Concox JM-VL03

Concox JM-VL03
Forum de discussion

Nombre des unités

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Caractéristiques Concox JM-VL03:
  • Boîte à mémoire
Compatible avec Wialon:
  • Modification du paramètre "speed"

Afin d'identifier le boîtier Concox JM-VL03 les détails suivants sont à utiliser dans les réglages de l'unité sur Wialon :

Type du boîtier GPS: Concox JM-VL03
ID unique: imei

Précisez les paramètres suivants dans le programme de configuration ou dans la configuration Concox JM-VL03 pour les utiliser dans Wialon Hosting :

Port du serveur: 22087

15204 unités Concox JM-VL03 connectées au le centre de données Wialon — Ça fait 0.63% de nombre total des boîtiers GPS connectés.

Le diagramme ci-dessous représente la dynamique des connexions dans le centre de données Wialon au cours des 30 derniers jours:

Nom du paramètre Description Unités
pwr_ext Voltage level V
gsm GSM Signal Strength
imei imei number
imsi imsi number
iccid iccid number
time Time stamp
sats Number of satellites
visible_sats Visible satellites
sat#_signal_strength Satellites signal strength, where # - number
mcc LBS Main Cell Tower, mcc
mnc LBS Main Cell Tower, mnc
lac LBS Main Cell Tower, lac
cell_id LBS Main Cell Tower, cell_id
rssi LBS Main Cell Tower, rssi
lac# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, lac, where # - number
cell_id# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, cell_idm, where # - number
rssi# LBS Auxiliary Cell Tower, rssi, where # - number
gsm_signal_csq GSM Signal CSQ
battery_vol Battery Voltage
hdop HDOP
sequence_num Sequence Number
inputs Input’s Status, Bit 1-4: Door button status (1/0 Door Open/Close), Bit 5-8: Tamper button status (1/0 Removal/Installation) 0xff: Failed to get button status

Boot Reason

mileage Mileage statistics
real_time_mode# Real time current mode, where # - number
static_parameter_mode# Static mode parameter, where # - number
is_geofence_rectangular# Circular o rectangular, 0 is circular, 1 is rectangular, where # - id
is_geofence_exit# Enter or Exit geofence, 1 is enter, 2 is exit, where # - id

Report status: Status code
0x00 Upload in fixed time interval
0x14 Enter Geofence
0x15 Exit Geofence
0x1A Battery low power
0x1B Overspeed

status_trig_time1 Report status: Trigger time
status_reg_content Report status: Trigger content
gps_time_status GPS is Real Time or Reupload
alm1 Alarm Bit 1
alm2 Alarm Bit 2
alm3 Alarm Bit 3
sta1 Status Bit 1
dyd Fuel/Electricity Cutoff Status
sos_num# SOS number, where # - number
center_num Centre number
fence GeoFence
door Door status
cit Content of Terminal Information (heartbeat msg)

0x00: Normal

0x01: SOS alert

0x02: Power cut alert

0x03: Vibrating alert

0x04: Entered fence alert

0x05: Left fence alert

0x06: Speed alert

0x09: Tow/theft alert

0x0A: Entered GPS blind spot alert

0x0B: Left GPS blind spot alert

0x0C: Powered on alert

0x0D: GPS first fix alert

0x0E: Low external battery alert

0x0F: External battery low voltage protection alert

0x10: SIM changed alert

0x11: Powered off alert

0x12: Airplane mode on following external battery low voltage protection

0x13: Tamper alert

0x14: Door alert

0x15: Powered off due to low battery

0x16: Sound-control alert

0x17: Rogue base station detected alert

0x18: Cover removed alert

0x19: Low internal battery alert

0x20: Entered deep sleep mode alert

0x23: Fall alert

0x29: Harsh acceleration

0x2A: Sharp left cornering alert

0x2B: Sharp right cornering alert

0x2C: Collision alert

0x30: Harsh braking

0x32: Device unplugged alert


Voltage degree 0-6:

0: Lowest power and power off

1: No enough power to dial a call or send messages.

2: Low power and alarm

3: Lower power but can work normally

3~6: Work in good condition

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