Montrans M-5

Montrans M-5
Fabricante: Montrans
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features Montrans M-5:
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • Double SIM/2 SIM
  • Compatibilité avec GLONASS
  • Sending data to multiple servers
  • Compteur kilométrage intégré
Supported in Wialon:
  • Accéléromètre
  • Capteurs analogiques (ADC)
  • Données remontées du CANbus
  • Communication avec conducteur
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Identification du conducteur
  • Capteurs numériques
  • LBS
  • Gestion à distance via SMS
  • Bouton d'alarme
  • Téléchargement des fichiers à partir du tachygraphe
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

The following data should also be added to Montrans M-5 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: Montrans M-5
ID único: imei

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration Montrans M-5 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22027

61 units of Montrans M-5 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
imei Device IMEI
model Device model
software_released Device firmware release date
software_version Device firmware version
lang Device firmware languge
gps_version Navigation module firmware
touch_key The code TouchMemory or plastic key-card on the interface 1-Wire, RS-232 or RS-485. Decimal number
rfid The code received from the RFID reader on the interface RS-232 or RS-485. Decimal number
rfid_pwr RFID tag power dBm
cmd_ans Parameter for representing the device response to a request or command
unknown_cmd_ntcb Parameter for representing the device response to an unknown request or command
unknown_cmd_flex Parameter for representing the device response to an unknown request or command
msg_type Type of message
msg_number Message number in flash memory
event_code Reason code for message generation
time Message time seconds since 01.01.1970
status Device status 1 (bit field)
modules_st The status of functional modules 1 (bit field)
modules_st2 The status of functional modules 2 (bit field)
gsm GSM level (0..31 - 0..100%, 99 - no registration in the network)
nav_rcvr_state Power to the navigation receiver (0 - Off, 1 - On)
valid_nav 0 - navigation is invalid, 1 - navigation is valid
sats Total number of satellites
last_valid_time Time when the last valid coordinates were received seconds since 01.01.1970
mileage Current mileage km
inter_mileage Mileage between two points of the track whith valid navigation km
positions_count Total number of seconds on the "inter_mileage" sec
val_positions_count Total number of seconds on the "inter_mileage" whith valid navigation sec
pwr_ext External voltage V
pwr_int Internal voltage V
adcХ Voltage from analog input, X - input nuber V
inХ Status of the input line, X - input nuber (In the "Messages" section is presented as I/O)
outХ Status of the output line, X - output nuber (In the "Messages" section is presented as I/O)
imp_counterХ Number of counted pulses, X - input nuber
freqХ Frequency from analog-to-frequency sensor, X - input nuber hz
engine_hours Engine hours from sensor of the generator hour
rs485fuel_levelХ Fuel level from rs485/BLE, X - sensor nuber
rs232fuel_level Fuel level from rs232
tempХ Temperature from a digital sensors, X - sensor nuber °C
can_fuel_lvl Level of fuel in the tank %
can_fuel_vlm Level of fuel in the tank liter
can_fuel_consumpt Full fuel consumption liter
engine_rpm Engine speed rpm
engine_coolant_temp Temperature of the engine coolant °C
can_mileage Full vehicle mileage km
can_axis_weightХ Axle load, X - axle nuber kg
accel_pedal_pos Accelerator pedal position %
brake_pedal_pos Position of the brake pedal %
engine_load Load on the engine %
can_dfl_level Liquid level in the diesel exhaust filter %
can_dfl_volume Liquid level in the diesel exhaust filter liter
can_engine_hours Total time of engine operation hour
can_dtm Distance before maintenance km
can_speed Speed of vehicle km/hour
sats_gl Count of Glonass satellites
sats_gps Count of GPS satellites
sats_gal Count of Galileo satellites
sats_comp Count of Compass satellites
sats_beid Count of Beidou satellites
sats_dor Count of DORIS satellites
sats_irnss Count of IRNSS satellites
sats_qzss Count of QZSS satellites
hdop Horizontal Dilution of Precision
pdop Position Dilution of Precision
prec_info Additional high-precision navigation status (bit field)
cell_id Cell tower ID
lac Location area code
mcc Mobile country code
mnc Mobile network code
rx_level Received Signal Strength Indicator
lbs_time Last time received LBS seconds since 01.01.1970
rs485fuel_tempХ Fuel temperature from rs485/BLE, X - sensor nuber °C
tpms_pressure_Х Pressure in the X wheel
tpms_temp_Х Temperature in the X wheel °C
tacho_active_driverХ Х driver's activity
tacho_slotХ Х driver's card slot status
tacho_mode Mode of operation of the tachograph
tacho_state Status flags from tachograph (bit field)
tacho_speed Speed from tachograph km/hour
