
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features AutoControl:
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • Compatibilité avec GLONASS
  • Compteur kilométrage intégré
  • Appels vocaux
Supported in Wialon:
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Connexion de caméra
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Identification du conducteur
  • Capteurs numériques
  • Communication via TCP

The following data should also be added to AutoControl unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: AutoControl
ID único: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration AutoControl for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 20909

0 units of AutoControl device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
acc1 input ADC 5
acc2 Acceleration
acc Acceleration
accident_codeN Accident code N
accidentN The level of accident N
acc_trigger Acceleration status
accX X-axis acceleration


accY Y-axis acceleration


accZ Z-axis acceleration


adcX Analog sensor, X - number of sensor
alarm_codeN Zone N alarm code
alarm_typeN Zone N alarm type
blast_air_tempN Zone N blast air temperature °C
braking_accel Braking


canX Value of CAN, X - identifier of a message
course_accel Acceleration


dinN Refrigerator's digital input N value
ds1923_humidityX humidity sensor DS1923, X - number of sensor %
ds1923_tempX Temperature sensor DS1923, X - number of sensor °C
evap_tempN Zone N evaporator temperature °C
fuel_level Fuel level in the tank %
gprs_answer Response device
gps_mileage Total mileage according to the GPS/GLONASS modules Meter
gsm_status GSM signal quality
hdop Horizontal accuracy
hours_counterN Counter N hours till service h
hours_electric Motohours. Electric h
hours_engine Motohours. Engine h
hours_standby Motohours. Standby h
hours_switch Motohours. Switch h
hours_vehicle Motohours. Vehicle h
ibutton_code Identification number of the first key iButton
ibuttons Ibutton keys status
omni_tmp_X Omnicom sensor, X - number of sensor
pressX_pci_data Pressure in PSI, X - number of sensor
pressX_status_battery Sign of low battery charge the internal battery, X - number of sensor
pressX_status_error Reason parcel packet from the sensor, X - number of sensor
pressX_tmp Temperature, X - number of sensor
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply Volt
pwr_int Power supply internal battery Volt
refr_type Refrigerator unit type. 1 – DataCOLD, 2 – ThermoKing, 3 – Mitsubishi
return_air_tempN Zone N return air temperature °C
rs485ex_X_lvl Fuel sensor connected via rs485
rs485ex_X_tmp Temperature sensor connected via rs485 °C
rs485_fls02 Fuel sensor connected via rs485
rs485_fls12 Fuel sensor connected via rs485
rs485_fls22 Fuel sensor connected via rs485
rs485tmp_X Temperature sensor connected via rs485, X - number of sensor
set_tempN Zone N set temperature
soft Current version of firmware
statusN Zone N status
taho Engine speed
temp_aqua Coolant temperature °C
temp_int temperature of the terminal °C
temp_sensorN Temperature sensor N value °C
tempX Temperature sensor, X - number of sensor °C
trailer_id Identification number of the second key iButton
trailer_id_code Identification number of the second key iButton as decimal
turn_accel Acceleration on the turn


valid Valid of coordinates
vertical_accel Vertical acceleration


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