Fabricante: Technotrade LLC
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Supported in Wialon:
  • Comunicação via TCP

The following data should also be added to PTS-2 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: PTS-2
ID único: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration PTS-2 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22604

8 units of PTS-2 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all Asset trackers connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
type Packet type
date_time Date and time of transaction start
pump Logical number of the pump
nozzle Nozzle number
fuel_grade_id Identifier of fuel grade
fuel_grade_name Name of fuel grade
transaction Number of transaction
volume Transaction volume
tc_volume Transaction temperature-compensated volume
price Product price
amount Transaction money amount
total_volume Volume total counter value
total_amount Money amount total counter value
tag Value of tag ID used to authorize the pump
user_id Identifier of user, who authorized the transaction
configuration_id Unique configuration identifier
tank Logical number of the tank
fuel_grade_id Identifier of fuel grade
fuel_grade_name Name of fuel grade
status Status of probe
alarm_N Probe alarms for tank
product_height Value of product height mm
water_height Value of water height mm
product_volume Value of product volume L
water_volume value of water volume L
product_ullage – value of product ullage L
product_tc_volume value of product temperature compensated volume L
product_density value of product density kg/m3
product_mass – value of product mass kg
tank_filling_percentage value of tank filling percentage %
temp Value of temperature C
end_datetime Date and time of last in-tank delivery end
pumps_dispensed_volume Value of product volume dispensed through pumps during delivery L
gps_mode – operation mode (string), possible values: ‘A’ (for Autonomous) and ‘D' (for DGPS)
device_type Strings indicating device type,
device_number Number of device, to which the alert relate
state Strings indicating alert state
code alert code
fw_datetime Firmware release date and time
pts_startup_sec Number of seconds after the controller started operation
pwr_int value of battery voltage V
cpu_temp value of CPU temperature
is_pwr_down flag showing if controller power down is detected
_nozzle_up_N pumps’ nozzle numbers taken up on pumps
_last_nozzle_N n last pumps’ transaction nozzles
_last_transaction_N last pumps’ transaction numbers
_last_volume_N last pumps’ transaction dispensed volumes
_last_amount_N last pumps’ transaction dispensed amounts
_last_price_N last pumps’ transaction product price
_request_N presently executed requests on pumps

PTS-2 forecourt controller is a powerful modern forecourt controller for provision of control over forecourt equipment of petrol stations, petroleum storage depots and fuel delivery trucks:

  • petroleum, LPG and CNG dispensers
  • automatic tank gauge systems and probes
  • price signs
  • RFID readers
  • AVI systems

PTS-2 forecourt controller general scheme

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