Gosafe G16S

Gosafe G16S
Fabricante: Gosafe
Discusión en el foro

Cantidad de unidades

En línea
Características Gosafe G16S:
  • Caja negra

Para que el sistema de rastreo Wialon identifique los datos de Gosafe G16S en el diálogo de configuración de la unidad, indique los siguientes datos :

Tipo de dispositivo: Gosafe G16S
ID único: serial

Indique los siguientes parámetros en el programa de configuración o en la configuración Gosafe G16S para utilizarlos en Wialon Hosting :

Puerto del servidor: 22639

En el centro de servicio Wialon se utilizan 26 unidades Gosafe G16S — es 0.02% de la cantidad total de dispositivos Rastreador de activos conectados.

La gráfica representa la cantidad de conexiones en el centro de servicio Wialon en los últimos 30 días:

Nombre del parámetro Descripción Unidades de medida
acc ACC status. 0 - off, 1 - on
avl_driver Serial number of ibutton
cidN The identifier of GSM base station N

Device status. Each bit represents one kind of event

Event status identifier

Bit Explanation Status 0 Status 1
Bit0 bExtPwr External power supply Normal Low or high
Bit1 bInterBat Backup battery Normal Low or high
Bit2 bMoving Moving Still Move
Bit3 bSpdOver Over speed Normal Over
Bit4 bIDiling Idle Normal Idle
Bit5 bTow Tow Normal Tow
Bit6 bAntiJam GSM jamming Normal Jamming
Bit7 bRoaming Domestic roaming Normal Roaming
Bit8 bInterRoam International roaming Normal Roaming
Bit9 bUrgent Harsh behavior Normal Harsh brake/accelerate
Bit10 bAccIDent AccIDent Normal Front collision/Rear collision
/Turn over
Bit11 bGeoFence Geo-fence Normal In or out
Bit12 bAdc1 ADC1 input Normal Abnormal (Lower or higher)
Bit13 bAdc2 ADC2 input Normal Abnormal (Lower or higher)
Bit14 bStop Parking Parking Not parking
Bit15 bWorkStatus Private hour Normal Under private hour

diN_freq Digital input N frequency Hz
diN_pulse Digital input N pulse
dtt_event_status DTT data event status
engine_hours Engine hours hour
event_id Event ID
event_status Event status identifier
geo_fence Geofence number that is triggered
geo_fenceM_N Number M to N Geofences status. Each bit represents each Geofence, bit 0 to bit N-M+1 represents Geofence M to Geofence N. 0 - outside Geofence or there is no Geofence assigned to device, 1 - inside Geofence
geo_local_tm Local time when Geofence event is triggered
geo_speed Speed when Geofence event is triggered km/h
geo_status Bit field. Bit0: 1 - over speed, 0 - speed is normal. Bit1: 1 - inside Geofence, 0 - outside Geofence
gps_fix GPS fix. 1 - fixed, 0 - not fixed
gsm_level Signal strength, range is 0 to 5
lacN The zone code of GSM base station N
mccN Mobile country code (base station N)
mncN Mobile network code (base station N)
mileage Accumulated mileage of a vehicle m
omn_freq Frequency value. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
omn_level Relative level. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
omn_temp Temperature. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor °C
pwr_ext External power supply voltage Volt
pwr_int Backup battery voltage Volt
reg_status GSM registration status
rssiN Signal strength (base station N) dBm
sender_addr The network address of the message sender. Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor
tsN Temperature sensor value. N - sensor serial number °C
x_axis_accel X axis acceleration magnitude value g
y_axis_accel Y axis acceleration magnitude value g
x_axis_brake X axis braking magnitude value g
y_axis_brake Y axis braking magnitude value g
x_axis_corner X axis cornering magnitude value g
y_axis_corner Y axis cornering magnitude value g
x_axis_fr_col X axis front collision magnitude value g
y_axis_fr_col Y axis front collision magnitude value g
x_axis_rear_col X axis rear collision magnitude value g
y_axis_rear_col Y axis rear collision magnitude value g
x_axis_turnover X axis turnover magnitude value g
y_axis_turnover Y axis turnover magnitude value g

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