LocoTrack HGR4

LocoTrack HGR4
Fabricante: System Loco
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features LocoTrack HGR4:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Caixa preta

The following data should also be added to LocoTrack HGR4 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: LocoTrack HGR4
ID único: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration LocoTrack HGR4 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22611

5 units of LocoTrack HGR4 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
live Set to true if the notification contains current data, otherwise not present
model The model (or type) of the device
dop Dilution of precision
bat_state The charge state of the battery
charging True if the battery is currently being charged
ext_pwr True if the device is running from an external power source
low_signal True if a low network signal has been detected
gps_fail True if no GPS signal has been received
temp The temperature of the unit in Celsius °C
hum Relative humidity of the unit as a percentage %
battery Battery level of device as a percentage %
pwr_int Device battery voltage V
pwr_ext Voltage of the vehicle battery powering the device V
light_lvl A number representing the intensity of light shining on the device in arbitrary units
movement The movement state of the unit
orient_x Orientation X
orient_y Orientation Y
orient_z Orientation Z
vibr_x Vibration X
vibr_y Vibration Y
vibr_z Vibration Z
moving Moving state flag
tamper Tamper state flag
ignition Ignition state flag

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