defined)

Bit19: 0: No GPS positioning; 1: GPS positioning

Bit20: 0: No Beidou positioning; 1: Beidou positioning

Bit21: 0: No GLONASS positioning; 1: GLONASS positioning

Bit22: 0: No Galileo positioning; 1: Galileo positioning

Bit23-32: Reserve


Alarm type if info_id = 0x64:

0x01: Forward collision warning

0x02: Lane departure warning

0x03: Overly close vehicle warning

0x04: Pedestrian collision warning

0x05: Frequent lane change warning

0x06: Exceeding road sign warning

0x07: Obstacle warning

0x08: Driver Assist Function Failure Warning

0x09~0x0F: User customization

0x10: Road sign identification event

0x11: Active capture event

0x12~0xFF: User customization

Alarm type if info_id = 0x65:

0x01: Fatigue driving warning

0x02: Calling on hand-held mobile phone warning.

0x03: Smoking warning

0x04: Long time without looking ahead warning.

0x05: No driver detected warning.

0x06: Both hands leave steering wheel warning

0x07: Driver behavior monitoring function failure warning

0x08~0x0F: User customization

0x10: Automatic capture event

0x11: Driver change event

0x12~0xFF: User customization

Alarm type if info_id = 0x70:

0x01: Sharp acceleration warning

0x02: Sharp deceleration warning

0x03: Sharp turn warning

0x04: Idle speed warning

0x05: Abnormal flameout warning

0x06: Neutral taxi warning

0x07: Engine overrunning warning

0x12~0xFF: User customization


Additional information ID

0x64 - driving assist warning information

0x65 - driver behavior monitoring function warning information

0x70 - violent driving warning information


Alarm status, bits(1-32)

Bitwise setting: 0 means no, 1 means yes

bit1: cameraabnormal

bit2: Main memory exception

bit3: Auxiliary memory exception

bit4: Infrared fill light is abnormal

bit5: abnormal speaker

bit6: Abnormal battery


bit11: Communication module error

bit12: The positioning module is abnormal



Alarm ID


Sign status


Alarm level


Vehicle speed ahead


Vehicle ahead speed


Deviation type


Road sign recognition type


Road sign recognition data


Vehicle status



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