
Forum Discussion

Número de unidades

Features FT7500:
  • 2G
  • 3G
  • 4G/LTE
  • BLE habilitado
  • Posicionamento Wi-Fi
Supported in Wialon:
  • Acelerômetro
  • Suporte para barramento CAN
  • Gerenciamento remoto via GPRS
  • Sensores digitais
  • Comunicação via TCP

The following data should also be added to FT7500 unit properties section of Wialon GPS tracking software :

Device type: FT7500
ID único: custom

Specify the following parameters in configuration software or configuration FT7500 for use in Wialon Hosting :

Porta do servidor: 22441

2 units of FT7500 device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0% of all AVL Hardware connected.

Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days:

Parameter name Description Units
id Device ID (IMEI)
ts ISO8601 timestamp
fw_dev device firmware version
dev_model device model number

Report type

Not all reports available now

location Location object
location.lat Latitude
location.lon Longitude
loc_coarse Coarse/truncated location object

Latitude truncated to 1 decimal point

non-PII value; 11km precision for device diagnostics


Longitude truncated to 1 decimal point

non-PII value; 11km precision for device diagnostics


GPS bearing

Not reportedif loc_source = rf


Speed as measured by the GPS module, except for non vbus/vdtc reports where ECM speed is available. In these cases ECM speed is reported here converted to cm/s.

Not reportedif loc_source = rf


Stopped or moving state

Not reportedif loc_source = rf



Not reportedif loc_source = rf


lat/long given at one sigma/standard deviation, SD = accuracy. 4 sigma confidence (95%) radius would be 11.6m at reported 1 sigma accuracy of 2.9m

Not reportedif loc_source = rf


Number of satelites seen

Not reportedif loc_source = rf

dodom Odometer derived from vbus wheel speed km
lgps Lifetime GPS measurement m
enghr Calculated total engine hours s
ign Ignition on or off, if available
bat_percent remaining battery capacity percentage %
bat_volt battery voltage mV
bat_current +/- current inflow or outflow to/from battery mA
temp Device ambient temperature degC
charging Indicate battery charge status at time of report
extpower Indicate if external power is connected to device
solarma Current measurement from solar panel, not accurate in low light conditions mA
solarmv Voltage measurement from solar panel, not accurate in low light conditions mV
acc_net Cellular network mcc/mnc
acc_tech Cellular access technology
acc_band Cellular access technology band
acc_csq Cellular access technology signal level
trip_start_ts Trip start timestamp
trip_end_ts Trip end timestamp
trip_ start_lat Trip start latitude
trip_start_lon Trip start longitude
trip_end_lat Trip end latitude
trip_end_lon Trip end longitude
trip_movingTime Total trip moving time in seconds s
trip_idleTime Total trip idle time in seconds s
trip_gpsDistance Total trip distance as measured by gps m
trip_gpsBadTime Total trip time without gps fix s
trip_vbusDistance Total trip distance based on odometer m / hm - m for both J1939 and J1587 - hm (0,1 km) for OBD
trip_vbusFuel liters of fuel used on the Trip. l
trip_vbusFuelPc percent of fuel used on the Trip.
vdist Distance traveled since last vbus update, based on odometer m / hm - m for both J1939 and J1587 - hm (0,1 km) for OBD
gdist GPS measured distance m
vbat Voltage measurement from vehicle battery sent in vbus and vdtc reports mV
1979 J1979 Modes and PIDs object per J1979


J1979 Modes object containting PIDs per J1979


J1979 PIDs per J1979

J1979 Active and pending faults

dtc_m3: Active DTC from Service Mode 3 dtc_m7: Pending DTC from Service Mode 7

per J1979

J1979 Active and pending faults

dtc_m3: Active DTC from Service Mode 3 dtc_m7: Pending DTC from Service Mode 7

per J1979
1979p Properiatery and calculated J1979 data
1979p.fuelRate Calculated fuelRate when PID 5E is not available liters / hour
1939 J1939 SPN key with value unit of measure per J1939 per J1939


SPN values and ECU source address object array as read from vehicle bus per J1939


