Производитель: Shenzhen HuaBao Electronic Technology
Обсуждение на форуме

Количество объектов

Особенности HB-DV03:
  • 3G
  • Наличие черного ящика
Поддержано в Wialon:
  • Идентификация водителя
  • Тревожная кнопка
  • Связь через TCP

Для того чтобы система мониторинга Wialon корректно идентифицировала данные от HB-DV03 в диалоге настроек объекта, укажите следующие данные :

Тип устройства: HB-DV03
Уникальный ID: custom

Укажите следующие параметры в конфигурационной программе или в конфигурации HB-DV03 для использования его в Wialon Hosting :

Порт сервера: 21193

Всего в серверном центре Wialon используется 145 объектов HB-DV03 — это составляет 0.01% от общего количества устройств в категории «Автомобильные контролеры».

График изменения количества подключений в серверном центре Wialon за последние 30 дней:

Имя параметра Описание Единицы измерения

Location data type:
0 - normal location data
1 - blind area data


Alarm. Bitwise parameter:
bit 1 - SOS alarm
bit 2 - Over-speed alarm
bit 3 - Fatigue driving
bit 4 - Pre-warning
bit 5 - GNSS module break down
bit 6 - GNSS antenna unconnected or be cut off
bit 7 - GNSS antenna short circuit
bit 8 - Terminal power under voltage
bit 9 - Terminal power off
bit 10 - Terminal LCD or display break down
bit 11 - TTS module break down
bit 12 - Camera module break down
bit 19 - The accumulative total driving timeout
bit 20 - Parking timeout
bit 21 - Exit and entrance region
bit 22 - Exit and entrance route
bit 23 - Driving time shortage/too long
bit 24 - Route deviation alarm
bit 25 - Vehicle VSS fault
bit 26 - Vehicle fuel anomaly
bit 27 - Vehicle anti-theft(by vehicle anti-theft device)
bit 28 - Vehicle illegal ignition
bit 29 - Vehicle illegal displacement
bit 30 - Collision alarm


Status. Bitwise parameter:
bit 1 - 0: ACC turn off, 1 - ACC turn on
bit 5 - 0: operation state, 1 - stop operation state
bit 11 - 0: Vehicle fuel circuit normal, 1: Vehicle fuel circuit abnormal
bit 12 - 0: Vehicle circuit normal, 1: Vehicle circuit abnormal
bit 13 - 0: Door unlock, 1: Door lock

mileage Mileage km
fuel_cap Fuel capacity
speed_dr_rec The speed of driving record function

Over speed alarm position type:
0 - No specific location;
1 - Circular area;
2 - Rectangular area;
3 - Polygon area;
4 - Sections

over_speed_alarm_reg Over speed alarm region

In and Out of region/route alarm position type:
0 - No specific location;
1 - Circular area;
2 - Rectangular area;
3 - Polygon area;
4 - Sections

in_out_alarm_reg In and Out of region/route alarm region

In and Out of region/route alarm type:
0 - In
1 - Out

driving_tm_alarm Driving time shortage/ too long alarm
exp_signal_st Expand Vehicle Signal State
gsm GSM signal strength

Harsh driving detected. Bitwise parameter:
bit1= 1 and bit2 = 1 - cornering-acceleration
bit1 = 1 and bit3 = 1 - cornering-brake
bit1 = 1 - harsh cornering
bit8 = 1 - harsh acceleration
bit9 = 1 - harsh deceleration

tco_insert_card Status Insert card
tco_insert_time Insert/take out card time
tco_ic_card_read IC card read result
tco_driver_name Driver name
tco_qual_cert_code Qualification certificate code
tco_notif_body_name Notified body name
tco_cert_term Cetrificates's term of validity
people_ent_sum Cumulative number of people entering
people_ent Number of people entering for this time
people_ex_sum Cumulative number of people exit
people_ex Number of people exit for this time

Accelerator X – axis data

acc_y Accelerator Y – axis data
acc_z Accelerator Z – axis data

CAN channel number for CAN ID = N:
0 - CAN 1
1 - CAN 2


Frame type for CAN ID = N:
0 - standart frame
1 - extended frame


Collection method for CAN ID = N:
0 - original data
1 - average value of collected data period

can_dataN CAN data for CAN ID = N

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