report_type |
Report Type
rep_id |
Report ID
rep_type |
Report type (GT###)
mcc |
Mobile country code
mnc |
Mobile network code
lac |
Location area code in hex format
cell_id |
Cell ID in hex format |
mileage |
The current total mileage
hour_meter_count |
Hour Meter Count
h |
h_m_count |
Hour Meter Count
h |
battery |
Backup Battery Percentage
% |
ign |
Ignition status
motion_state |
Device status - 16 (Tow): The device attached vehicle is ignition off and it is towed.
- 1A (Fake Tow): The device attached vehicle is ignition off and it might be towed.
- 11 (Ignition Off Rest): The device attached vehicle is ignition off and it is motionless.
- 12 (Ignition Off Motion): The device attached vehicle is ignition off and it is moving before it is treated as being towed.
- 21 (Ignition On Rest): The device attached vehicle is ignition on and it is motion less
- 22 (Ignition On Motion): The device attached vehicle is ignition on and it is moving
- 41 (Sensor Rest): The device attached vehicle is motionless without ignition signal detected
- 42 (Sensor Motion): The device attached vehicle is moving without ignition signal detected
pwr_ext |
External Power Voltage |
iccid |
csq_rssi |
- GSM signal level of the terminal
gsm |
GSM signal level of the terminal
csq_ber |
The quality of the GSM signal. The range is 0-7, 99 for unknown.
bat_status |
Whether the external power supply is connected. - 0: Not connected
- 1: Connected
charging |
Whether the backup battery is charging when the main power supply is connected. - 0: Not charging
- 1: Charging
led_on |
Indicate whether the LED’s are turned on:
din_status |
A bitwise hex integer to represents the logical status of the digital input. From the lowest bit to the highest bit, each bit represents ignition detection and one of the digital inputs 1 respectively. For each bit, 0 means disable status, 1 means enable status.
dout_status |
A bitwise hex integer to represents the logical status of the digital output. From the lowest bit to the highest bit, each bit represents one of the digital outputs 1 – 2 respectively. For each bit, 0 means disable status, 1 means enable status
time_zone |
The time offset of the local time zone to the UTC time. |
m |
daylight_saving |
The current setting of the daylight saving. - 0: Daylight saving is disabled
- 1: Daylight saving is enabled
data_type |
The data reported to backend server is recorded before or after crash. - 0: before crash.
- 1: after crash.
frames_count |
Total number of messages that are sent to the bckend server for the crash event.
frame |
A numeric to indicate the sequence of the current message.
x_axis# |
X axis acceleration data
y_axis# |
Y axis acceleration data
z_axis# |
Z axis acceleration data
ign_off_duration |
Duration of Ignition Off
s |
ign_on_duration |
Duration of Ignition On
s |
state |
The current motion state when the vehicle leaves idling status.
idle_dt |
The time that the vehicle has been in idling status.
s |
gps_signal_status |
GPS Signal Status: - 0 means lost GPS signal or no successful GPS fix,
- 1 means GPS signal recovered and successful GPS fix.
sats |
Satellite Number
wave1_out_id |
ID of the output With wave shape 1
wave1_out_active |
The output status with wave shape 1
roaming_state |
Roam state : - 0 Home
- 1 Known Roaming
- 2 Unknow Roaming
- 3 Blocking Report
jamming_status |
The current Jamming status of the device. - 1: Quit the jamming.
- 2: Enter the jamming.
jamming_cw |
Continuous wave(narrowband) jamming detection threshold |
dB |
jamming_gps |
Broadband jamming detection threshold
dB |
is_pwr_ext |
External Power Supply
mcu_ver |
MCU Version
hw_ver |
Hardware Version
fw_ver |
Firmware Version |
pin_mode |
It configures the working mode of Pin6 on the connector. Bit 0 Reserved. Bit 1 Reserved. Bit 2 is PING. Set it to 0 to configure as digital input 1, set it to 1 to configure as output3.