The Escort wireless tilt sensor DU-BLE

Vendor of the Escort wireless tilt sensor DU-BLE – Escort.

The Escort DU-BLE wireless tilt sensor is designed to measure the angle of deflected parts of various mechanisms and determine the direction of rotation.

Advantages of the Escort DU-BLE wireless tilt sensor over wired solutions:

  1. Wireless data transmission (information is transmitted via the Escort BLE protocol via the Bluetooth LE radio channel);
  2. Quick and easy installation, due to the lack of wires;
  3. Easy setup via the mobile app;
  4. A new mode – «Rotation mode» (horizontal and vertical) is added;
  5. The DU-BLE tilt sensor is compatible with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) data transmission technology with trackers from such manufacturers as Teltonika, Navtelecom, Fort-Telecom, and Vega-Absolut.

Technical characteristics

  • Radio channel frequency 2,4 GHz
  • Power supply voltage 3 … 3,7 V
  • Current, no more than 17 mA
  • Data exchange output Bluetooth LE (BLE)
  • Receiver sensitivity / transmitter power -96 dBm / +4 dBm
  • Data exchange protocol Escort BLE
  • Range (under normal operating conditions in absence of interference and obstacles when working with the BLE-RS485 adapter) 10m
  • Margin of error ±1°
  • Operating conditions:
      ambient temperature -45 … +50 °С
      ambient atmosphere pressure 84 … 106,7 kPa
  • Ingress protection marking IP69S
  • Explosion proof mark 0Ex ia IIB T6X
  • Dimensions, no more than 100х100х50mm
  • Weight, no more than 0,3kg

Learn more about the sensor at the manufacturer's website.

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