Squarell Trailer ID system

Squarell Trailer ID system by Squarell Technology.

Squarell Trailer ID system is a compact solution developed for the specific environment that trailers are in. It solves all traditional challenges working with trailers:

  • No internal power supply required
  • Very compact and short wiring for easy installation
  • Robust for harsh environment
  • No interference or pairing problems due to unique communication between truck and trailer
  • The combination of the Squarell Trailer ID system with your GPS tracking system provides you a status message whether the trailer was connected or not and a unique ID number. In addition with the GPS location it informs you the time and location the trailer was coupled/un-coupled.The combination of the Squarell Trailer ID system with your GPS tracking system provides you a status message whether the trailer was connected or not and a unique ID number. In addition with the GPS location it informs you the time and location the trailer was coupled/un-coupled.

ASKAT Specifications:

Squarell Trailer ID system
  • Trailer ID: 3 x 2 x 1 cm, IP67
  • Trailer Data transceiver: 5,5 x 3,5 x 1,5 cm, IP67
  • Installation time less than one hour
  • Suitable for all trailers
  • Power consumption mA: 20 ±1,0
  • No batteries

Squarell Trailer ID system is integrated for Atrack, Calamp and IntelliTrac devices.

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