tacho_odom Odometer from tachograph km
tacho_time Time from tachograph seconds since 01.01.1970
dm_status Current state of the driver taken from the display module
dm_mess_n Index of last received message
time_shift Increment of time relative to the previous message sec
acc_x Linear acceleration along the X-axis
acc_y Linear acceleration along the Y-axis
acc_z Linear acceleration along the Z-axis
thld_duration Time of the duration of the acceleration or deceleration threshold exceeding sec
wln_accel_max Maximum value of the positive acceleration for the period g
wln_brk_max Maximum value of the negative acceleration for the period g
wln_crn_max Maximum value of the angular acceleration for the period g
p_countХ Counter data of passenger traffic
autoinf_status Status of the answering machine (bit field)
last_geo_id ID of the last geofence
last_stop_id ID of the last bus stop
cur_route_id ID of the current route
camera_status Status of camera (bit field)
status2 Device status 2 (bit field)
modules_st3 The status of functional modules 3 (bit field)
connection_st Connection status (bit field)
accel_st The state of the virtual sensors of the accelerometer (bit field)
int_tilt_sens_local Internal tilt sensor. Angle relative to local vertical °
int_tilt_sens_pitch Internal tilt sensor. Pitch angle relative to the plumb line °
int_tilt_sens_roll Internal tilt sensor. Roll angle relative to the plumb line °
ext_tilt_sens_x External tilt sensor. X-axis deviation °
ext_tilt_sens_y External tilt sensor. Y-axis deviation °
ext_tilt_sens_z External tilt sensor. Z-axis deviation °
wln_vert_max Maximum value of the vertical acceleration for the period g
wln_spd_max Maximum value of speed for the period km/hour
thld_spd_st State of speed thresholds (bit field)
thld_accel_st State of acceleration thresholds (bit field)
thld_brk_st State of decceleration thresholds (bit field)
thld_left_crn_st State of the acceleration thresholds to the left (bit field)
thld_right_crn_st State of the acceleration thresholds to the right (bit field)
thld_vert_st State of the thresholds of vertical acceleration (bit field)
hp_tempХ High-precision temperature sensor, X - sensor nuber °C
hp_humidityХ High-precision humidity sensor, X - sensor nuber %
flowsens_feed_mode Fuel flow sensor. Operating mode of the camera "Feed"
flowsens_return_mode Fuel flow sensor. Operating mode of the camera "Return"
flowsens_cons_mode Fuel flow sensor. Engine operating mode by flow rate
flowsens_pwr_mode Fuel flow sensor.Power mode
flowsens_st Fuel flow sensor. State (bit field)
flowsens_fault Fuel flow sensor. Information on faults
flowsens_total_cons Fuel flow sensor. Total fuel consumption liter
flowsens_trip_cons Fuel flow sensor. Fuel consumption per trip liter
flowsens_flow_spd Fuel flow sensor. Current flow rate liter/hour
flowsens_feed_cons Fuel flow sensor. The total fuel volume of the camera "Feed" liter
flowsens_feed_flow_spd Fuel flow sensor. Current flow rate of the camera "Feed" liter/hour
flowsens_feed_temp Fuel flow sensor. Temperature of the camera "Feed" °C
flowsens_return_cons Fuel flow sensor. The total fuel volume of the camera "Return" liter
flowsens_return_flow_spd Fuel flow sensor. Current flow rate of the camera "Return" liter/hour
flowsens_return_temp Fuel flow sensor. Temperature of the camera "Return" °C
fridge_st Fridge. State (bit field)
fridge_tempХ Fridge. Temperature of the refrigerator in section Х °C
fridge_set_tempХ Fridge. Temperature set for section Х °C
fridge_outside_temp Fridge. Outside temperature °C
fridge_coolant_temp Fridge. Coolant temperature °C
fridge_pwr_vlt Fridge. Battery voltage V
fridge_pwr_cur Fridge. Battery Current A
fridge_eng_moto_hours Fridge. Working hours from the engine hour
fridge_elec_moto_hours Fridge. Working hours from the electric motor hour
fridge_fault_count Fridge. Amount of faults
fridge_faultХ Fridge. Fault code. X - fault number, 1 - the most importand
fridge_engine_mode Fridge. Engine operating mode
fridge_engine_rpm Fridge. Engine speed rpm
fridge_comp_mode Fridge. Compressor configuration
geo_st Information on the location in geofences (bit field)
can_info_st CAN. Status Flags (bit field)
can_security_evt CAN. Security state events (bit field)
can_alarm_st CAN. Emergency indicators (bit field)
can_fault_st CAN.Information on faults (bit field)
can_fault CAN. Fault code.
engine_hours_work Custom work hours 1 (work under load) hour
engine_hours_idle Custom work hours 2 (operation without load) hour
user_1u_X Custom parameter 1 byte, X - parameter number
user_2u_X Custom parameter 2 byte, X - parameter number
user_4u_X Custom parameter 4 byte (unsigned), X - parameter number
user_4f_X Custom parameter 4 byte (float IEEE 754), X - parameter number
user_8u_X Custom parameter 8 byte (unsigned), X - parameter number
user_8f_X Custom parameter 8 byte (float IEEE 754), X - parameter number

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