Fuel Level Sensor Omnicomm LLS 20230

Vendor of LLS 20230 is Omnicomm.

Fuel level sensor LLS-AF-20310 is intended for determining the level of light oils and other liquids in metal and non-metal vessels. Fuel level information is transmitted to on-board equipment of monitoring systems periodically or upon request.

LLS 20230 Specifications:

Fuel Level Sensor Omnicomm LLS 20230
  • Power, W max 0,4
  • Supply voltage from BIS 20240, V DC 8.0 — 10,5
  • Output interface:
    1. Physical level RS-232 and EIA-485
    2. Speed of data transmission, bits per second 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
  • Mode of operation, continuous
  • Discrimination (resolution), points 1 — 4095
  • Offset of the digital scale, points 0 — 1023
  • Ratio error of the level detection:
    1. Rate of ambient temperature change, – 60 °С... + 60 °С, % max ±0,8
    2. Rate of ambient temperature change, – 60 °С... + 80°С, % max ±1,0
  • Operation temperature, °С –40,0... +80,0
  • Temperature range (critical points), C –60,0... +85,0
  • Dust and water protection, IP57
  • Electrical intrinsically parameters:

  • Maximum Input voltage, Ui,V - 10.5
  • Maximum input current, Ii,A - 0.45
  • Maximum internal capacity, Ci,uF - 10
  • Maximum internal inductance, Li,mH - 0.5

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