4a Vision

4a Vision
Производитель: Fora Solutions
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Для того чтобы система мониторинга Wialon корректно идентифицировала данные от 4a Vision в диалоге настроек объекта, укажите следующие данные :

Тип устройства: 4a Vision
Уникальный ID: imei

Укажите следующие параметры в конфигурационной программе или в конфигурации 4a Vision для использования его в Wialon Hosting :

Порт сервера: 20596

Всего в серверном центре Wialon используется 435 объектов 4a Vision — это составляет 0.02% от общего количества устройств в категории «Автомобильные контролеры».

График изменения количества подключений в серверном центре Wialon за последние 30 дней:

Имя параметра Описание Единицы измерения
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision
v Valid of coordinates
cur_time Current time
sensor_code Sensor code
dinX Digital inputs, X - number of sensor
doutX Digital outputs, X - number of sensor
dev_code Device code
accum_voltage Voltage on internal battery v
board_voltage Vehicle voltage v
omnicom Sensors LLS: Omnicom
can_X_code CAN code
battery_voltage Battery voltage v
gsm_signal GSM Signal Strength Levels
err_code Error codes devices
param_X Device code
sw_version_lite Firmware version lite
device_mode MODE of device
sw_version Firmware version
meter32_X Sensor code
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply v
pwr_int Power supply internal battery v
sats_gp Number of GPS satellites
sats_gl Number of GLONASS satellites
ext_pwr_on Presence of an external power supply
int_pwr_state Charge the backup battery.
gsm_st Status of the GSM modem
gps_st Status of the GPS/Glonass module
mw Motion sensor
sim_type SIM card / SIM chip (1 - SIM chip, 0 - SIM-card)
sim_in Presence of SIM-card/SIM chip
gps_ant Sstatus of the GPS/Glonass antenna
stat_X Status, X - number of status
vdop Vertical Dilution of Precision
pdop Position Dilution of Precision
mcc Mobile country code
mnc Mobile network code
lac Location area code
cid Cell tower ID
gsm GSM Signal Strength Levels
nav_st Status of the GPS/Glonass module
imps_X Number of pulses on X, X - number of inputs
freq_X Frequency on X, X - number of inputs
temp_1wire_X Temperature sensor 1 wire, X - number of sensor
can_sequrity_state CAN – security state flags
can_log_number Program CAN LOG
can_eng_full_time CAN - the complete operating time of the engine
can_full_mileage CAN - full mileage
can_full_fuel_cons CAN - full fuel consumption
can_fuel_level CAN - fuel level in the tank %
can_fuel_litres CAN - fuel level in the tank l
can_rpm CAN - speed engine speed
can_eng_temp CAN - engine temperature
can_speed CAN - speed
can_axle_loadX CAN - pressure on the axis, X - number of axis
can_accident CAN - controllers accident
lls_X_level Value of the level FLS, Protocol LLS
lls_X_temp Value of the temperature FLS, Protocol LLS
ml_ret MicroLink - Return Temp
ml_sup MicroLink - Supply Temp
ml_sp MicroLink - Setpoint Temp
microlink_sn_sw MicroLink - serial number comp + SW Rev
driver_status Driver status
driver_status_id Driver status ID
gank_X Substance
info_messages Informational messages
hs Hardware status
iccid_X ICCID sim card, X - number of card
unit_id ID device

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