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Caractéristiques JM-LL302:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • Installation magnétique
  • Wi-Fi positioning
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Modification du paramètre "speed"

Afin d'identifier le boîtier JM-LL302 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: JM-LL302
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration JM-LL302 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22279

90 unités JM-LL302 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.07% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
pwr_ext Voltage level V
gsm GSM Signal Strength
imei imei number
imsi imsi number
iccid iccid number
time Time stamp
sats Number of satellites
visible_sats Visible satellites
sat#_signal_strength Satellites signal strength, where # - number
mcc LBS Main Cell Tower, mcc
mnc LBS Main Cell Tower, mnc
lac LBS Main Cell Tower, lac
cell_id LBS Main Cell Tower, cell_id
rssi LBS Main Cell Tower, rssi
lac# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, lac, where # - number
cell_id# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, cell_idm, where # - number
rssi# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, rssi, where # - number
gsm_signal_csq GSM Signal CSQ
battery_vol Battery Voltage
hdop HDOP
sequence_num Sequence Number
inputs Input’s Status, Bit 1-4: Door button status (1/0 Door Open/Close), Bit 5-8: Tamper button status (1/0 Removal/Installation) 0xff: Failed to get button status

Boot Reason

mileage Mileage statistics
real_time_mode# Real time current mode, where # - number
static_parameter_mode# Static mode parameter, where # - number
land_transport_mode# Land transportation mode, where # - number
sea_transport_mode#_1 Sea transportation mode parameter 1, where # - number
sea_transport_mode#_2 Sea transportation mode parameter 2, where # - number
is_geofence_rectangular# Circular o rectangular, 0 is circular, 1 is rectangular, where # - id
is_geofence_exit# Enter or Exit geofence, 1 is enter, 2 is exit, where # - id

Report status: Status code
0x00 Upload in fixed time interval
0x10 Door Open
0x11 Door Close
0x12 Removal
0x13 Installation
0x14 Enter Geofence
0x15 Exit Geofence
0x16 Environment Abnormal
0x17 Switch to sea transportation mode
0x18 Switch to land transportation mode
0x19 Switch to static mode
0x1A Battery low power
0x1B Overspeed

status_trig_time1 Report status: Trigger time
status_reg_content Report status: Trigger content
gps_time_status GPS is Real Time or Reupload
alm1 Alarm Bit 1
alm2 Alarm Bit 2
alm3 Alarm Bit 3
sta1 Status Bit 1
dyd Fuel/Electricity Cutoff Status
sos_num# SOS number, where # - number
center_num Centre number
fence GeoFence
mode MODE
door Door status
cit Content of Terminal Information (heartbeat msg)

Terminal Information Content
Bit0: 1 - Defense on, 0 - Defense off
Bit1:1 - ACC on, 0 - ACC off
Bit2: 1 - Charge with power connected, 0 - Charge with no power connected
Bit3: Remote lock 1 - Yes, 0 - No
Bit4–Bit5:Extended bit
Bit6: 1 - Position fixed, 0 - Not Positioned
Bit7: 1 - Cut off fuel/power, 0 - Restore fuel/power

The file contains a detailed description and specifications for SMS commands.

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