Mexico welcomes Gurtam: partner conference and Expo Seguridad 2018

23 maio, 2018
Anna Glonassova

We hold Gurtam partner conference in Mexico for the third time already and set up a new record! 140 industry professionals both integrators and hardware manufacturers gathered in the conference hall. It was twice as many as the year before. And each of them got some fresh ideas from the presentations of our integrators and technology partners.

Our speakers started with Wialon: told about the market trends influencing the system development, the reasons to use new features, and how integrators could raise their profits with Wialon. Then we translated the theory into practice. Our Wialon usage case studies allowed nobody to stay uninterested. Listening to how your partner carries out the project on river transport monitoring, you can’t help thinking “I can do that too.” And you can indeed!

Need a substantial background in the delivery of challenging projects and development of Wialon-based solutions? Epol, WTracking, CCTMX, Golden M, Concrebase representatives shared theirs. And after the presentations of Howen, BCE, Teltonika, Escort, ORBCOMM, ATrack, and Suntech there was an excellent chance to pick up hardware as well.

“Even the partners that take part in the event for the third time in a row notice that each time the presented information is up-to-date,” Sergei Leuchanka, Managing Director, Americas shares his impressions.

Later on, we raised the issue of passenger transportation management that existed in the region and offered NimBus, our solution. Katerina Alexandrova, Business Analyst, prepared a detailed presentation on a new app for public transportation control that would perfectly fit private, municipal, and corporate fleets. “That’s what we need!” – we could see this thought in partners’ eyes. The participants were very active asking questions about new features, expressing their wishes on the product further development, and complaining about transportation arrangement. All these helped us to look at the market from a different angle.


“The topic of passenger transportation is challenging in the countries of Latin America. The sphere here can be roughly divided into three parts: public, staff, and schoolchildren transportation. Each group has its specific aspects, and now we know more about how to work with all of them. We hope that NimBus usage will help to arrange passenger transportation in the right way and improve its quality in the region,” Katerina says. 

flespi, an innovative backend platform by Gurtam got particular attention from the audience. Only a few partners knew what was flespi about before the conference. “This is unfair,” Sergei Leuchanka, Managing Director, Americas thought and volunteered to introduce flespi concept to the guests. For half an hour, Sergei has presented the product, showcased the configurator with the help of working Queclink GL300 tracker, and demonstrated how to use flespi to monitor temperature and custom developments.

After the speakers’ talk, the guests had an opportunity to ask questions and communicate with speakers during coffee-breaks and drinks reception. The conference finished in one go, but we are sure that information, ideas, and impressions received are quite enough for a year in advance!

P.S. All conference presentations are already available in a conference section at my.gurtam. com.

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On the following day, Gurtam team headed for Expo Seguridad, the most significant exhibition in Latin America dedicated to safety and security solutions and products. The event gathered 400 regional and international companies and 16,000 visitors, a thousand more than last year. Gurtam booth attracted lots of guests: integrators that hadn’t had enough of our speakers the previous day, partners that brought over their sub-dealers, and hardware manufacturers such as Streamax Technology, Oigo Telematics, Queclink. 


We did our best to talk to each visitor. It didn’t matter if you wanted to track regular buses in a small town or concrete-mixers in the capital because we would tell how to connect them to Wialon.

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After the exhibition, Sergei Leuchanka, Managing Director, Americas, and Ricardo Sandor, VP of Business Development, Latin America, visited the office of CTTMX, our Mexican partner, located in Culiacán. And were just surprised! Because of the 5 year anniversary of cooperation with Gurtam, the guys prepared a festive banner and a cake with captions in Belarusian, Spanish, and English! 


Previously, partners read the poem in Belarusian and today we see congrats in native language on the cake. We are happy that the community brings together partners in 130 countries and erases language barrier alongside with geographical one. 

A lot of important events still await us. You can find the list of all conferences and exhibitions in our calendar. Meanwhile, registration for Gurtam partner conference in Minsk is well under way.

Anna Glonassova
Anna Glonassova
A Anna é a pau para toda obra da equipe de marketing da Gurtam. Ela está envolvida em todas as atividades, desde a comunicação com os parceiros Wialon nas redes sociais até a transmissão ao vivo de eventos da comunidade.


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