Globalstar SmartOne Solar

Globalstar SmartOne Solar
Fabricant: Globalstar
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Afin d'identifier le boîtier Globalstar SmartOne Solar les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Globalstar SmartOne Solar
ID unique: custom

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Globalstar SmartOne Solar pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 21669

933 unités Globalstar SmartOne Solar connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.7% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités

These bits reflect the state of the inputs and indicate which one, if any, triggered an Input Status Changed message. Bit 0: Input 1 change: 0 = Did not trigger message, 1 = Triggered message. Bit 1: Input 1 state: 0 =
Closed, 1 = Open Bit 2: Input 2 change: 0 = Did not trigger message, 1 = Triggered message Bit 3: Input 2 state: 0 = Closed, 1 = Open.


Message sub-type code.

Value is 0 in the location message.

Value is 1 in the Device Turned On message.

Value is 2 in the Change of Loction Area alert message.

Value is 3 in the Input Status Changed message.

Value is 4 in the Undesired Input State message.

Value is 5 in the Re-Centering message.

Value is 6 in the Speed & Heading message


Value 1 = Unit is in a state of vibration. Value 0 = Unit is not in a state of vibration.


Value 1 = GPS data reported is from a 2D fix. (Only 3 satellites were used in the fix.) Value 0 = GPS data reported is from a 3D fix.


Value 1 = Device was In-Motion when the message was transmitted. Value 0 = Device was At-Rest when the message was transmitted.


Number of Transmissions (1 to 15 Transmissions)


Minimum Interval between transmission attempts ( 5 second resolution) Default is 300 seconds


Maximum Interval between transmission attempts, Default is 600 seconds


Unsigned binary count in seconds for mean GPS search to acquire


Unsigned binary count of failed GPS attempts since last Diagnostic message

alarm Alarm Statistics
alarm1_count Alarm2 since last message (b7=0) / accum hours (b7=1)

Alarm3 since last message (b7=0) / accum hours (b7=1)

transmissions Transmissions since last statistics message

Accumulated time that Input 1 has been in its undesired state with a resolution of 10 minutes. For example: 1 hour would be represented as a value of 6, 2 hours as a value of 12, etc. This resolution results in a rollover rate of a total time accumulation of approximately 1.25 years. (OxFFFF means that Input 1 Accumulate has been turned off)


Accumulated time that the SMARTONE has been in a State of Vibration with a resolution of 10 minutes. For example: 1 hour would be represented as a value of 6, 2 hours as a value of 12, etc. This resolution results in a rollover rate of a total time accumulation of approximately 1.25 years. (OxFFFF means that Input 1 Accumulate has been turned off)


The total number of openings or closings of input 1 as selected by the user. (OxFF means that Input 1 Accumulate has been turned off)


Number of transmissions per burst.


Battery Condition. 0 = Good battery. 1 = Replace Battery


GPS Subsystem Fault. 0 = GPS system OK. 1 = Fault.


Transmitter Subsystem Fault. 0 = Transmitter OK. 1 = Fault.


Scheduler Subsystem Fault. 0 = OK. 1 = Fault.


0 Standard Message Type
3 Non Standard message type


Value 1 = This message is being sent because

Transmit on Change of Vibration State is selected and the

vibration just changed state, or Undesired Vibration State

is selected and the vibration is in the undesired state.

Value 0 = This message is being transmitted for a reason

other than the above reasons.


These bits reflect the state of the Inputs and indicate

which one, if any, triggered an Input Status Changed


Bit 0: Input 1 change: 0 = Did not trigger message, 1 =

Triggered message.

Bit 1: Input 1 state: 0 = Closed, 1 = Open

Bit 2: Input 2 change: 0 = Did not trigger message, 1 =

Triggered message

Bit 3: Input 2 state: 0 = Closed, 1 = Open


Accumulated time that Input 1 has been in its undesired

state with a resolution of 10 minutes. For example: 1

hour would be represented as a value of 6, 2 hours as a

value of 12, etc. This resolution results in a rollover rate

of a total time accumulation of approximately 1.25 years.

(OxFFFF means that Input 1 Accumulate has been

turned off)


The total number of openings or closings of input 1 as

selected by the user. (OxFF means that Input 1

Accumulate has been turned off)


Accumulated time that Input 2 has been in its undesired

state with a resolution of 10 minutes. For example: 1

hour would be represented as a value of 6, 2 hours as a

value of 12, etc. This resolution results in a rollover rate

of a total time accumulation of approximately 1.25 years.

(OxFFFF means that Input 2 Accumulate has been

turned off)


The total number of openings or closings of input 2 as

selected by the user. (OxFF means that Input 2

Accumulate has been turned off)

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