Streamlining long-haul transportation with Wialon: best IoT use cases

13 fevereiro, 2023
Alena Kashkevich

Companies specializing in long-haul transportation are among the most frequent Wialon users. The platform covers a wide range of requirements for this industry, but Wialon partners must integrate the platform into their business processes and tailor the solution to specialized customer needs. The IoT project of the year competition showed that they cope with these tasks perfectly.

What solutions help reduce the wear of spare parts to the minimum? How to effectively use artificial intelligence for road accident management? How much does driver behavior control minimize fuel consumption? You’ll find answers to these questions in today's collection of the best IoT projects of 2022.

High-value asset tracking: visibility for cash machines transportation

cash machines transportation

Wialon users transport various cargo types, including some surprises. For example, our partner Pod Group was tasked with finding a sustainable solution for tracking cost-intensive and extremely sensitive banknote processing systems transported in wooden boxes for a German payment company. The Wialon partner helped select the most suitable GPS tracking devices and offered dashboards presenting all the data about cash machine shipping. This way, the client is always aware of when the wooden box with a cash machine had been opened and in which direction the goods were transported. After the project implementation, thefts fell by 90%. 

Explore the solution for high-value asset tracking in our use cases library.

Driver behaviour monitoring system for a transportation company in Poland

eco-driving for transportation company in poland

This project demonstrates that the Eco Driving solution can increase road safety and cut costs for spare parts and fuel. Polish Wialon partner ATK GPS delivered a solution like this to an international transportation company. As a result, the client stated that the mileage of the brake pads of the tractor increased to 650,000 km, and the average reduction in fuel consumption reached 5 liters per 100 km. In addition, the solution improved the durability of vehicle parts. For example, brake disc wear has been reduced to 0.7 mm per 100,000 km. 

Learn more about the driver behaviour monitoring system developed by ATK GPS on our website.

Driver behavior and fuel consumption control system for a Chilean company

driver behavior and fuel consumption controlReduced fuel consumption, better driving habits, and the opportunity to prevent vehicle breakdowns and downtime – these are the goals that most transportation companies strive to achieve. Wialon partner GPS Chile armed Transportes Ortega, one of the biggest transportation companies in Chile, with a fleet management and fuel control solution that addressed these aims. After the project implementation, the client noticed a 5% reduction in fuel consumption and more careful driving behavior and started saving on maintenance thanks to the real-time engine tracking. 

Go to the full description of the fuel consumption control system and learn how GPS Chile allowed the client to receive and study data on parameters unavailable to competitors.

Driver safety monitoring system for a transportation company in the Arctic

driver safety monitoring system

Arranging GPS tracking for cargo transportation in severe weather conditions is challenging, but Wialon partner Montrans coped with it eagerly. The company developed a driver safety monitoring system for a carrier operating in the Arctic. The gem of the solution is a four-button driver alert system that lets drivers inform a dispatcher about the four most common problems that may occur during transportation in the north: bad weather conditions, health issues, road accidents, and breakdowns. Montrans have taken several other measures to secure the client's drivers and vehicles. 

Read about them in the case study describing this remarkable driver safety monitoring system.

Сargo and vehicle theft prevention system for a Mexican multinational corporation

cargo and vehicle theft prevention system

Wialon partner Cobertura Total en Telemetria Mexico (CTTMX) developed the project for SuKarne, a Mexican multinational corporation based in Culiacán. The company is the largest meat and poultry exporter in the country, occupying at least 76% of the market share. CTTMX suggested equipping the client’s product containers with GPS trackers. The TRM BUGS system developed by CTTMX allows the client’s management and administration to track each tracking device. Implementing this solution led to significant loss reduction and helped uncover the organized criminal cells involved in vehicle and product theft across the country. 

Read the details on this outstanding vehicle theft prevention system in our use cases library.

Driver risk management system for a cargo management company in Tanzania

driver risk management system

This project is also an ode to driver behavior control systems and has received the "Special Recognition" award in the 2022 IoT project of the year contest. Bravo Logistics was looking for ways to reduce its operating costs which were high due to excessive idling, traffic fines, night driving, and overloading. Afritrack offered Bravo a Wialon-based solution to effectively tackle driver risk management and vehicle alerts, using a driver scoring system, BI reports, and an alert dashboard. As a result, the client can detect high-risk drivers, minimize financial losses by reducing idling time, and prevent dangerous situations thanks to the immediate detection of unacceptable driving.

Go to the case study and explore the driver risk management system in detail.

Driver behavior monitoring based on OBC tracking

driver behavior monitoring based on OBC tracking

Careful driving guarantees driver, vehicle, cargo, and road safety. TotalEnergies, which produces and delivers fuel, natural gas, and electricity, totally agreed with this fact and was looking for the appropriate solution to control its drivers. The company turned to our Jordanian partner TrakLink. They developed a Wialon-based solution that incorporated video telematics, data from OBCs, and a custom-built app to bring together all the information. The project implementation resulted in an 85% reduction in serious driving events, 90% fewer overspeeding cases, and 95% more compliance with labor law. For these exceptional achievements, the solution was honored with the "Special Recognition" award in the IoT project of the year 2022 competition. 

How did TrakLink manage to achieve such results? Learn all the details of the driver behavior monitoring solution in the case study.


Accident monitoring system with AI cameras for a transportation company in Mexico

accident monitoring system with AI cameras

It costs carriers time, money, and strain on their nerves to prove their case to an insurer or customer. Such situations can be avoided when there is indisputable evidence in photos, videos, and telemetry. The Wialon partner from Mexico, Cobertura Total en Telemetria Mexico (CTTMX), offered its client a solution that not only provides evidence but also helps monitor road accidents. The system communicates with the operator using artificial intelligence cameras from Howen. Consequently, driver behavior is under control, and the number of accidents can be reduced. In any case, the client will have tangible proof to come out of a possible dispute. Take a closer look at the accident monitoring system delivered by CTTMX.

Discover even more success stories from our partners operating in different industries. Subscribe to the blog updates to be the first to read IoT use cases like these and learn the latest news about Wialon GPS tracking system.

Alena Kashkevich
Alena Kashkevich
A Alena é Senior Copywriter na Gurtam. Suas postagens estão sempre repletas de dados e exemplos da vida real que os parceiros Wialon podem colocar em prática imediatamente.


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