Fuel Level Sensor Siensor D107

Vendor of Siensor D107 is Siensor.

The Siensor D107 liquid level sensor is an intelligent device designed for accurate measurement of fuel level in vehicle tanks and stationary reservoirs (diesel generators, boiler installations, oil storages, etc.). Siensor D107 measures fuel level and transmits data to the terminal via RS-232 or RS-485 interfaces which is displayed in litres or percentage.

Siensor D107 has a long-term service. The manufacturer’s limited warranty is valid for 5 years from date of purchase. Siensor D107 features proper noise suppression, high accuracy data transmission and maximum measurement resolution. Complete galvanic isolation provides high level of power supply circuit protection. Data processing algorithms enable high-accuracy detection of fuel filling, draining and consumption.

Siensor D107 is compatible with most liquid types. On request, it is possible to order the product with the length of a measuring part different from the original one.

Siensor D107 Specifications:

Fuel Level Sensor Siensor D107
  • Relative reduced measurement error
    1. Within the range of - 60°С to + 60°С, %: max ±0.8
    2. Within the range of - 60°С to + 80°С, %: max ±1.0
  • Temperature measurement error, °С: max ±2
  • Level measurement range: 1 to 4095
  • Data rate, bps: 1200; 2400; 4800; 9600; 19200; 38400; 57600; 115200
  • Power supply voltage, V: 7-50
  • Power consumption, W: max 0.4
  • Interaction interface with external devices: Physical RS-232 and RS-485
  • Temperature measurement range, °С: – 55 to + 80
  • Measurement interval, sec: 1
  • Shift in level measurement range: 0 to 1023
  • Operating temperature, °С: – 40 to +80
  • Extended operating temperature range*,°С: - 55 and +80
  • Dust and water protection: IP57
  • Interval of automatic data output, sec: 1 to 255
  • Size of internal measurement results filter: 0 to 30

*the sensor can take measurements, but with reduced accuracy.

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