SPN value per J1939


ECU source address
1939.Active Faults J1939 Active faults containing the SPN, failure mode identifier, occurrence counter, and source address. per J1939
1939.Active Faults.spn SPN value per J1939
1939.Active Faults.fmi failure mode identifier value per J1939
1939.Active Faults.oc occurrence counter value per J1939
1939.Active Faults.srcAdd ECU source address per J1939
Changed Faults J1939 Changed faults containing the active state, SPN, failure mode identifier, occurrence counter, and source address. per J1939
1939.Changed Faults.actv active state value per J1939
1939.Changed Faults.spn SPN value per J1939
1939.Changed Faults.fmi failure mode identifier value per J1939
1939.Changed Faults.oc occurrence counter value per J1939
1939.Changed Faults.srcAdd ECU source address per J1939
1939p Proprietary J1939 object Simillar to 1939 object, keys with following format: MFG#_PGN_SPN_Starting-byte-position E.g.: 10_65481_2551_1 (Stage 1 Fuel DP Adv Res)
1587 J1587 object containing PID value pairs per J1587


PID value pairs as read from vehicle bus per J1587
vin Vehicle Identification Number from vehicle bus
vin_coarse VIN limited to first 11 digits (make,model,year but not serial number)
vchg_type VIN change report reason
sensors External sensors object
sensors.id Array of external temperature sensor IDs


External temperature sensor ID
sensors.value Array of external temperature sensor values


External temperature sensor value degC
door Trailer door open or close status
ut Device uptime s
fw_mod Modem firmware version
accel ts is float representing seconds before time of event x, y, z is calibrated data
gyro ts is float representing seconds before time of event x, y, z is calibrated data
data harsh reporting data: theta: degrees mag : milliG ts : seconds (before the report time stamp
drv_id Driver Id
drv_ev The Driver event. Logged on or logged off
ext Custom field that can be used by the end user to add additional context. For example a ClientID.
digInp Digitial Input Value. The Name can range from 1 to 8. digInp1 … digInp8
theta The moving vector angle in X-Y space which signifies forward direction of the vehicle
gravity_matrix The gravity matrix which signifies the rotational matrix for the Z-axis pointing straight down

The Type of ELD record p_off, p_on - Power Disconnected / Connected e_off, e_on - Engine Off / On m_start, m_stop - Motion Start / Stop motion - Periodic Motion update g_lost, g_acq - GPS Lost / Acquired vin - VIN detected c_start, c_end - Client (BLE) Connected / Disconnected diag - Diagnostic / Malfunction raw - Raw (used at BLE clients discretion)

Refer to ELD API specification for details.

eldVer The version of the ELD record store.
eldNum The ELD record number (unique for each record)

ELD motion record structure ign - Ignition On (1) or Off (0) spd - Vehicle Speed (km/h) odo - Vehicle Odometer (5 meters per tick) moving - Moving (1) or Stopped (0) pAge - PositionAge - Minutes since last GPS Fix odoD - Derived Odometer (5 meters per tick) ehrDerived - Derived Engine Hours (3 minutes per tick) vbus - vehicle bus detected (1) or not (0) ehr - Vehicle Total Engine Hours (3 minutes per tick)

Refer to ELD API specification for details.


Session Info Data - String of (up to 48) hex bytes in an ELD Client Session Start (c_start) or Client Session End (c_end) record. A Client Session Start record is optionally written into the devices ELD store by a connected BLE client (this Session Info Data is included at the discretion of the connected client). A Client Session End record is automatically recorded by the device when it detects that a BLE Disconnect has occurred. The record will include the Session Info Data that was included by the Client in the Start record, or 0x00 if none was written (or no Start was written).

Refer to ELD API specification for details.


Raw Data - String of (up to 253) hex bytes in an ELD Raw record. Raw data optionally written by a connected BLE client into the device's ELD store.

Refer to ELD API specification for details.


ELD Diagnostic and Malfunction state data. A "malfunc" value of 0x10 indicates a “Data recording compliance” malfunction is in progress A "diag" value of 0x01 indicates a "Power Data diagnostic" event is in progress

Refer to ELD API specification for details.


Devices detected during a BLE Scan (can contain up to 15 found devices). data - The raw data observed from advertising data and/or scan response. rssi - the observed rssi mac - the mac address of the device

Included in BLE report types.

OdoWarn At the end of a trip, if the delta of the derived based distance traveled and odometer based reading distance traveled is greater than 100km then Odowarn is 1 else it is 0.
hsMacCon MAC address of device connecting via WIFI hotspot
hsMacDiscon MAC address of device disconnecting via WIFI hotspot
hsTransition Hotspot enabled/disabled, Internet available/not-available state

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