Orbcomm ST 9100

Orbcomm ST 9100
Fabricante: ORBCOMM
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Orbcomm ST 9100:
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
  • Caja negra
  • BLE
  • Terminal satelital

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Orbcomm ST 9100 en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Orbcomm ST 9100
ID único: serial

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Orbcomm ST 9100 para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 22061

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 114 unidades Orbcomm ST 9100 — es 0.09% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Rastreador de activos conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida

This field indicates the terminal type. 1 – IDP terminal All other values are reserved

bootLoaderMajor The major version number of the installed boot loader
bootLoaderMinor The minor version number of the installed boot loader
bootLoaderPatch The patch level number of the installed boot loader
firmwareMajor The major version number of the installed base firmware
firmwareMinor The minor version number of the installed base firmwarer
firmwarePatch The patch level number of the installed base firmware
uptime The number of seconds the terminal has been in continuous operation since reset
timeOfDay The current date and time, expressed as number of seconds since the epoch
LSFUptime The number of seconds the Lua Services Framework has been running
powerSaveTime The number of seconds the terminal has been in power save mode since reset


enabled Whether the service is currently enabled
proplist A list of properties for that service
time The new date and time, expressed as number of seconds since the epoch
extPowerPresent external power
batteryVoltage voltage of battery
externalVoltage external voltage
powerOnReason power on reason
autoPowerOnConfig auto power on config
success success
error error
batteryType Type of battery
min min
data The data to be sent out
fix_type fixType
port#_cfg Config of port where #-number of port
port#_value value of port where #-number of port
current_temp currentTemperature
pwr_ext inputPowerVoltage
dte_connected DTEConnected
cmd_success Whether the command was successfully executed
msg_sin sin of msg
msg_min min of msg
region_name name of region

1 - ignition on
0 - ignition off

comm_channel comm_channel
event_name name of event
gprs_channel gprs channel

Bitmap of all current digital I/O states (1 = High):

Bit 0 – Line 1 (LSb)
Bit 17 – Line 18

Note: Line 13 is a virtual digital line tied to the terminal’s external power status (1 = powered externally)


Specifies the GPS fix age in seconds relative to the EventTime. The value is capped at 1023 seconds. This field is populated only if the fix age is greater than five seconds.


Specifies the terminal's input voltage in tenths of volts.


Provides an incremental GPS-based odometer in km (max 524,288 km).


Specifies the current Sensor N value.

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