Remote Tire Pressure Control in Wialon

5 octubre, 2016
Aliaksandra Valasiuk

Keeping your tires properly inflated and aligned saves fuel by reducing the amount of drag your engine must overcome. To detect under-inflated tires, you can use a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) in your vehicle which informs a driver of any deviations in tire pressure. Yet the information on tire pressure is also vital for dispatchers, fleet owners, security department managers, etc. 

To solve the issue, our partner KazInterSoft released an application Tire Pressure which allows for remote tire pressure control.

TPMS data is transmitted via GPS to the server for further handling, holding and informing a dispatcher about any deviations in tire pressure. In the app you can see real-time or historical data on tire pressure of the definite vehicle or the whole fleet. You can also set notifications which will warn you in case at least one or more tires are significantly under-inflated or over-inflated, possibly creating unsafe driving conditions. 

You can see an example of vehicle’s tire pressure data visualization on the screenshot below. Tire pressure values are available for any period and for each tire.


Wheel color shows if a tire is under-inflated (red), has normal pressure (green) or over-inflated (yellow). Grey color means there’s no pressure sensor on the wheel. Blue color indicates the range of normal values for tire pressure has not been set. 

To get more details on Tire Pressure App, visit KazInterSoft website. Also, you can try the demo-version of the app (login: kztest, password: kztest). 

Tire Pressure application by KazInterSoft  is another good example of using Wialon to maximum effect. We’re happy that our partners are so active in extending the system functionality by developing their own SDK-based apps.

Aliaksandra Valasiuk
Aliaksandra Valasiuk
Aliaksandra es una especialista en hardware en Gurtam con gran experiencia relacionada con el asesoramiento de los socios sobre la elección y configuración de los dispositivos GPS. Es responsable de la sección Hardware en y consulta a los miembros de la comunidad en el foro de Gurtam.


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