Fabricante: CapNavi
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades


The following data should also be added to CAP WP AVL unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: CAP WP AVL
ID único: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration CAP WP AVL for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 20137

131 units of CAP WP AVL device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
a_pedal Acc. Pedal %
a_weiN Axel Weigt N kg
brake_apps Brake Apps Times
cardN Tacho Card 1 Present (0 = no, 1 = yes)
clutch_apps Clutch Apps Times
dcf_vsn DCF version
direct Tacho Direction (0 = forward, 1 = reverse)
drv_rec Tacho Drive Recognise (0 = no, 1 = yes)
dt_tm Date + Time
e_rpm Engine RPM rpm
e_temp Engine Temp °C
event Tacho Event (0 = no event, 1 = event)
f_con Fuel Consumption L/h
f_lvl Fuel Level %
freqN Frequency Counter N Hz
fuel_cruise Fuel Used at Cruise L
fuel_drive Fuel Used at Drive L
gprs_answer GPRS Answer
hndl Tacho Handling Info (0 = no, 1 = yes)
idle_longer10 Idle Longer Than 10 Minutes Times
idle_longer5 Idle Longer Than 5 Minutes Times
mileage Mileage km
out_sh_speed Tacho Output Shaft Speed RPM
over_speed Tacho Over Speed (0= no, 1 = yes) km/h
perfom Tacho Performance Analysis (0 = normal, 1 = performance)
report_id Report ID
rfid_battery RFID Battery
rfid_button RFID Button
rpm_thr_drpmN RPM > Threshold RPM N s
speed Speed km/h
speed_thr_speedN Speed > Threshold Speed N s
thr_drpmN Threshold RPM N rpm
thr_spdN Threshold Speed N km/h
tm_cruise Time Cruise s
tm_stN Tacho Time State (0 = normal, 1 = 15m before 4.5 hrs, 2 = 4.5 hrs, 3 = 15m before 9 hrs, 4 = 9 hrs, 5 = 15 min before 16 hrs, 6 = 16 hrs)
torq_mx Torque %
tot_fuel Total Fuel L
tot_idle Total Idle Time s
tot_tm_pto Total Time PTO s
t_pres Turbo Pressure bar
veh_speed Tacho Vehicle Speed km/h
wk_stN Tacho Work State N (0 = rest, 1 = available, 2 = work, 3 = drive)

You can also download an example of object configuration file for CAP WP AVL to be used in Wialon GPS tracking software. When creating an object, import this configuration file by selecting "Import from File" option. This way you will create a pre-configured object with some sensors. Do not forget to specify the unique Id of Your device.

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