Deliver fresh fruits on time with Wialon

3 janeiro, 2019
Olga Voytikhovich

A major producer of tropical fruits in Southeast Asia manages a large number of cold storage facilities and the full production and delivery cycle. The company addressed our partner Phoenix Solusi Indonesia in an attempt to find the solution for their problems. Read ahead to know more.

The challenges

The customer needed the enhancement of almost all areas of operations: fleet management, fuel, delivery, and temperature control.

  • First of all, they faced high operational costs which were the result of fuel thefts during unauthorized stops. Thus, the producer wanted to control fuel.

  • Secondly, temperature monitoring (or rather a lack of it) led to a high percentage of the product spoilage. The company needed to make sure that temperature control is well-run both during transportation from farms and inside cold storages themselves. 

  • Thirdly, the client wanted to reduce the time spent on a single trip.

All these challenges served one purpose: fruits and vegetables that the company was producing had to be fresh and ready to retail, delivered promptly and without financial losses.

The solution

Gurtam partner offered to fight unauthorized stops by controlling scheduled checkpoint visiting in the Routes module in Wialon. Additionally, the partner placed geofences with entry notifications in the areas where the drivers are not supposed to be.

Delivery time management was done through tracking time in loading/unloading checkpoints. The actual time of the trip was compared to standard values to find out if it was ok or could be improved. Parking reports were also used for tracking overstay:

The challenges

On the fuel theft side, the partner installed ultrasonic sensors and created custom sensors in Wialon. Wialon fuel management and reporting functionality helped to define how much fuel was used at the route segment, define thefts if any, and generate alerts in these cases. The alert is captured in the proprietary content management system, and an incident for investigation is created. There, they perform a cross driver and unit comparison. 

1-Wire temperature sensors purchased from different providers monitored the temperature of the evaporator air stream in the truck. This ensured the early detection of cooling system failure. 

The challenges

Then, the driver takes steps to make sure the cargo is not damaged. The same sensors were used in the cold storages as well.

The results

The results exceeded all customer’s expectations:

Delivery time optimization allowed adding one trip per driver per day. It means almost 1.5 extra tons of fruits delivered per month. Such a great result helped to win two new major contracts alongside with excellent reputation in the market!

Because the partner had better visibility into the operating conditions of the vehicle, better maintenance planning could be done. The client estimated the improvement in truck utilization by around 10%. 

Product quality increased when the fruits were delivered to the customer while the amount of wasted products reduced. So, there was no price reduction needed to compensate for the off-spec fruits.

Do you think you could realize a similar project? Go ahead and try! Or maybe you have already done it or realized even more ambitious and complicated one? Tell us about it by sending a message to You can also fill in a special form in the “Marketing support” section at

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.


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