Cellocator CR300

Cellocator CR300
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features Cellocator CR300:
  • 3G
  • Caixa preta
Supported in Wialon:
  • Acelerômetro
  • Sensores ADC
  • Suporte para barramento CAN
  • Gerenciamento remoto via GPRS
  • Identificação do motorista
  • Sensores digitais
  • LBS
  • Envio de dados por SMS
  • Comunicação via TCP

The following data should also be added to Cellocator CR300 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Cellocator CR300
ID único: serial

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Cellocator CR300 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 21269

5330 units of Cellocator CR300 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.22% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
adc Analog input sensor
mcc Mobile Country Code
mnc Mobile Network Code
lac Location Area Code

cell ID

flag Current GSM Operator (2 nd and 3 rd Nibbles)

0 bit - Communication with GPS is 1 - available / 0 - not available
1 bit - Network (0 - Home, 1 - Roam)
2 bit - Correct Time (1 - Invalid/estimated time stamp, 0 – Valid time stamp)
3 bit - Source of Speed (0 – GPS, 1 – Pulse frequency input)

reason Transmission Reason Specific Data
reason_data Transmission Reason

The voltage on the internal battery


External power supply voltage


Bit 0 - Actual GNSS antenna selected (0 – Internal, 1 – External). (Relevant only for Cello GNSS variants)
Bit 1 - Trailer status indication. (0 – Trailer Disconnected, 1 – Trailer

Bit 2 - 4 - CFE Type.

Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 CFE Type
0 0 0 Not Applicable (Legacy state)
0 0 1 CFE is not connected
0 1 0 CFE BT is connected
0 1 1 CFE Basic is connected
1 0 0 CFE I/O is connected
1 0 1 CFE premium is connected
1 1 1 Undefined CFE Type


Unit Mode of Operation. The functioning of the unit can be generalized as a finite state machine model, with a few "stages" of operation. The "current stage" is referred to as "unit mode", or "mode of operation", as following:

Value Unit Mode Description
0x00 Standby Engine On
0x01 Standby Engine Off
0x02 Passive Arming (for security modifications)
0x03 Pre-Arming (for security modifications)
0x04 Alarm Armed (for security modifications)
0x05 Silent Delay (for security modifications)
0x07 Alarm Triggered (for security modifications)
0x0E Garage Mode
0x0F Transmissions Delay (for FW versions older than 25)
0x10 Towed mode (same as Standby Engine On, but with ignition off)

mode1, mode2

MODE 1 and Mode 2
These fields are generated by the GPS and transparently monitored in the outgoing message from the unit. The fields define the validity of GPS data in the message. The unit considers the valid fix according to the "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" parameter (address 509, bit 7):
 If "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" is enabled, the unit considers the GPS data as valid only if Mode 1 = 3 or 4 AND Mode 2 = 2
 If "Enable Tight GPS PMODE Filter" is disabled, the unit considers the GPS data as valid only if Mode 1 =2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

odom Mileage Counter (Odometer)

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