Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características BCE FM Blue:
  • Caja negra
  • Soporta GLONASS
  • Odómetro incorporado
Soportado en Wialon:
  • Acelerómetro
  • Sensores ADC
  • Datos de CAN
  • Conducción eficiente
  • Gestión remota vía GPRS
  • Indentificación del conductor
  • Sensores Digitales
  • LBS
  • Gestión remota vía SMS
  • Modificación del parámetro "speed"
  • Comunicación vía TCP
  • Comunicación por UDP

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de BCE FM Blue en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: BCE FM Blue
ID único: imei

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración BCE FM Blue para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 20229

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 1717 unidades BCE FM Blue — es 0.07% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Automóvil conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
acc_pedal J1939 Acceleration Pedal Position %
axle_location Axel Location
axleN Axel weight kg
axle_wgt Axel Weight kg
c1-4 Counter Frequency Hz
can_engine_hrs J1939 Total Engine Hours h
can_fls J1939 Fuel Level L
can_mileage J1939 Total Vehicle Distance m
can_taho J1939 Engine Speed rpm
cell_id Cell ID
dallas_humidity Wire Humidity %
dallas_id_end Wire ID
dallas_temp Wire Temperature °C
engine_temp J1939 Engine Coolant Temperature °C
fN Event Code of Function N
fuel_con_ins Instant fuel consumption calculated L
fuel_lvl2 J1939 Fuel Level2 %
fw_version FW Version
gsm_lvl GSM Signal Level dBm
hdop HDOP (Horizontal Dilution Of Precision)
J1708_eng_hrs J1708 Total Engine Hours h
J1708_fl_lvl J1708 Total Fuel Level %
J1708_fl_used J1708 Total Fuel Used L
j1939_adblue J1939 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Tank 1 Level L or % (depends on tank size)
j1939_air_temp J1939 Ambient Air Temperature °C
j1939_driver_id J1939 Driver Id
j1939_dtc1-10 J1939 DTC1-10
j1939_eng_load J1939 Engine Load %
j1939_fl_con J1939 High Resolution Fuel Consumption
j1939_flfmseco J1939 Instantaneous Fuel Economy km/L
j1939_fuel_rate J1939 Fuel Rate L/h
j1939_mil_stat J1939 MIL Status
j1939_motion TCO1 Vehicle Motion
j1979_air_temp J1979 Intake Air Temperature °C
j1979_dtc1-10 J1979 DTC1-10
j1979_eng_load J1979 Calculated Engine Load Value
j1979_eng_temp J1979 Engine Coolant Temperature °C
j1979_fl_lvl J1979 Fuel Level Input %
j1979_fl_pres J1979 Fuel Pressure kPa
j1979_flrate J1979 Engine Fuel Rate L/h
j1979_hbrbatlif J1979 Hybrid Battery Pack Remaining Life %
j1979_lgfltrim1 J1979 Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) %
j1979_lgfltrim2 J1979 Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 2) %
j1979_maf J1979 Air Flow Rate from MAF Sensor g/s
j1979_map J1979 Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure kPa
j1979_mil_stat J1979 Lamp (MIL) Status
j1979_rail_pres J1979 Fuel Rail Pressure kPa
j1979_rpm J1979 Engine RPM rpm
j1979_shfltrim1 J1979 Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) %
j1979_shfltrim2 J1979 Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 2) %
j1979_speed J1979 Vehicle Speed km/h
j1979_tps J1979 Throttle Position %
jamm Jamming Alarm
lac Location Area Code
lls_lvl_addN LLS Fuel Level number N
lls_temp_addN LLS Fuel Temperature number N
lvl1 Filtered ADC 1
lvl2 Filtered ADC 2
me_time_indicator ME5 Time indicator
me_time_sound_type ME5 Sound type
me_time_zero_speed ME5 Zero Speed
me_headway_measure ME5 Headway measure
me_error_code ME5 Error code

ME5 parameters:
1 bit - LDW OFF
2 bit - Left LDW ON
3 bit - Right LDW ON
4 bit - FCW on
7 bit - Maintence
8 bit - Failsafe


ME5 parameters:
2 bit - Peds FCW
3 bit - Peds DZ
6 bit - Tamper Alert
8 bit - TSR enabled

me_tsr_warn_level ME5 TSR Warning Level
me_hw_repeat_enabled ME5 HW repeatable enabled
me_hw_warn_level ME5 Headway Warning Level

ME5 parameters:
1 bit - Brakes
2 bit - Left Signal
3 bit - Right Signal
4 bit - Wipers
5 bit - Low Beam
6 bit - High Beam


ME5 parameters:
4 bit - Wipers Available
5 bit - Low Beam Available
6 bit - High Beam Available
8 bit - Speed Available

me_speed ME5 Speed km/h
mcc Mobile Country Code
mnc Mobile Network Code
name Image Name
odo Odometer m
srv_dist J1939 Service Distance km
ta Timing Advance
tco1_dir TCO1 Direction Indicator
tco1_drv1_crd TCO1 Driver 2 Card
tco1_drv1_time TCO1 Driver 1 Time Rel States
tco1_drv1_work TCO1 Driver 1 Working State
tco1_drv2_crd TCO1 Driver 2 Card
tco1_drv2_time TCO1 Driver 2 Time Rel States
tco1_drv2_work TCO1 Driver 2 Working State
tco1_event TCO1 System Event
tco1_handl TCO1 Handling Information
tco1_overspeed TCO1 Vehicle Overspeed
tco1_perf TCO1 Tachgraph Performance
tco1_speed TCO1 Vehicle Speed
tire_location Tire Location
total_fuel J1939 Total Fuel Used L
wheel_speed J1939 Wheel Speed km/h
wie Wiegand 26 Identification Code

You can also download an example of object configuration file for BCE generic device to be used in Wialon GPS tracking software. When creating an object, import this configuration file by selecting "Import from File" option. This way you will create a pre-configured object with some sensors. Do not forget to specify the unique Id of Your device.

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