Boson PC12

Boson PC12
Fabricante: BOSON
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades


The following data should also be added to Boson PC12 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Boson PC12
ID único: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Boson PC12 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22470

6 units of Boson PC12 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units

Indication of the validity of the GPS information.

0 -- No GPS data available. The Date/Time/Lat/Lon/Vel/Dir contain the last known
information recorded in the TRK7 memory.

1 -- GPS data currently computed by the GPS receiver.


A bitwise variable that indicates specific states of the vehicle

  • Bit 0: Panic Button. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 1: Support Button. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 2: Help Button. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 3: Ignition Switch. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 4: GPS Receiver. 0 = Non-working, 1 = Working
  • Bit 6: Ignition Blocking. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 7: Motor Blocking. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 8: Vehicle Lights Control Output. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 9: Vehicle Siren Control Output. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 10: Hands-Free Speaker. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
  • Bit 11: Hands-Free Microphone. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
  • Bit 12: TRK7 Registered in GSM network. 0 = Unregistered, 1 = Registered
  • Bit 13: TRK7 in SMS Mode. 0 = Not in SMS, 1 = SMS Mode
  • Bit 14: TRK7 Connected to Software. 0 = Not Connected, 1 = Connected
  • Bit 21: Report Mode. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
  • Bit 22: GPS Valid. 0 = No GPS data available, 1 = GPS Valid
  • Bit 23: Lock Control Output. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 24: Unlock Control Output. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 25: Data Packet previously stored in memory. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 26: Data Packet replied to an event triggered command. 0 = Off, 1 = On
  • Bit 31: Powered by Internal Battery. 0 = Off, 1 = On


This data field contains an indication of the reason that triggered the Data Packet update.

