Update: what’s new in January 2019?

10 janeiro, 2019
Olga Voytikhovich

We work non-stop to provide you with new features. In January, we focused on Wialon Hosting and Apps.

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

In “Unit properties” you can select the way the system records speedings:

  1. By the limits that you set up manually;

  2. By actual speed limits on the roads (yes, Wialon already comprises this data).

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Now, the same function is available in notifications: you can select the type of speeding control that will trigger alarms. For that, we added a new “Road speed limits” option in notification settings. 

*You should specify “Tolerance on speeding” value while configuring a notification otherwise it will be the same as in the unit properties.

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Implemented report generation in the background 

While waiting for your analytics, keep monitoring units in real time. The reports are now generated in the background. This is how it goes:

  • Press “Execute” in the report panel;

  • The icon of “Reports” tab changes into the loading circle while you keep working with the system; 

  • As soon as the report is ready, you will see the message at the bottom of the screen, the tab icon changes back into the regular one and starts flashing on and off. Upon clicking on it, you will find your report completed.

If you decided to abort report generation, go ahead – the system allows for it now.

Changed the order of sensors in the chart legend 

Now, sensors order in the chart legend is the same as in “Unit properties.”   

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

NimBus: enhanced Locator 

After clicking on a Locator link, passengers will see the estimated time of arrival of the transport taking into account deviations from the route at the previous stops. 

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Wialon Local: we improved the administrator panel 

Added new parameters to monitor the server in real time and the tools to analyze data for the past period. Some time ago, we wrote about it on our blog. Check out this article if you missed it somehow during the holiday rush.


Added the option of sending notifications to Telegram

Read notifications right in the messenger – talk to your friends and do business at the same time. Set up Fleetrun fast and flawless with the help of the step-by-step guide

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Added charts by months on “Dashboard” tab 

Fleetrun shows the total cost of maintenance, mileage, and engine hours of the fleet on the charts. Now, you can view this data for one or several months. It is more suitable for a comparative analysis of the maintenance costs.

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Realized the quick selection of the unit type

Specify the unit type right after you added it to Fleetrun. First and foremost, to ensure handy search and filtration. To do so, you don’t have to open the profile of each unit on the list – select the vehicle type from the dropdown list in the first column.

Added speeding notifications based on “Road speed limits”

Developed API

Fleetrun API is here. You can develop Fleetrun-based solutions or integrate it with any apps by third-party developers. If you have any questions, contact us at mars@gurtam.com.   

Supported white label 

You can personalize Fleetrun for your business. Change the name, the links for documentation, the GIS source name, and place the app on your DNS. Get all the details by writing to sales@gurtam.com

That was the month for our development team. We hope you haven’t missed the article on the Gurtam year’s results. If you did, get back to the article and read this riddle.

This is all so far, but only for January. In February, we will be back with the latest developments.

marketing@gurtam.com is the address where we wait for your impressions and success stories.

Olga Voytikhovich
Olga Voytikhovich
A Olga é a Content Editor da Gurtam. Ela revisa os materiais de outros autores e também escreve sobre os produtos Gurtam, apresenta casos de uso de parceiros da melhor maneira possível e fala sobre as atualizações do sistema. Na verdade, a Olga ajuda com o conteúdo de quase todos os recursos da Gurtam.


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