Fuel level Sensor DUT M2M

Vendor of fuel level sensor DUT M2M is M2M Ukraine.

Fuel level Sensor DUT M2M is designed for precision fuel level measurement in all kinds of vehicles tanks, also in tanks of fixed installations. Output signal is used as digital or as an analog. DUT M2M have custom length.Measurement inaccuracy, ±1%. Sensor DUT M2M allows to monitor the fuel level, as well as, the use of together with systems monitoring and dispatching vehicles, gives opportunity to mathematically calculate the fuel fillings, fuel thefts. Sensors of our production are successful in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Feature of the sensor is the ability to quickly change the length of installation and calibration directly in the field. Availability built-in microprocessor allows to create the necessary working. Cast aluminum construction predotvraschet sabotage attempts and excretion sensor failure. It is also possible to install sensors level machine with two tanks.

Fuel level Sensor DUT M2M Specifications:

Fuel level sensor TS Sensor UZ DUT-0.8
  • Power supply, 12 V, 24 V
  • Measurement inaccuracy of output signal, ±5%
  • Measurement inaccuracy of output signal (temperature, -40 ..+55⁰С ), ±5%
  • Power vehicle, >1,0 В·А.
  • Output voltage range, 2 ... 6 V
  • Time to steady mode, >20 c
  • Continuous working of DUT is not limited
  • Measurement error in dynamic mode, better than 3%
  • Weight, >2.0 kg
  • Time to failure, more 12500 hours
  • Gamma-percent storage time for = 95%, 12 years
  • Protection degree better IP66

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