Mircom M770

Mircom M770
Fabricante: Mircom
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades


The following data should also be added to Mircom M770 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Mircom M770
ID único: imei
Password to access the object: Configuration password to access the object

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Mircom M770 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 20572

5 units of Mircom M770 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
amperage Internal battery amperage A
ant_state GPS/GLONASS antenna is connected
average_day_speed Average day speed km/h
average_run_tm Daily moving time s
average_stay_tm Daily parking time s
bb_msgs_part The percentage of data saved in the inner black box for the last day %
bb_not_send_ext The number of unsent records in the inner black box
bb_not_send_int The number of unsent records in the inner black box
counterN Counter sensor value (N - number of sensor)
cpu_load CPU usage
cpu_pwr CPU voltage V
cpu_temp CPU temperature °C
day_odo Day odometer reading m
event_code Event code
flags Flags
free_mem Free memmory byte
fuelN Fuel level sensor value (N - number of sensor)
gl_sats The number of GLONASS satellites
gsm_flags GSM flags
hdop HDOP (Horizontal Dilution Of Precision)
ign Ignition state
int_packet_id Intersystem package identifier
last_interrupt Last interrupt identifier before reboot
last_thread Last thread identifier before reboot
main_card_time Percent of main SIM card woking time %
main_ver Software version
max_day_speed Max day speed km/h
odo Total odometer reading m
pdop PDOP (Position Dilution Of Precision)
pwr_ext External voltage V
pwr_int Internal battery voltage V
reg_N Register state (N - number of register)
res_acc Work from reserve battery
reserv_ver Reserve software version
sim_num SIM card number
valid Position data is valid
vdop VDOP (Vertical Dilution Of Precision)

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