  • 0 Response to the TCT#POS## TRK7 Command (Position Query)
  • 1 Response to the TCT#LON## TRK7 Command (Car Lights On)
  • 2 Response to the TCT#LOFF## TRK7 Command (Car Lights Off)
  • 3 Response to the TCT#HON## TRK7 Command (Siren On)
  • 4 Response to the TCT#HOFF## TRK7 Command (Siren Off)
  • 5 Response to the TCT# BGAS ## TRK7 Command (Motor Blocking)
  • 6 Response to the TCT# HGAS ## TRK7 Command (Motor Unblocking)
  • 7 Response to the TCT# BLSW ## TRK7 Command (Ignition Blocking)
  • 8 Response to the TCT# HBSW ## TRK7 Command (Ignition Unlocking)
  • 9 Response to the TCT# LOCK ## TRK7 Command (Doors Lock)
  • 10 Response to the TCT# UNLOCK ## TRK7 Command (Doors Unlock)
  • 11 Response to the TCT# ON## TRK7 Command (Output On)
  • 12 Response to the TCT# OFF## TRK7 Command (Output Off)
  • 13 Response to the TCT# PPLS## TRK7 Command (Output Positive Pulse)
  • 14 Response to the TCT# NPLS## TRK7 Command (Output Negative Pulse)
  • 15 Triggered. BUTSPP. The Support Button has been pressed
  • 16 Triggered. BUTHLP. The Help Button has been pressed
  • 17 Triggered. BUTPNC. The Panic Button has been pressed
  • 18 Response to the TCT# REST ## TRK7 Command (Outputs Reset)
  • 19 Response to the TCT# REP0## TRK7 Command (Reports Disable)
  • 20 Response to the TCT# REP1## TRK7 Command (Reports Enable)
  • 21 Response to the TCT# SFIL## TRK7 Command (Speed Filter)
  • 22 Response to the TCT#QFIL## TRK7 Command (Filter Parameter Query)
  • 23 Triggered. RPTM. Time Report
  • 24 Triggered. RPSH. Speeding
  • 25 Triggered. RPDT. Distance Report
  • 26 Response to the TCT#REPQ## TRK7 Command (Reports Configuration Query)
  • 27 Response to the TCT#SPKON## TRK7 Command (Speaker On)
  • 28 Response to the TCT#SPKOFF## TRK7 Command (Speaker Off)
  • 29 Response to the TCT#SMS## TRK7 Command (SMS Mode)
  • 30 Triggered. PUSH1. PUSH input 1 (support)
  • 31 Triggered. PULL1. PULL input 1 (support)
  • 32 Triggered. PUSH2. PUSH input 2 (help)
  • 33 Triggered. PULL2. PULL input 2 (help)
  • 34 Triggered. PUSH3. PUSH input 3 (panic)
  • 35 Triggered. PULL3. PULL input 3 (panic)
  • 36 Triggered. BUTEMG. Emergency button
  • 37 Triggered. GOUT. Geofence exiting
  • 38 Triggered. GIN. Geofence entering
  • 41 Response to the TCT#PDCES## TRK7 command (Command execution set)
  • 42 Response to the TCT#PDCEQ## TRK7 command (Command execution query)
  • 45 Response to the TCT#GEOMS## TRK7 command (Geofences search set)
  • 46 Response to the TCT#GEOMQ## TRK7 command (Geofences search query)
  • 52 Response to the TCT#PINQ## TRK7 Command (PIN Query)
  • 54 Response to the TCT#RESB## TRK7 Command (Buttons Notification Reset)
  • 56 Response to the TCT#FWV## TRK7 Command (Firmware Version Query)
  • 57 Response to the TCT#IMEI## TRK7 Command (IMEI Query)
  • 58 Response to the TCT#PINGS## TRK7 Command (Ping Interval Set)
  • 59 Response to the TCT#PINGQ## TRK7 Command (Ping Interval Query)
  • 60 Response to the TCT#PINS## TRK7 Command (PIN Set)
  • 63 Response to the TCT#REP2## TRK7 Command (Speed Limit Report Enable)
  • 64 Response to the TCT#REP2Q## TRK7 Command (Speed Limit Report Query)
  • 65 Response to the TCT#PHNS## TRK7 Command (Edit Phone of Phone List)
  • 66 Response to the TCT#PHNQ## TRK7 Command (Query Phone of Phone List)
  • 67 Response to the TCT#PHNL## TRK7 Command (List of Phone Numbers for SMS Reports)
  • 76 Triggered. RPSL Max velocity allowed
  • 77 Response to the TCT#TRACKS## TRK7 Command (Track/Stolen Mode Set)
  • 78 Response to the TCT#TRACKQ## TRK7 Command (Track/Stolen Mode Query)
  • 79 Triggered. RPTRACK. Tracking/stolen
  • 82 Response to the TCT#PHADMS## TRK7 Command (SMS and calls Set)
  • 83 Response to the TCT#PHADMQ## TRK7 Command (SMS and calls Query)
  • 87 Response to the TCT#GFNCS## TRK7 Command (Itinerant Geofence Set)
  • 88 Response to the TCT#GFNCQ## TRK7 Command (Itinerant Geofence Query)
  • 97 Both. MSGOUT. Message Sent by the Equipment
  • 98 Both. MSGIN. Message Received by the Equipment
  • 99 Response to the TCT#CALL## TRK7 Command (Call)
  • 102 Response to the TCT#GPRS## TRK7 Command (TCP Operation Mode)
  • 105 Response to the TCT#IPPS## TRK7 Command (IP/Port Set)
  • 106 Response to the TCT#IPPQ## TRK7 Command (IP/Port Query)
  • 107 Response to the TCT#RPSWS## TRK7 Command (Change Report of Switch Set)
