ATrack AS11

ATrack AS11
Fabricante: ATrack
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features ATrack AS11:
  • 4G/LTE
  • Boîte à mémoire
  • BLE enabled
Supported in Wialon:
  • Gestion à distance via GPRS
  • Gestion à distance via SMS
  • Communication via TCP
  • Communication via UDP

The following data should also be added to ATrack AS11 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: ATrack AS11
ID único: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration ATrack AS11 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 21776

888 units of ATrack AS11 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.67% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
pwr_ext Voltage of external power supply V
pwr_int Power supply internal battery V
gsm GSM signal quality
gsm_status GSM status
dt 0-Real time report
fuel_consumption Fuel Used in 0.1 liter
analog_volt Analog voltage reading
max_speed Maximum speed between two reports
gl Google Link (N/A in AX5)
gx X-axis acceleration


gy Y-axis acceleration


gz Z-axis acceleration


motion Vehicle motion event status
engine Engine event status
Model Name: Device Model Name
Firmware Ver: Device firmware version information
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity number (Not available in AY5(i); 0 is shown)
IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity (Not available in AY5(i); 0 is shown)
CID: Card identification number of SIM card (Not available in AY5(i); 0 is shown)
Main Volt: Main power voltage in 0.1 V
Battery Volt: Backup battery voltage in 0.1 V
SATS: Numbers of GPS satellite currently used
GSM Status:

GSM Network registration status (Not available in AY5(i); 0 is shown):
0: Network not registered
1: Registered to home network
2: Searching for available network
3: Registration denied
4: Unknown
5: Registered, roaming

GPS Status:

GPS antenna status:
Bit 0: 0 -> GPS antenna connected
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 1 -> GPS antenna disconnected
Bit 1: 0 -> GPS antenna cable OK
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 1 -> GPS antenna cable short circuit
Bit 2: 0 -> GPS signal reception OK
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp 1 -> GPS signal reception timeout


The GPS tracking Mode parameter can be in conjunction with the following bits:
Bit 0: Time mode
Bit 1: Distance mode
Bit 2: ACC status (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 3: Heading change condition
Bit 4: Minimum speed (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 5: Engine status = ON. (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 6: Motion status = ON. (Must combine with Bit 0 or Bit 1)
Bit 7: Logical Operation Mode (0=AND; 1=OR; Default=0) This mode only works when combining Time, Distance, and/or Heading change. Bit 8: Reset tracking timer when event report is sent
Bit 9: Report with unique ID when in Distance Mode (Must combine with Bit 1)

min_send_time Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before reporting next position. (Min. 1 seconds)
min_send_dist Minimum distance in multiple of 10 meters that must be traveled before reporting next position. (Min. 20 meters)
min_heading Minimum heading in degree that must be changed before reporting next position. (15..180)
min_speed Minimum speed in km/h that must be achieved before reporting next position.

Specify tracking times. =0 means forever tracking.


Specify the destination for tracking report position The parameter is in conjunction with the following bits:
0: Default communication type. (i.e. Command issuer)
Bit 0: SMS
Bit 1: GPRS (This is the only option for AY5)
Bit 2: USSD
Bit 3: Serial


Specify the schedule for the report. The parameter is in conjunction with the following bits:
0 – indicates use no schedule (i.e. always on)
Bit 0 – Schedule 1
Bit 1 – Schedule 2
Bit 2 – Schedule 3
Bit 3 – Schedule 4
Bit 4 – Schedule 5
Bit 5 – Schedule 6
Bit 6 – Schedule 7
Bit 7 – Schedule 8

acc_off_time Minimum time in seconds that must elapse before reporting next position while the ACC is in Off status. ACC status in Mode must be set in order to use this time interval. (Min. 1 seconds)
coll_num Number of position to be put into one TCP/UDP packet
temp_a_id The sensor ID corresponding to temperature A
curr_a_temp The temperature reading from sensor ID A
temp_b_id The sensor ID corresponding to temperature B
curr_b_temp The temperature reading from sensor ID B

The connected port number where the Temperature Sensor connected with by different user.
1: First detected sensor
2: Second detected sensor

min_temp Minimum temperature value, and is in 0.1 °C
max_temp Maximum temperature value, and is in 0.1 °C
hold_duration A temperature holding time, and is in minute unit.
sensor_id Temperature sensor ID. This temperature sensor can be set to be index 1 or 2 by specifying the ID in this field.
gps_tm GPS Time. Unix Timestamp s
rtc_tm RTC Time. Unix Timestamp s
snd_tm Position Sending Time. Unix Timestamp s

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