TWIG Protector

TWIG Protector
Производитель: Twig
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Для того чтобы система мониторинга Wialon корректно идентифицировала данные от TWIG Protector в диалоге настроек объекта, укажите следующие данные :

Тип устройства: TWIG Protector
Уникальный ID: custom

Укажите следующие параметры в конфигурационной программе или в конфигурации TWIG Protector для использования его в Wialon Hosting :

Порт сервера: 20497

Всего в серверном центре Wialon используется 4225 объектов TWIG Protector — это составляет 21.04% от общего количества устройств в категории «Персональные трекеры».

График изменения количества подключений в серверном центре Wialon за последние 30 дней:

Имя параметра Описание Единицы измерения

Battery level


Mode the instrument is in:

norm - normal mode

emer - emergency mode

test - testing mode.


The precision of the position given in the Position field.

The range of the field is 0...255 meters. Values more than 254 are always indicated with 255 in the field.


Source of the position in the message:

gps - GPS. Position is acquired from GPS and the timestamp is related to actual acquisition time

gpa - position is acquired from GPS, but the timestamp is updated, since no movement is detected with motion sensor after last actual position fix. Note the motion sensor parameters, defining the needed movement.

gpb - position is aquired from GPS, but the timestamp is NOT updated, since movement is detected with motion sensor but not calculated by gps. Note the motion sensor parameters defining the needed movement.

net - TWIG Point Netloc hybrid location service.


Position format in which the position information in the message is given:

1 - WGS-84

2 - WGS-84 with precision.


Status code:

001: battery low

002: connected to mains

003: disconnected from mains

004: battery too cold

005: battery too hot

006: unknown battery

007: power on

008: power off

009: poor satellite coverage

010: sensor not detected

011: battery temperature out of range

012: charging error

013: accessory battery low

014: wake up for motion sensor

015: wake up for timer

016: man down turned on

017: man down turned off

018: beacon low battery

019: RF tag read. Tag ID also sent

020: DIN0825 start up test OK

021: DIN0825 powering off

022: OSM ACK

023: RfSwitch

024: NFC Tag read. NFC Tag ID also sent

025: Mandown pre-alarm triggered.

026: Docked smart charging station

027: Undocked smart charging station


Status text:

001: Battery low

002: Mains on / Docked

003: Mains off / Un docked

004: Battery cold

005: Battery warm

006: Unknown battery

007: Power on

008: Power off

009: Poor sat. cov.

010: No sensor

011: Temp. wrong

012: Charging error

013: Low Battery B2 ( number after “B” corresponds to linked RF button number)

014: wake up for motion sensor

015: wake up for timer

016: man down turned on

017: man down turned off

018: beacon low battery

019: RF tag read. Tag ID also sent

020: DIN0825 start up test OK

021: DIN0825 powering off

022: OSM ACK

023: RfSwitch

024: NFC Tag. NFC Tag ID also sent

025: ManDown pre-alarm. ManDown trigger code also sent

026: SDocked (smart charging station ID also sent)

027 SUndocked (smart charging station ID also sent)


The message number of the report


Predefined text to be sent with the emergency report.

1 = No Movement

2 = Tilt angle

3 = No Movement Tilt angle

4= Freefall

5 = No Movement | Freefall

6 = Freefall | Tilt angle

7= No Movement | Freefall | Tilt angle

8 = Impact

9 = Impact | No Movement

10 = Impact |Tilt angle

11 = Impact | Tilt angle | No Movement

12 = Impact | Freefall

13 = Impact | Freefall | No Movement

14 = Impact | Freefall | Tilt angle

15 = Impact | Freefall | Tilt angle| No Movement


Message received time


Command name


Trigger type of the condition check process which sent the report.


Requested Condition Check service state.




Query interval of the process which sent the report, in full minutes. If requested deactivation then value is 0

queries missed

Number of queries the user has failed to confirm within the 45-second period.


Passcode entered into the query by the user.


Data from !ASS packet


The same as 'emg_text'

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