  • 108 Response to the TCT#RPSWQ## TRK7 Command (Change Report of Switch Query)
  • 109 Triggered SWON (Switch On)
  • 110 Triggered SWOFF (Switch Off)
  • 111 Response to the TCT#REV## TRK7 Command (Query the Revision of Firmware)
  • 114 Response to the TCT#DMCS## TRK7 Command (Record Download Set)
  • 115 Response to the TCT#DMCQ## TRK7 Command (Record Download Query)
  • 116 Response to the TCT#BTPRS## TRK7 Command (Input Set)
  • 117 Response to the TCT#BTPRQ## TRK7 Command (Input Query)
  • 119 Response to the TCT#ODPS## TRK7 Command (Odometer Preset)
  • 124 Response to the TCT#SIM## TRK7 Command (SIM Card Data)
  • 125 Response to the TCT#HWAD## TRK7 Command (ADC Values Query)
  • 126 Response to the TCT#GETF## TRK7 Command (Load File in Memory)
  • 128 Response to the TCT#ROAMQ## TRK7 Command (Operation on Roaming Query)
  • 132 Triggered. EXCEP. Exception
  • 133 Response to the TCT#LWSPS## TRK7 Command (Velocity Control Set)
  • 134 Response to the TCT#LWSPQ## TRK7 Command (Velocity Control Query)
  • 135 Triggered. RPSTP. Reducing velocity
  • 136 Triggered. RPRUN. Increasing velocity
  • 137 Response to the TCT#ADVLS## TRK7 Command (Audio Volume Set)
  • 138 Response to the TCT#ADVLQ## TRK7 Command (Audio Volume Query)
  • 139 Response to the TCT#GPSRS## TRK7 Command (GPS Rep. Set)
  • 140 Response to the TCT#GPSRQ## TRK7 Command (GPS Rep. Query)
  • 141 Triggered. GPSNV. GPS Not valid
  • 142 Triggered. GPSOK. GPS Valid
  • 151 Response to the TCT#ICTS## TRK7 Command (Input Configuration Set)
  • 152 Response to the TCT#ICTQ## TRK7 Command (Input Configuration Query)
  • 153 Response to the TCT#RPICTS## TRK7 Command (Event or Time counters Set)
  • 154 Response to the TCT# RPICTQ## TRK7 Command (Event or Time counters Query)
  • 155 Response to the TCT#DIR## TRK7 Command (Memory Files Query)
  • 158 Response to the TCT#CRTS## TRK7 Command (Route Creation Set)
  • 159 Response to the TCT#CRTQ## TRK7 Command (Route Creation Query)
  • 160 Triggered. RTP. Route Point
  • 161 Response to the TCT#ODMS## TRK7 Command (Odometer Set)
  • 162 Response to the TCT#ODMQ## TRK7 Command (Odometer Query)
  • 163 Triggered. RPODM. Odometer Report
  • 174 Triggered. RPOD. Odometer and Fuel Report
  • 175 Triggered. BATOFF. Main Battery Off
  • 176 Triggered. BATON. Main Battery On
  • 179 Triggered. Receiving Unauthorized Call
  • 180 Response to the TCT#RPBTS## TRK7 Command (Main Battery Report Set)
  • 181 Response to the TCT#RPBTQ## TRK7 Command (Main Battery Report Query)
  • 182 Response to the TCT#NWIPS## TRK7 Command (New Input Report Set)
  • 183 Response to the TCT#NWIPQ## TRK7 Command (New Input Report Query)
  • 184 Triggered. NEWIP. New Input Event
  • 185 Response to the TCT#OUTSS## TRK7 Command (Output Save in Memory Set)
  • 186 Response to the TCT#OUTSQ## TRK7 Command (Output Save in Memory Query)
  • 187 Response to the TCT#GWRS## TRK7 Command (GPS Detected Report Set)
  • 188 Response to the TCT#GWRQ## TRK7 Command (GPS Detected Report Query)
  • 189 Triggered. GPSDT. GPS Detected
  • 190 Triggered. GPSND. GPS Not Detected
  • 191 Response to the TCT#LLNPS## TRK7 Command (Received Call Set)
  • 192 Response to the TCT#LLNPQ## TRK7 Command (Received Call Query)
  • 193 Response to the TCT#LBATS## TRK7 Command (Internal and External Low Voltage Set)
  • 194 Response to the TCT#LBATQ## TRK7 Command (Internal and External Low Voltage Query)
  • 195 Triggered. LBAT. Low Internal Voltage
  • 196 Triggered. LMBAT. Low External Voltage
  • 200 Response to the TCT#OUTCFS## TRK7 Command (Motor Block Set)
  • 201 Response to the TCT#OUTCFQ## TRK7 Command (Motor Block Query)
  • 202 Response to the TCT#JAMS## TRK7 Command (Jamming Detection Set)
  • 203 Response to the TCT#JAMQ## TRK7 Command (Jamming Detection Query)
  • 204 Triggered. JAM. Jamming Detected
  • 207 Triggered. INCH. Time Counter in Low (0 logical)
  • 208 Triggered. IPCH. Time Counter in High (1 logical)
  • 250 Triggered. RESET. General Reset
  • 264 Triggered. CNFA. Data file download confirmation
  • 265 Response to the TCT#CPAQ## TRK7 Command (File Properties Query)


This data field may contain any free text. This field is also used in many events to include
parameters and data.

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